Chapter 74 - Invasion of Hogwarts (7)

"Y'know, if I wanted to, I could kill you both at any moment," Rose said with a smile as she placed her two hands straight in front of her. Between her hands were the figures of Herpo and the Archbishop.


She continued, "If I bring my palms closer, this happens."


Rose smiled and brought both palms closer together.


As she did so, whether it be Herpo or the Archbishop, both felt the space around them suddenly shrink.


They looked at Rose with the same angry gaze.


She definitely didn't need to say that; she could very well kill them at this moment. But to irritate them, she purposely spoke, wanting to make them feel fear and terror.


"If I keep pressing, you'll become a tomato sauce seasoned with human organs." Unconcerned with their stares, she continued to whisper with a rather sadistic and cold tone. "Are you having fun now? Because I'm quite excited at the moment, excited to crush you like insignificant bugs."


Rose felt she was spending too much time with Asterion; she wasn't this sadistic before meeting him.


"Can you stop her for a second?" Herpo asked with a smile, not worried about being killed. If he were killed, that was just one of his many bodies; he had many others ready to receive him at any moment.


"I can do much more than stop her for a second; I can kill you right now—" the Archbishop spoke coldly as he clasped his hands, ready to use his Domain Expansion.


Suddenly, the space around him violently contorted, breaking his body as if someone were crushing a soda can. Blood sprayed everywhere, staining the walls a crimson red.


The Archbishop of the Aurora Society spat out a large amount of blood and looked incredulously at the white-haired girl who smiled gently at him.


This even surprised Herpo, who looked astonished at the thirteen-year-old girl.


"Don't look at me like that, I'll feel shy," Rose hugged herself and spoke with a rosy tone in her cheeks.


The Archbishop just spat out another large amount of blood upon hearing this.


Herpo covered his face with his palm as he took a deep breath. If possible, he would never encounter Rose Potter again. He had never met such an annoying person in his life, and he had met many famous people who left incredible legacies for humanity.


Unfortunately for his plans, Rose's eyes were essential. So even if he failed today, he would return regardless of Rose's strength, because dreams cannot be killed!


Though the next time he returned, he would bring competent allies, not stupid religious fanatics who didn't possess a single neuron in their heads.


"I think we'll die before we even get a chance to touch her," Herpo said to the Archbishop.


Struggling to stand, blood dripping onto the floor of Hogwarts, the Archbishop didn't care about his wounds and merely mocked, "Are you afraid of death, Stupid Heretic? My lord will embrace me after my death."


Herpo just rolled his eyes at his comments. In two thousand years, he had never seen a god care about a human. Gods or personifications of concepts, as he preferred to call them, couldn't interfere in the material world under normal circumstances.


They seemed more trapped than free, almost as if they couldn't break certain laws.


These laws were as old as the world itself.


The poor Archbishop didn't know that when he died, it wasn't God who would welcome him with open arms, but the very Personification of Death, and she wasn't at all kind to humans, especially after the events of the Perevell Brothers.


Suddenly, an evil laugh echoed from the depths of the hallway, causing everyone to turn and look back. In the shadows of the corridor, a pair of snake-like red eyes glowed.


"Ah, what an honor to see the famous Rose Potter," a cold, hissing voice sounded, and from the shadows emerged a figure.


He was very handsome with black hair and vibrant red eyes, a cold and cruel smile lining his lips.


"What a shoddy job, full of irregularities. But I must admit, you're mad to have split your own soul so many times." As the creator of Horcruxes and with an innate technique related to the soul, Herpo almost immediately noticed the Horcrux fragment in the newcomer's body.


He was truly shocked by the size of the soul fragment he was seeing before him; it was tiny, almost three times smaller than his own Horcrux fragment.


This meant that the man in front of him had divided his soul countless times, something that he, the spell's creator, had never thought of or dared to do!


Damage to the soul was not as simple as physical damage; once damage occurred to one's soul, in the best-case scenario, it was a pain a thousand times worse than physical pain, and in the worst-case scenario, death was a relief, as madness and paranoia consumed the mind until their last days.


At the same time, Herpo knew who the man in front of him was.


"Voldemort," Herpo said with a gentle smile.


The moment he said this, a colossal pressure spread throughout Hogwarts like an invisible wave impacting everything in its path, such a large amount of magical energy that it even made the gravity around heavier and the air thinner.


"You will all die, and I will ensure it is slowly and with much pain."


With her hair wildly floating in the wind, Rose reached out her hand and spoke coldly.


"Innate Spell Manipulation – Limitless – Red."


Swirling red vortexes of energy manifested on each of the three enemies at an abyssal speed.


As Herpo, the Archbishop, and the newcomer, Voldemort, regardless of who he was, were thrown backward, breaking through walls until they exited the castle and landed on relatively flat ground.


Since most of the castle's protections were disabled, Rose teleported and appeared at the location where her enemies were thrown.


At that moment, Rose was using her Six Eyes at full force, the infinite amount of information from dozens of kilometers appearing before her, impacting her mind and causing immense headaches.


"I didn't plan to kill you two, but now that I know you conspired with this human-shaped trash, you're going to die," Rose said, focusing her gaze on Voldemort, who stood up as if nothing had happened.


"If I tell you we have nothing to do with each other, would you believe me?" Herpo straightened his suit and asked with a sincere smile.


"What do you think?" Rose replied sarcastically.


"Ugh," Herpo let out a heavy sigh upon hearing this.


But Herpo knew that not everything in this plan was a failure; discovering the limits of Rose Potter was crucial for the future. So he wasn't exactly sad at this moment because he had learned valuable information about Rose Potter.


"What a shame, I liked this body," Herpo murmured to himself.




Elsewhere in Hogwarts, the strongest teachers and students battled against the fanatics of the Aurora Society and Grindelwald's Acólitos in an unrelenting fight.


The professors divided the battlefield, which was the outer courtyard, into two fronts. The first front was obviously the professors fighting on the front lines with deadly and cold attacks, almost like cold machines. They were all experienced and powerful wizards.


The second row, behind the professors, consisted of students from fourth to seventh year, along with some strong first years, like Daphne, Theodore, Zabini, Dorea, Draco, and others.


Winds and lightning surrounded Daphne's figure; she looked like a goddess in the air with her long blonde hair floating around her. With a simple wave of her hand, powerful lightning bolts tore through the air, striking the fanatics, throwing them away and killing them instantly.


"These people are insane; they rush in as if they can't feel pain or fear of death." Beside Daphne, Tracey shouted, casting a spell at one of the fanatics, sending the opponent flying backward and crashing into the wall.


"It doesn't matter, just kill anyone who manages to get past the professors," Daphne spoke coldly. Unlike other younger students who were hesitating to kill their opponents, like Tracey beside her, the Greengrass Heiress attacked to kill without any mercy.


One of the first lessons taught to her was to kill without hesitation; hesitation leads to death.


Suddenly, a massive amount of magical energy made the entire castle tremble, followed by deafening explosions, causing the students to feel their world spinning upside down.


Minerva touched the ground of the castle and helped the castle absorb the impacts while continuing to attack the enemies with smaller-scale attacks, as putting too much force into the attacks would destroy the castle and all the students inside it.


Because of her Innate Technique [Heart of Nature], Daphne possessed a great talent for detecting magical and negative energy. In her senses, four tyrannical auras clashed outside the castle, along with two giant suns colliding further in the background.


Six Special Grade Wizards!


Daphne presumed that two of the six Special Grade Wizards were allies – Rose Potter and Albus Dumbledore!


Rose fought against three enemies, and Dumbledore against a single enemy, the most powerful one.


"What in the name of Merlin is happening?" Daphne thought when suddenly, she felt a malevolent aura appear on her battlefield!


A Semi-Special Grade Cursed Spirit!?


How did a cursed spirit appear at this moment?


Daphne turned and looked at the male wizard with medium-length black hair and blue eyes.


This left her shocked; in her senses, the man in front of her wasn't human.


He was a Cursed Spirit!


"Aurelius Dumbledore!" Daphne heard Professor McGonagall say.


His name made Daphne remember the man who appeared at Asterion's birthday party alongside the Dark Lord – Grindelwald.



Author's Thoughts: Those 3100 words, divided into two chapters, were rewritten twice.

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My new fanfic > Mythological Tales: Ruler of the Golden Order (All chapters have a minimum of 3000 words.)


Next Chapter: Chapter 75 - Invasion of Hogwarts (8), Chapter 76 - Invasion of Hogwarts (9), Chapter 77 - Invasion of Hogwarts (10), Chapter 78 - Invasion of Hogwarts (11), Chapter 79 - Post-War (1), Chapter 80 - Heir of Salazar Slytherin (1), Chapter 81 - Heir of Salazar Slytherin (2), Chapter 82 - Heir of Salazar Slytherin (3), Chapter 83 - Salazar's Heir Slytherin (4), Chapter 84 - Sequels, Chapter 85 - Civil War (1), 86 - Civil War (2), 87 - Civil War (3), 88 - Civil War (4), 89 - Civil War (5), Chapter 90 - Civil War (6), Chapter 91 - Battlefield (1), Chapter 92 - Battlefield (2), Chapter 93 – Conflicts on the Battlefield (1), Chapter 94 – Conflicts on the Battlefield (2), Chapter 95 - The War Intensifies (1), Chapter 96 - The War Intensifies (2), Chapter 97 - The Death of Voldemort (1).