Chapter 117 – Humbug (1)

Ginny was surprised that she was sharing a room with Ophelia, but she didn't complain; on the contrary, she was very happy to have someone in the room with her. It was her first time living alone in an unfamiliar place, and she felt it would be difficult to sleep alone.

Looking at the room that could only be worthy of a princess from the stories she had read, Ginny gasped with happiness. The entire room was decorated with beautiful white wallpaper with gold accents, a canopy bed with green sheets, a lovely dresser with snakes carved into the wood, and an absolutely wonderful wardrobe.

Thinking of her room at home and looking at the room before her, Ginny let go of any reservations about not going to Gryffindor. Even if her mother kicked her out of the house, she would never leave this room!

Jumping onto the bed, Ginny looked at the smile on Ophelia's face on the bed next to her and asked curiously.

"You seem so happy, Ophelia."

Ophelia laughed and played with her hair, twirling it around her finger. She turned her gaze to her new friend and replied with a smile.

"Asterion and I are relatives."

Ginny stopped jumping on the bed and went to her friend's bed extremely quickly, her eyes shining with curiosity and admiration. "Amazing! You're related to the most famous wizard in Britain!"

Ophelia felt her cheeks warm at Ginny's words. She also thought she was dreaming and that all this was a dream, but remembering the conversation she had, her lips curved into a very happy smile.

"Tell me everything!" Ginny said excitedly, all her shyness from the entrance ceremony completely gone.


The next day.

Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Looking at Gilderoy Lockhart wearing a green suit and smiling brightly at the students from behind a desk, Asterion again showed a look of disgust on his face and didn't hide his animosity. The man was a fraud from head to toe. His very existence insulted the sacred profession of teaching.

"You don't seem to like Professor Lockhart, Asty." Looking at the expression of disgust on Asterion's face, Tracey asked in a low tone from the back row of seats in the classroom.

"He's a complete fraud, probably never faced a cursed spirit in his life, and wants to teach about defending against a dark wizard." Asterion replied, snorting coldly, his red eyes falling on Lockhart, who shuddered for some reason.

Daphne, Tracey, Theodore, and Blaise were surprised; it was the first time they had seen Asterion dislike someone so much. And from his tone, they detected even disgust and disdain.

"Are you saying the deeds in his books are fake?" Tracey asked, her voice lower than usual, her eyes wide with incredulity. As a fan of Gilderoy, Asterion's words were nothing short of heresy to her.

"The man is a level 3 wizard. Do you think someone like that can fight five vampires and come out alive? Older vampires are as fast as bullets from a Muggle gun. Besides, look up his academic records in the library, and you'll see that the man was talented in memory charms." Asterion asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Tracey was completely petrified; she didn't want to believe his words, but Asterion was someone she truly respected. She didn't think he would have animosity towards someone without reason.

But Gilderoy's next words completely shattered the hope that it was just a mistake on Asterion's part.

"Dear students, today we will start with a test. A very important test," Lockhart said, and with a wave of his wand, several sheets flew across the room and landed in front of each student.

"A test about me," he said, showing his impeccably white teeth. "Whoever gets all the questions right will receive a personal autograph from me."

Looking at the questions on the sheet, Tracey's eyes went lifeless. Even as a fan, she still had enough sense to understand that these ridiculous questions were nothing more than to inflate the professor's ego.

Remembering the hours she spent reading Lockhart's books, Tracey clenched her fists tightly and glared furiously at the fraud.

Taking the sheet, Asterion simply used a bit of magical energy and made the page combust, turning it into ashes in a second.

The smell of burning made Lockhart's eyes fall on Asterion. Seeing the ashes on the desk, he understood what had happened, and when he was about to reprimand the student with a charismatic laugh, he felt a shiver run down his spine.

Faced with those red eyes, Lockhart swallowed hard and showed a stiff smile to the young man with red eyes whom he finally recognized. Wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief he took from the upper pocket of his suit, he selectively ignored Asterion and continued teaching.

Seeing Lockhart do nothing against him, Asterion showed a disappointed look. He was about to demonstrate how to really kill a vampire so Lockhart could learn personally. Unfortunately, the man recognized him before he could do anything.

"I bought all these stupid books at the beginning of the year because of him. Now I'm going to burn them all when I get back to my room," Tracey said, gritting her teeth. The pain of spending so much money on books from a charlatan caused a pang in the heart of the teenager who believed in her idol.

As the saying goes – Never meet your idols, or you might be disappointed.

"Don't worry, at least we have Asterion's private lessons. Otherwise, we'd be just like the other houses stuck learning from Quirinus and now, Lockhart," Daphne reassured her friend, hugging her arm.

Tracey's face brightened considerably upon hearing this. Indeed, future classes with Lockhart would be a joke compared to Asterion's, a Special Grade Wizard.

For other houses, having private lessons with Asterion was something they could only dream of. But for Slytherin, it wasn't an unreal dream; they had one lesson a week with a true Special Grade wizard.

"Oh~ looks like we have a celebrity in our class, The-Girl-Who-Survived!" Lockhart looked at the girl with the most striking hair in his classroom and spoke loudly.

The smile on Rose's face stiffened upon hearing the new professor's words. With Asterion killing Voldemort, that title was almost never associated with her anymore. And she was more than happy for that to be the case! She hated the fame, especially fame she hadn't earned but rather inherited from her parents, earned with their own lives.

"Miss Potter. Can you tell me the answer to question number 15?" Lockhart asked confidently, expecting Rose to surely know the answer.

Looking at question number 15 on the sheet, Rose's lips twisted in an unusual manner.

[15. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday?]


How on earth would she know the birthday of someone she had never met?

Nevertheless, Rose still responded with a mischievous smile.

"I don't know, Professor. I didn't meet you until the day of the new students' ceremony." When Rose's voice ceased, silence spread throughout the classroom.

Lockhart's bright smile stiffened, unable to believe his eyes. How could someone not know his birthday?

Then, there were some stifled laughs; many students tried their best not to laugh, but it was inevitable, as one couldn't take it anymore, the others followed suit.

As they laughed, Lockhart felt his own cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"That was a funny joke, Miss Potter," Lockhart said with a forced smile, changing the subject quickly. "Let's continue the lesson."


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New Novel: (I Am The Prince of Hell)

Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 118 - Ophelia's Mother (1), Chapter 119 - I Decided to Seduce Daphne (1), Chapter 120 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (1), Chapter 121 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2), Chapter 122 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (3), Chapter 123 - Arrival of the Twelve Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry (4), Chapter 124 - Conspiracy In Progress (1), Chapter 125 - Conspiracy In Progress (2), Chapter 126 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (1), Chapter 127 - Ophelia, Narcissa And Andromeda (2), Chapter 128 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (1), Chapter 129 - The Four Representatives of Hogwarts (2), Chapter 130 - The Four Hogwarts Representatives (3), Chapter 131 - The First Trial (1), Chapter 132 - The First Trial (2), Chapter 133 - King's Game (1), Chapter 134 - King's Game (2), Chapter 135 - King's Game (3), Chapter 136 - King's Game (4), Chapter 137 - King's Game (5), Chapter 138 - King's Game (6).