Leaving Dragon Deus At Last

Once Romonus stood up from the couch, Asterion nearly fell to his knees when he felt just a small portion of Romonus' intent. It wasn't his aura, merely a small part of the contained power flowing through Romonus' Divine flesh. 

Romonus walked up to Asterion and patted him on the shoulder. When that happened, Asterion could swear he could see literal oceans of blood and gore behind Romonus as Chen Deming would say, a mountain to piece the heavens of skulls. 

"I see you haven't slacked off, brother. That is good, never stop training." 

Asterion nodded before gulping down the saliva in his mouth. 

"I strive to follow your example." 

Romonus grinned. 

"Good to hear." 

Asterion as one of Romonus' brothers had access to Valerie's modifications. Still, even through that, he could not compare to Romonus, Rias, or Sirzechs his siblings as he would always lack the Power Of Destruction.

Even without that, he was still strong on his own, just not as powerful as Romonus who was still the only Demon God in his world. The way he had achieved Godhood was unique to himself so no one else could use it. 

Then he increased his great power by raiding 600 alternative Earths. He had consumed many versions of God causing his Omnipotence Domain to increase extreme levels. He had many battle-related Principles he created and plundered from each God he killed. 

Though, he still had not found any other reincarnator like himself, so he assumed their realities were just rare or harder to find. He also didn't find any in the 100 Dark Multiverse Earths he had destroyed. 

The past decades had not been peaceful, but only a few truly knew of what he, his wives, and his companions had been doing. They had been increasing their strength through slaughter, but that was just a small price to pay and no one truly cared. 

Not just that, they were so close to leaving Dragon Deus in some capacity. Romonus turned to Latia who was the one who was the best Artificer he knew. 

"Latia, you think your device will work?" 

She seemed to scoff at the idea that he was doubting her. 

"Of course it will, we will get that ready so you can go deal with the Evie Atolde for the 601st time. By the time you get done, I am sure we will be able to activate the device to take control of the vast power of the Dimensional Gap. 

You, Azi, Ophis, Ophos, Lady Red, and Trihexa will be able to supply us with all the Reality Warping Power we need to send us where we want to go." 

"Good. Kharn, Grimaldus, Mephiston, Fenrir, Azi, let's go." 

While five familiars moved to his side, he equipped Archaon and the rest of his gear. On his back Ruin Maker the psychotic Greatsword, Malachoda the stoic Malebranche Spear, and The Cursed Shield always craving violence. 

His closest partners and companions along with his familiars. Once he was armored, he teleported in a flash of Infernal Divinity along with his familiars. Romonus had killed Evie and Atolde so many times across hundreds of Alternative Realities they were as insignificant as any other being he had met in Dragon Deus. 

Even in the realities where he encountered his varients who had become gods, they died to him with ease. He had not yet encountered a female version of himself, but some of his variants had enraged him to no end. 

One of them was a pacifist and a slight to his Divine Name. Another was a spoiled coward noble loser so he tortured that variant slowly. Though there was one of his Varients he respected despite the fact he still killed him. 

That Varient was born like Sairaorg with little Demonic Energy, but that Varient wasn't content to be ridiculed. Born without the Bael or Gremory Clan Traits he was seen as a joke, but he just used the ridicule as motivation. 

He read through all of the magic tomes he could get his hands on, and eventually on his 18th birthday, he did something so awful that it earned Romonus' respect. He tricked Rias and he sacrificed her, absorbing her essence and soul to restore his Demonic Energy.

As his twin, her sacrifice had caused all the Demonic Energy he should have had to come back in a flood at double the amount. His Clan Abillities returned and before anyone realized he assassinated Zeoticus in secret. He then devoured his soul before he tricked Venelana and devoured her soul as well. 

When Romonus had found that reality, his Varient was insane, muttering about voices and echoes as his method was flawed. Romonus stopped reminiscing about the 600 variants of himself he had killed and consumed. 

Instead, once he appeared directly above the plane of the Evie and The Altolde gods he glanced at the war-torn planet with disintrest. He had seen and destroyed it many times before and he even used Several Cores of this planet to enhance his gear. 

Azi who landed on his shoulder moved his five heads to look at him. 

"How are we doing this? Blow it up, go in guns blazing, send the Demons." 

Romonus glanced at his familiar with a smile. 

"Send in the Demons this time." 

Romonus spread his arms out wide and on the planet, his massive Demonic Legion began to emerge. No longer limited to just 10,000 now his Legion numbered 100,000.

Each Demon that appeared on the planet was a mix of Demonic Energies and Shadows making them appear to be made of solid Darkness. 100 Greater Demons of great strength, 1,000 Demon Princes working as Commanders, and 100,000 Demon Knights all releasing a constant aura of Death. 

His Shadow Demons were offshoots of himself making them exceptionally powerful and immortal like himself. 

"You know what to do, kill the living robot men, leave the gods and fleshy people alive. Anyone attacks you, kill it." 

Once his orders were given, he sat down in the void of space looking down at the planet. It would not take long at all. He hoped that by leaving Dragon Deus he could find worthy foes. He was sick of facing weaklings and fools. 


Back in Dragon Deus, Latia and the rest of the group were inside the Dimensional Gap standing on a gigantic floating circular gate made of a purple glowing metal. The metal was pure Orichalcum that had been mixed with Romonus' Divine Demon Blood. 

That metal was then forged by Romonus who then gave it to Latia who had been working on this gate for years already. All over its surface were runes and glyphs in Enuncia as leaving this realm or world was harder than moving to another reality. 

However, by taking control of the Dimensional Gap and through the power of Romonus and the other Gods in their group they were sure to escape. At the moment, Latia, Akeno, Walburga, Serafall, and Seekvaira who were the best magicians in the group were checking on the gate's integrity for any failures. 

Lilith, Leviathan, and Ingivild were also doing their part as everyone worked. Trihexa, Ophis, Ophos, and Lady Red as instructed by Latia were using their Divine Conceptual Energy to fuel the Gate. All four of them had their hands on an apparatus that was absorbing their energy which was being stored in the core of the Gate. 

Latia glanced up from the screen she was typing away at. 

"I have checked everything 5 times already and everything is in order." 

Akeno glanced at the tablet she was holding as the material wasn't harmed by the gap or the powerful energy of Dragon Gods. 

"I agree. We just go to turn it on I guess." 

Once she said that everyone gathered around as this was exciting. Rias glanced around at everyone as it truly was a lot of people. 

"When we do leave this reality, where will we go first? Can we even control where we go?" 

Venelana felt that was a good thought to have. 

"That is a good question. Can we decide where we go or will it just randomly drop us off somewhere without a means to return?" 

Serafall didn't think that sounded safe. 

"It could be dangerous as for all we know we could be dropped somewhere dangerous. I guess Romonus knows what he is doing?" 

"You would be right." 

She jumped a bit before she turned around and she saw Romonus standing right behind her. Kharn, Grimaldus, and Mephiston were standing on his shoulders while Fenrir and Mephiston were at his sides. 

"Your armor weighs over 15 tons, and you are 7'5, and yet you move so silently." 

He smiled as he patted her on the head. 

"Just really good energy control. Now, Mother to answer your question because of the nature of my Domains I should be able to control our destination for the most part. Consider our first opening of the gate as a test. 

I will link my senses to the Gate and I will control where it will open. Once I determine it is safe we then go through it. Simple." 

"Who gets to go in after it is safe?" 

Everyone turned to Viviana who was standing in front of the giant gate. He thought it was obvious. 

"Me of course as I have to determine how dangerous it is. After that, you can go any time you wish." 

Viviana smiled as she heard that. 

"And here I thought you would have said something about you going alone to test yourself." 

He snorted. 

"And risk getting lost away from all of you. Hell no. Regardless, Latia how are we looking?" 

She typed away a bit more at a touch screen before she began to charge up the device. 

"Ready, all we need is for you to give it a boost and I will turn it on. Here." 

She tossed him a headset which he put on to link his senses to the Gate. With that, he got into place in front of the gate. He held his hands out and a stream of super-concentrated Infernal Divinity began flowing into the gate. Latia saw the energy levels increase to astronomical amounts so much so that she worried the device would break. 

"Activating the Gate now." 

Romonus continued to feed the gate his energy as she activated it. When that happened, the vast energy of the Dimensional Gap seemed to be absorbed into a tiny point in the middle of the giant gate. 

Romonus and everyone braced as in the center of the gate a singularity made of all the gathered energy of Romonus, Ophis, Ophos, Lady Red, Trihexa, and even Azi who helped. 

It had the colors of the Dimensional Gap and it was unstable at first. Latia hit a key on her touch screen causing all the Enuncia runes to activate causing the gate to be stabilized. 

When that happened it became a solid light purple gate that stayed open. Romonus and the others stopped feeding the gate their energy as the gate was now open. He then closed his eyes as his senses melded with the Machine and the Gate that opened. 

When he checked where the gate opened he saw that it opened in what he could only call the realm between realms. Through his power of Enuncia and Magic, he began to search for a world, Realm, or Reality. 

As he began to move through different dimensional coordinates Latia ran a few diagnostic scans on the Gate to see how stable it was. In the meantime, he continued to search for somewhere safe. When Latia was finished she turned to him with a smile. 

"It is stable, just waiting on you."

Eventually, after a few tense moments, Romonus finally found another realm and a planet. It was a green planet with water so he moved the gate down. The gate appeared in the middle of a catacomb or underground dungeon. 

Romonus as a gamer recognized it though. 

'Did I just find Elden Ring? It isn't Fate, but it will do.' 

It appeared Elden Ring would be his first place to explore. 
