Chapter 91 - Battlefield (1)

Asterion and Arcturus chose the battlefield in a field not far from Scotland, not only to minimize damage but also to distance themselves from Diagon Alley. It would be foolish to fight in the economic center of the British wizarding society.


The civil war had become complicated, especially with Germany and France secretly sending money and people to work alongside Voldemort.


To anyone else, these witches and wizards from other countries were nothing more than Voldemort sympathizers who joined the dark side to create an extremist society.


But everyone involved knew that these witches and wizards were nothing more than agents sent by both countries to make the situation even more chaotic and filled with deaths.


On top of a hill not far from the battlefield, Asterion sat in a chair, staring at the hill miles away. On that hill, he could sense Voldemort's magical aura, but neither Asterion nor Voldemort had moved.


"It seems he has learned his lesson." Seeing Voldemort had not moved to join the battle, Asterion murmured to himself.


Pawns fight pawns and kings fight kings.


This phrase holds especially true in this world, where wizards have a huge disparity in levels of power.


Grade 3 wizards fight Grade 3 wizards, and so on.


This was an implicit tacit agreement among all those participating in this war. Thirteen years ago, Voldemort ignored this and went to the Potter House, fearing a mere baby, where he ended up dying due to a simple mistake and a mother's love.


Asterion could feel the man's gaze on him but selectively ignored it.


He watched the battlefield with a calm gaze.


The quality of wizards between the Clock Tower and the Death Eaters was nearly equal, especially with the elites of both countries, Germany and France, participating in this civil war. The ministers of both countries did not hesitate to use their elites in this conflict.


This turned a quick battle he planned with his allies into a war of attrition.


Asterion could have quickly ended the war by killing Voldemort, but he chose not to. The reason was very simple: this war was beneficial to him. The longer the war lasted, the more he could extend his influence over the Clock Tower.


This was also Dumbledore's thought. The longer the war dragged on, the more the Pure-Blood Faction would be weakened. So, whether it was Asterion or Dumbledore, both wanted this war to continue for a while longer.


The gigantic plasma beam tore through the earth, sending shockwaves around.


Bellatrix dodged a piercing spell and smiled gleefully. With a flick of her wrist, she moved her arm in a half-moon arc, and her wand released a burst of flames towards her opponent. Her black hair billowed through the orange flames.


The opponent cast a Protego, and using the time the shield bought him, he Apparated to a safe distance, breathing heavily. Sweat trickled down the man's face as his brown eyes remained fixed on the woman in front of him.


"Don't look at me like that, I'll feel flattered," Bellatrix said in a somewhat coy tone, in response to the man's intense gaze.


Suddenly, Bellatrix's expression changed. Her hairs stood on end, alerting her to danger. Without hesitation, she leaned back and watched as a blade sliced past her throat, leaving a trail of blood behind.


Apparating to maintain distance, Bellatrix observed the tall young man with black hair and blue eyes, staring at her with a particularly deadly and cold gaze.


"That was dangerous, I didn't sense you," she said with a delighted look. Born with an extraordinary perception due to her Simplified Innate Technique, she could sense anything magical within a hundred meters. But she couldn't sense the young man in front of her; her eyes could see him, but her senses told her no one was there.


"Come to think of it, you look familiar." Looking at the young man's face, Bellatrix placed a finger on her lips and showed a cute and innocent expression, seemingly talking to herself.


Then, her smile twisted into a sadistic and cruel grin. "By any chance, did I kill one of your relatives?"


Neville clenched his fists and looked coldly at the torturer of his parents. His alchemical items, two daggers, spun deftly in his hands as he approached.


Bellatrix smiled and recognized that look; it was the same look countless people had given her over the years, a look of hatred and repressed fury.


Using her index finger to touch the blood on her neck, Bellatrix licked her own blood and smiled happily.


"It's been a while since I've seen my own blood," she said cheerfully, unconcerned with the young man's approach.


Neville advanced, his grip on the daggers tightening. He felt the same look he had faced when confronting Asterion, the deeply rooted disdain in his opponent's eyes.


Contracting the muscles in his legs tightly, Neville stomped on the ground and disappeared from his spot, leaving the ground beneath him sunken.


He reappeared in front of Bellatrix, his daggers slicing through the air towards her head and heart.


With a broad smile on her lips, Bellatrix stepped back and dodged the attacks. In the next moment, she spun and kicked Neville's head with a swift and powerful kick charged with magical energy.


Neville didn't dodge the kick; he grabbed her leg despite the impact that reverberated through his body. With his other hand, his dagger moved like a serpent writhing in the air.


Bellatrix waved her hand, and a curtain of black smoke appeared in her palm. From it emerged a small bird. As the bird appeared, a strong gust of wind sent Neville's body flying backward, spinning in different directions.


"You are physically strong, with extraordinary senses. Unfortunately, you have no magic." Bellatrix said as she looked at her dislocated wrist. She grabbed her left wrist and twisted it forcefully, setting the bones back in place.


"You must be Frank and Alice's son." She said with a nostalgic smile. "We studied together at Hogwarts."


Narrowing her eyes, she watched Neville get up without any injuries and spoke with a cheerful and sadistic tone. "It was beautiful to hear her screams, begging for death."


Neville, hearing this, spoke each word through clenched teeth. "You are a monster. How can you torture people like that and smile afterward?"


Tilting her head to the side and showing a genuinely confused expression, she asked as if hearing a stupid question. "Isn't it obvious?"


"Because it's fun," she finished with an innocent smile on her lips.


"Monster, you are a monster, even more cursed than Asterion Black." Neville said coldly, assuming a fighting stance, a tender and youthful killing intent radiating around him.


"What hypocrisy, do you realize you are fighting for the will of the sweet and lovely master?" Bellatrix spread her arms and spoke, dissatisfied with his words, more specifically, dissatisfied with his slander of Asterion.


"He will die too when I kill you." Neville remained indifferent to Bellatrix's words.


Hearing this, the smile on Bellatrix's face vanished completely. Behind her, numerous curtains of smoke unfolded.


"How dare you threaten my master, you filthy half-blood. I'll kill you like one crushes an insect, you aborted wretch." Raising her head, Bellatrix's beautiful face twisted with anger and fury.




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Next Chapter: Chapter 92 - Battlefield (2), Chapter 93 – Conflicts on the Battlefield (1), Chapter 94 – Conflicts on the Battlefield (2), Chapter 95 - The War Intensifies (1), Chapter 96 - The War Intensifies (2), Chapter 97 - The Death of Voldemort (1), Chapter 98 - The Death of Voldemort (2) And end of the first volume.


Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 99 – Decision (1), Chapter 100 – Decision (2), Chapter 101 – Decision (3), Chapter 102 - The Black Sisters (1), Chapter 103 - The Black Sisters (2), Chapter 104 - Rose's Past (1), Chapter 105 - Arrival of Country Representatives (1), Chapter 106 - Arrival of Country Representatives (2), Chapter 107 - Arrival of Country Representatives (3), Chapter 108 – Party (1), Chapter 109 – Party (2), Chapter 110 - Back To Hogwarts (1), Chapter 111 - Back To Hogwarts (2).