Chapter 21 - Unrest in England (2)

Chapter – 02/02


Arcturus took a deep breath and sought to calm himself, though his heart was still in turmoil. 

The direct blood of Salazar Slytherin still flowed in the land, nothing less than in his great-grandson.

How Regulus had become involved with someone from the direct lineage of the Slytherin House was a puzzle that troubled him. A series of unanswered questions churned in his mind, making it difficult for Arcturus to think clearly.

He had already met another family descended from the Slytherin House - the Gaunts. However, they were merely an impoverished household, filled with an innate arrogance that did not match the legendary legacy they carried. 

But this situation was different. Asterion's mother - Minerva - bore the Slytherin name, which meant she was recognized as an heir or, at the very least, was registered in the Slytherin House's family tree.

Looking at the boy who gazed at him innocently, Arcturus coldly huffed. He knew the boy had orchestrated this entire scene as revenge; the boy certainly held his grudges. He just didn't expect such a surprising retaliation.

The Slytherin House held a singular significance for this nation, especially due to Salazar, a brilliant man who left a remarkable legacy throughout Britain. He was the architect of the foundations for the future Ministry of Magic, shaping and innovating in British wizarding society. Although thousands of years had passed since his death, the rules and principles he established still permeated the nation. The Noble Houses that once knelt before the man now controlled wizarding society.

It was only after the disappearance of the Slytherin House that the Black House ascended to the position of leader of the Pure-Blood Faction. For this reason, the Slytherin House always held deep meaning for the Noble Houses. This was one of the reasons why the Noble Houses chose to ally with Voldemort in the war.

Narcissa looked surprised at her great-uncle's constantly changing expressions. She swore she had never seen Arcturus Black as emotional as he appeared at that moment.

The stunning woman approached Arcturus and looked at the parchment in his hand with a curious gaze.

Upon seeing the contents of the parchment, Narcissa took a deep breath and looked at Asterion with a shocked expression.

Asterion, who had witnessed the entire scene, couldn't help but feel extremely pleased seeing the constant changes in the man's face; revenge certainly tasted like glorious triumph.

"Ragmuk, I would appreciate it if you kept discretion regarding what you read on the parchment," he said before the goblin could respond. "I'm not asking you to keep it a secret forever, just wait a month before you start selling the information to the other noble houses."

Arcturus knew it was impossible to keep such information due to the greedy nature of goblins, but he also didn't care. He just wanted to buy time, time to prepare to present Asterion in the most dazzling way possible because from today onwards, the House of Black officially carried the name Slytherin!

At the same time, a daring idea crossed his mind. With both statuses, the fear of the House of Black would be diluted with the name Slytherin. This meant that the restraints holding back the development of the House of Black had been undone.

"We have to go, there's a lot of paperwork to prepare everything, as well as formalizing your inheritance in both noble houses," Arcturus said, not caring about his great-grandson's childish revenge. He was racing against time.

Narcissa took Asterion's hand, and the three of them left the room, leaving a pensive goblin behind.

"Dumbledore must pay dearly for this information, as well as other noble houses. I feel like I'm getting rich," murmured the goblin, his smile stretching from one side of his face to the other.


"Could have told me such important information earlier, don't you think, my dear great-grandson," Arcturus whispered to Asterion after they exited Gringotts. Though maintaining his elegance, they all walked with slightly quicker steps than usual.

How Arcturus wished he had known this information earlier, but there was no remedy for regret in the world.

"Well, it wouldn't be a surprise then, my dear great-grandfather," Asterion replied with a small, adorable smile on his innocent face.

A smile that Narcissa would put into an Animated Photo to cherish every possible moment.

"Just because it was apparated abruptly, you withheld such important information, don't you think it's an exaggeration?" Arcturus grunted slightly coldly and spoke with a slightly helpless tone.

"Well, it's one of my charms, am I too dramatic." Asterion didn't mind and showed a rather carefree smile.

Looking at the boy playing the role of an innocent child, Arcturus rolled his eyes and just muttered under his breath, "Cheeky brat."

Asterion smiled and placed his hand on one of Arcturus's arms, while Narcissa did the same on the other side. In the next instant, the three of them disappeared in Diagon Alley.


Unfortunately for Arcturus, the news of Asterion's lineage was sold the next day. Something the old patriarch would remember well, as he had promised to make Ragmuk pay dearly for selling the information so quickly.

The worst part was who he sold the information to.

Looking at the cover of the Daily Prophet containing the image of him, Narcissa, and Asterion, Arcturus clenched his teeth in frustration. It was a conspiracy, a mere sensationalist journalist would never have enough money to buy such information from a greedy goblin. Whoever bought the information passed it to Rita Skeeter to cause chaos. He could imagine how chaotic the next session of the Wizengamot would be.

"Good move, Albus," Arcturus muttered with a cold look in his eyes.

"Very well. Let the games begin. I want to see if you can handle the pressure, and I'll start with you, you mere fifth-rate journalist. How dare you ruin my plans," Arcturus said coldly as he threw the newspaper onto the table.

He was certain it was Albus Dumbledore who leaked the news, which was obvious, as the biggest suspect is often the one who benefits the most from the news. And for that man, a divided Pure-Blood Faction was a good thing.

As for the reason for the division, it was quite simple: interests involved. Everyone wanted to profit from Asterion, especially with his great-grandson being unmarried. It was a stroke of genius by Dumbledore, not only delaying his fight against the Longbottom House but also sowing chaos in the Pure-Blood Faction.

"It seems Arcturus will be busy for a while," Narcissa murmured, looking at the boy in her lap, reading the most important book in the library, although for her, the pages of the book were blank.

It was rare for the Black patriarch to skip meals, as he had done all day today, coming in and out of the Black Manor.

"A challenge at his age can spice up his monotonous life," Asterion said, without taking his eyes off the book. However, his eyes sparkled with a touch of wisdom; although he seemed indifferent to politics, he wasn't totally indifferent to her. He knew that with the exposure of his maternal lineage, the masquerade ball next month would be very lively.


Author's Thoughts: Political movements! Alias was told that there will be two female protagonists that is: Man-Woman-Woman. It will contain Yuri, in case you are in doubt.

Avoid writing reviews containing unnecessary hate, I will be deleting them all, if you don't like anything related to Yuri, I don't think this is a fanfic for you, unfortunately, I can't please everyone. Those who still continued to read my fanfic have my sincere I'm very open-minded when it comes to sexuality. And no, the MC does NOT become a woman, for some reason, you guys have been asking me weird questions these days.

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 Next Chapter: (Chapter 22 - Unrest in England (3), (Chapter 23 - Escaping from Azkaban (1), (Chapter 24 - Escaping from Azkaban (2), (Chapter 25 - Wizengamot (1), (Chapter 26 - Wizengamot (2), (Chapter 27 – Wizengamot (3), (Chapter 28 - Unexpected Arrival (1), (Chapter 29 - Unexpected Arrival (2), (Chapter 30 - Black Family Reunion (1), (Chapter 31 -Black Family Reunion (2).

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