9. Something Lost Now Found, Something Stolen/Borrowed


Okay, so seducing Ethan was not the brightest idea nor the best course of action. But I really did want to take his mind off the impending death we're all facing in nine days. But he not only shot me down, he utterly destroyed me. Had I known that my leaving him would do this to him, I'd have found another way.

I was being honest when I told him I would only have sex with him. He was the only one I ever wanted anyway. But when he told me that he hated me, it cut deep. It was one thing to suspect or know that he hated me, but to hear it from him hurt way worse than I could ever imagine.

I deserve this after what I did. I was ready to give up on my pursuit and just accept that Ethan and I would never be friends again, let alone lovers. That is until I found something while reaching into the nook between the refrigerator and the counter for the batteries. It was Ethan's fob watch necklace. I held it in my hand, amazed that it was here after all this time.

"What do you have there?" he asked.

I snapped out of my daze and hid the necklace from him. "Oh nothing, but when we get back, you may need to really clean that area. It's filthy there. I'm going to go wash my hands. Here are the batteries," I handed over the batteries and immediately ran for the bathroom.

Once inside, I locked the door and turned on the faucet. I looked at the watch. The glass cover on the face was cracked badly, it was not ticking, possibly due to the battery in it being dead for so long.

Dani told me to believe in hope and fate, yet here it was giving me one hell of a sign. A sign that symbolizes both Ethan and our relationship. Broken, but fixable. This watch gave me a reason not to give up, to keep on trying to make things right no matter what. I hide the watch in my pocket and compose myself.

I turn off the faucet and open the door to find Ethan waiting on the other side.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

"Fine," I answered back. "It was just really filthy in there."

"Umm ok, We'd better get going."

"Ethan," I called to him as he made his way to the kitchen. "I'm sorry about coming on to you just now. I was truly wanting to help take your mind off it and nothing more."

"You're forgiven, but only for that. I still haven't forgiven you on the rest."

"I'll take it." I grin at the possibility that I can still make things right and maybe win back his heart.

Ethan and I loaded up the SUV and made our way back to my loft. The whole way we rode in silence, but I occasionally stole glances at him. No matter what it takes, I will fix everything.

We returned to the garage and Ethan pulled out a box. "For tonight." He said.

We returned to the loft and were surprised to see several containers of gasoline in the living area and Aaron playing on his phone.

"We're back." I said as we approached.

"Where did all these gas containers come from?" asked Ethan.

Aaron chuckled and said, "Well, funny story."


After Ethan and Riley had left to go get the supplies, I kept worrying about what Riley had said about getting gas. Galveston is close to 300 miles away and for these guys to take me home and come back, they will need gas for the trip.

I felt bad that I was the only one not contributing to this trip. Riley was providing his car, Ethan was providing his supplies, and I have nothing. No money, no skills to help with the journey. There must be something I can contribute.

Then I thought of a solution. I remember a garage in the building with several cars parked inside. I normally don't condone any type of theft, but if the world is ending in a few days and gas stations aren't running, then you have to do what you have to do. I feel bad about doing it, but even if it's just a few gallons, then it would be worth it.

I made sure that I left the door to the loft unlocked so I wouldn't be stranded out in the hall. I made my way down to the garage and noticed four cars just sitting there. I looked around to see if there were any gas canisters or anything I can put the gas in.

"Sure would be great if I found some gas containers, preferably full." I said to myself. After some searching, I found a maintenance room and the door was wide open. I checked inside and found two large containers full of gas and a couple small ones that were empty. Each could fit about two gallons easily. I also found a water hose that was brand new and unopened from its packaging.

I took the big containers to the loft first and then I came back down for the smaller ones. As soon as I got the hose out from the packaging, I approached one of the parked cars and started pilfering the gas from the tank. Who knew my oral skills would pay off. Stupid joke, I know. But at least it didn't take long for the gas to start flowing from the tank to the canister. Some of the gas got into my mouth and man that was nasty. Once both canisters were full, I put the hose back and carried them back to the loft.

The first thing I did after returning was wash my mouth with Riley's mouthwash to get that gasoline taste out of my mouth. After that, Ethan and Riley came back with a box full of stuff.

I told them how I got the gas and they just looked at me like they didn't know how to respond.

"That was a great idea, Aaron" Riley told me.

"Don't encourage him," said Ethan, "You could've gotten caught or hurt." His voice was full of concern. So like a dad.

"How much of that gas did you take from the cars?" asked Riley.

"Just the two small ones I swear. The two big ones were already full."

"As long as you're ok," Ethan said after a sigh of relief, "That fixes that problem." He said to Riley.

"I'm hungry, did you bring food?" I ask Ethan.

"Yeah, I'll get dinner started."

"Here," Riley said, "Let me help."

As these two worked their magic in the kitchen, I got the feeling that these two were more than friends. They were cooking like a couple would. One would prep and the other manned the stove and they even had a little banter while they were getting dinner ready. Not that I minded, the atmosphere was something I never experienced with my own family.

"Hey Aaron," Riley said after he and Ethan had put the meal together. "You wanna help set the table?"

I nodded excitedly as I set three places on the table and then dinner was served. Ethan had made chicken alfredo using angel hair pasta and a side of green beans. Riley made mashed potatoes and club sandwiches. It was a feast of sorts and I felt like I was part of a family and these two were my two dads.

Riley brought out a bottle of wine and three glasses. Ethan immediately protested.

"No way, you are not giving him alcohol."

"C'mon, Ethan," Riley replied. "Let the kid try it before he dies." He proceeded to pour a glass for me and handed it over.

"Fine" Ethan surrendered as he received his glass.

Riley raised his glass as if to propose a toast. "To our last night before taking this journey."

Ethan rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face and we both clinked our glasses together. My first sip of wine wasn't what I expected, it was really sour and it lingered in my mouth. After a few bites of food, the wine started to taste better and I started to feel good.

"We should watch a movie." Riley suggested.

"What movie?" Ethan asked.

"I have all nine Star Wars movies."

"There are nine of them?" I asked.

Ethan and Riley almost looked offended at my lack of Star Wars knowledge.

"It's time we educate you in the ways of the Force, boy." said Ethan.

Riley started with the first movie in the series. When the light saber fight was occurring, I started to drift to sleep. Last thing I saw was Darth Maul cut in half, and wishing that Ethan and Riley were my parents.