Early Bird Gets The Worm.

Following Romonus' successful acquirement of the True Longinus, he chose to stay in his house for at least a couple of weeks to let things simmer down. The main thing he and Archaon focused on was to transform the spear into a Demon Holy Spear. 

The Will of God now had nowhere to go and was slowly being tainted by the overflowing Demonic Energy in his Soul. On another note, Romonus' affinity for Light Magic was growing. This was a good thing because Light Magic was a powerful magic type that he naturally did not have. 

His was artificial through Valerie, but having the Wil of God and the True Longinus were fixing that. He had barely gone through some of the Spatial Rings, because it was so much. He would start to do it soon as all those Dantians and Corpses were used in Alchemy.

While he prospered, things in China, things took a drastic turn. After he killed the Patriarch of the Azure Sword Sect, several Elders, and over 500 Cultivators the Sect was invaded by its rival the Divine Sword Sect. 

The Azure Dragon Sect was almost destroyed, but then the Corpse Ghost Sect waited until the fighting was over to attack the weakened sects. Their Corpse Puppets, Ghosts, and Undead Monsters ravaged the ranks of even the Divine Sword Sect. 

In the end, the Ancestor of the Azure Dragon Sect emerged from seclusion to stop the destruction of his sect. Rather than stay, the Corpse Ghost Sect retreated after collecting enough bodies for their Necromancy. 

As for the Divine Sword Sect, their advanced force was saved by their own Ancestor. It was reported that the two Ancestors fought for several days which caused supernatural phenomena all over China. 

Two Semi Satan Rank Cultivators duking it out over China had caused earthquakes and other environmental devastation to rage. The Government tried to cover this up as they were controlled by the sects, but in the end, the Divine Sword Sect Ancestor prevailed.

He killed his rival at the cost of several of his treasure swords and Sword Spirits. Even at the cost of his Cultivation being reduced as he had been forced to burn some of it to achieve victory. Just as he was recovering, the Corpse Ghost Sect which was waiting to strike moved in for the kill.

Their Ancestor had been waiting like the Oriole who was hunting the Mantis. He moved in and took the weakened Sword Sect Ancestor and killed him by moving in with a giant force of Undead abominations. 

He took the Corpses the two Rivals for himself and their treasures. With that, two Ancestors of two sects fell and the Corpse Ghost Sect as their namesake left with corpses. Romonus ended up calling the Patriarch to congratulate him on his victory. 

The Patriarch knew that without Romonus blunting their forward force of the Azure Dragon Sect, the Divine Sword Sect would not have moved. He thanked him for the assistance and said that if they ever wanted to cooperate to destroy another Sect he was free. 

The Patriarch felt that Romonus was the best ally they had made in centuries as just a day in China and the power of his sect rose. The resources they plundered from the Divine Sword Sect and Azure Dragon Sect were what they needed. 

In the upcoming years, their elites would grow stronger with better Corpse Puppets and higher cultivation. Romonus was looking forward to that, but that was not the only event that happened in the next month. 

Just as he expected Tobio unleashed Longinus and began to draw attention from Stray Devils, Rouge Fallen Angels, Man Eating Yokai, and many of Japan's Monsters. His normal life was uprooted and only because of Canis Lykaon did he not die. 

He almost dropped out of school as the god-slaying dog kept growing stronger by the day. This even drew the attention of Azazel, whom Romonus called to tell him he had called dibs. 

Realizing that Romonus had a hand in this Azazel let his plan go forward. Romonus constantly kept an eye on Tobio as when he was at his most desperate he would swoop in. Canis Lykson himself was also pushing for this as Romonus and the dog had agreed to make Tobio join his peerage. 

Not realizing that his own Longinus was plotting his future, Tobio hid himself away for the entire month. Tobio skipped the Cruise Ship Heavenly of Aloha field trip of his school. 

That led to the current day April 1st just 8 days before Romonus' birthday. At the moment Romonus was sitting in front of the TV as he saw the news report of the Heavenly of Aloha sinking. 

Unlike the original that took place 2 months after the ship had 'sunk' meaning he had a giant head start. The Utsusemi weren't a thing yet, and the 4 Fiends were still untouched. 

'I better move fast.'

He was shirtless and in a pair of shorts as he had just come out of a shower. By now, Itsuki and Silvana were back at his house. He had to say that he missed the two of them, but now his entire peerage and harem were looking at the news. 

Vespera hummed at the sight before turning to him. 

"You know something about this, don't you? Some future sight?"

He grinned. 

"Yup. I know everything. This was orchestrated by an organization known as the Utsusemi. They are formed from the exiled members of the 5 Priciple Clans along with Wizards from the Magician Organization Grauzauberer. 

Not just that, Satanael a Cadre of Grigori is leading them along with Wizards from The Wizard of Oz. In this event, we will face another Longinus, the Incinerate Anthem currently held by Agusta. You know very well that I want it don't you girls?" 

Miria clenched her fist as it seemed after she joined Romonus' harem he gave her all the battles she wanted. 


Valerie smiled as just as she said she had been hard at work over the past month. She needed a week in between each person she modified and Miria had been the first. 

Valerie had unlocked Miria's Power of Destruction from her Bael Trait and increased the purity of her Amduscius Clan Trait. That had caused both her traits to fuse together into a truly deadly Destructive Demonic Lightning. 

Miria had her weakness to Holy and Light Magic removed and granted her a nearly immortal body. It was weaker than Romonus' body because she had to upgrade the natural regeneration of the user and Devils could regenerate nowhere near as fast as a Demon. Even then, she was far stronger than ever.

After her, was Akeno who had her godly blood awakened. After generations, the inheritance of her godly ancestor was so thin that even with her Cadre and Demon bloodlines it was barely stimulated. However, because of Valerie that blood was awakened and it fused with her Naphalem blood making her effectively a Demigod Naphalem.

Just like Miria she too was granted a nearly unkillable body and a purification of her Fallen Angel and Demon bloodlines. The other two who got their modifications done were Vespera and Shirone. Shirone's Nekushou bloodline got so pure that she directly grew her 4th tail meaning that only Silvana and Itsuki remained. 

As for Vespera, she got the same treatment as Romonus and had her weakness to Silver, Holy, and Light Magic removed. Her natural regeneration was pushed to a level near Romonus and the Demonic Blood she had been drinking was also refined. 

Now, she was a true Demonic Vampire with only Valerie being something similar to her. Romonus stood up and popped his back as he drew his Bloodborne Hunter suit toward him. 

"Alright then, we better move fast. Not." 

Romonus snapped his fingers and all of the spells he had placed on Tobio activated. Tobio and Canis Lyacon who was now the size of a giant dog landed in front of him in a burst of purple light. 


Romonus chuckled as he looked down at Tobio who fell on his ass. Canis Lykaon jumped into Romonus' arms like a regular dog. Romonus flipped him on his belly and began to scratch his tummy as Lykaon was a good boy. 

"Welcome back my Cousin-in-Law, good to see you safe." 

Tobio stood up quickly before turning to Romonus. He seemed shaken as he had just been watching the TV. 

"I don't care what I have to do, but help my friends. They were on that ship." 

Romonus patted his shoulder to calm him down. 

"They are not dead and that was no natural event. They were kidnapped by evil magician organizations. Meaning they are alive and they will stay alive. I can see the future Tobio and I foresaw this which is why I awakened your Longinus. 

I also know that they won't die and we will recover them. If you will trust me?" 

Tobio looked up at Romonus before calming himself down. 

"Ok, what do we do?"

Romonus turned to his peerage who all got up ready to get moving. They were all already dressed in their Bloodborne hunter suits. It was the uniform of his Peerage because it covered everything and the enchantments placed on it protected enough. 

"That is the question, there are two more organizations that will help us because this involves them. One is Grigori and the other is Grauzauberer. I am allied to the leader of the first and this involves a rouge element that went traitor of both. 

If we do not act, this will escalate and it will get in the way of my plans. Which is why I will be doing this." 

With that out of the way, Romonus waved his hand and teleported them all to Japan. To be specific he teleported them to the roof of Ryoukuu High School which was where Tobio went to High School. 

Romonus nodded to himself as his shadow started to grow larger until it encompassed the entire roof. Silvana as a Undead and Death Magic user could feel the Necromancy. 

"My shadows, track down Shigune Nanadaru, Natsume Minagawa, Kouki Samejima, and Hyousuke Koga. Track them down and bring them to me unharmed. If you cannot find them return to my side." 

He sent his shadow images from the Light Novels to each of them so they would know what they looked like. With that order, he essentially set loose 500 Shadow Slaves throughout the city. It might lead to some problems, but when did that stop him?

Once his shadows were moving he turned to his peerage. 

"If we are lucky, we might be a good chance for you all to use your new modifications." 

Itsuki raised her hand curious about something. 

"When do I get my modifications done?" 

Valerie answered that for him. 

"In 7 days. I just did Shirone so I need some time to vent some of this corruption." 

Itsuki understood that. 

"OK, I can wait." 

Valerie smiled. 

"Thanks for the understanding." 

As for Tobio, he turned to Romonus who put down Canis Lykaon as he recognized the city and roof.

"Why are you searching for those 4?" 

"They are like you and each one has a powerful Sacred Gear. Not a Longinus like Canis Lykaon, but still some of the most powerful non-Longinus. The Utsusemi Agency will be after them. That is why I sent my Shadows throughout the entire city." 

He closed his eyes as his 500 Cultivators Shadows were using their Spiritual Senses to search for anyone that matched the images he sent them. Lucky for him, since he had been prepping for this day he moved just as the ship went missing. 

Since it was nighttime and the Utsusemi had not had a chance his Shadows achieved his goal. Just as he wanted, his powerful Shadows that used to be Elders brought to him the 4 Japanese Youths. 

The 4 High Schoolers barely had any chance to react as they had been sleeping at this time. They didn't even know about the sinking ship, but now 4 flying Shadows were holding them in front of Romonus and his group. 

He grinned as he looked at the 4 Fiend Sacred Gear holders. 

"Early bird gets the worm. Good work. Return to my shadow." 

At his order, they dropped Shigune, Natsume, Kouki, and Hyousuke in front of him and his peerage. Suddenly being dragged from your bed by undead shadows and dropped in front of a bunch of people dressed in dark Victorian suits would be terrifying. 

Much less the sight of 500 such Undead Shadows surging into Romonus' shadow. It was made worse since there was a giant full moon behind Romonus which caused his eyes to glow. 

"Good evening you 4, I am sure you have so many questions on why I just kidnapped you. To put it simply, you are all possessed." 

Tobio was about to say something, but Romonus clapped his hands and instantly the 4 students in front of him kneeled over just like Tobio had. He had released their Sacred Gears which were legendary creatures of Japanese legend. 

The Tāotiè, Qióngqí, Táowù, and Húndùn. Though at the moment they just looked like a hawk, cat, dog, and a small bison not in that order. As for their wielders, they were a panting mess as their Sacred Gears began to move around. 

Romonus loved doing this as he was just being a helpful guy. In reality, this was secretly ending any chance they had at a normal life. He wanted to laugh like a madman right now, but that would just make them not trust him more than they already didn't. 

"Welcome to the Supernatural world. I am sure you have many questions and I am here to answer them."