Chapter 163 - First Phase of God's Creation Plan (3)

Looking at the girl lying among the pillows and sheets, Asterion extended both of his hands and closed his eyes. He began to use his two innate techniques.

Let's begin.

Opening his eyes quickly, Asterion exorcised the girl without any hesitation. However, the process did not proceed as it did with other Cursed Spirits. His little ancestor was extremely powerful; if she hadn't allowed it, he would have had to weaken her first before exorcising her. But since she had permitted it, he exorcised Corvinus's sister without any difficulty.

Throughout the entire process, her red eyes stared at Asterion with an emotionless, silent gaze. Even as her body disintegrated, she continued to look at him as if she wanted to remember his face forever.

Her entire body transformed into a red orb, resting calmly in Asterion's hands. He looked at the orb for a moment and threw it into the sphere of darkness before him.

When the red orb came into contact with the sphere of darkness, it melted like ice under a scorching sun. A massive amount of negative magical energy accumulated within the sphere of darkness. A trace of magical energy escaped from the sphere and reduced everything around it to mere ashes, revealing the absurd amount of Negative Magical Energy that Corvinus's sister possessed.

Asterion's face grew solemn; controlling such a large amount of energy was not to be taken lightly, especially when a mistake could cause everything to explode in the blink of an eye.

He assumed that if there were an explosion, not only would the entire surrounding city be destroyed, but a third of England would be reduced to mere ashes. This, without considering the natural disasters that would follow the explosion. Hundreds of millions of people could die!

Taking a deep breath, Asterion focused intensely and began to compose the melody. A melody he had simulated tens of millions of times in his mind. A dignified, supreme, and above all, mutable melody.

It was hard to describe something meant to simulate omnipotence, but Asterion could only imagine it sounding like an angelic choir with billions of angels singing at the same time—or better yet, billions of fallen angels and demons singing simultaneously.

He was not creating a god to be worshiped by humans, but a demon god emerging from the depths of space. A symbol of chaos, madness, and supreme power.

An Outer God in every sense of the term.

While his second innate technique operated with all its might and an incomparably vast amount of data flowed through his mind, Asterion suddenly looked around, confused, his expression cold and cautious.

He didn't understand, but he felt he was being watched, not by one, but by at least six different pairs of eyes. Yet, such a situation was impossible; he was in one of the most securely magical places on the entire planet. Even Dumbledore could not see through the magical defenses of this laboratory.

Still, he could feel the gazes as if they were surrounding him. For the first time since his rebirth, Asterion felt a shiver run down his spine from sensing those eyes on him.

They were not malicious gazes; they were just curious ones, and one in particular was looking at him with a serene and calm expression that, for some reason, reminded him of the moment he died.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, and in the next moment, he opened them again. Asterion didn't care if he was being watched or what was watching him; he focused entirely on the process in front of him.

Asterion accelerated the process of encoding the absurd amount of information in his mind into a melody, which was automatically transferred to the sphere of darkness floating in front of him.

As a result, his brain began to overload, and blood started dripping from his nose, but Asterion did not stop; on the contrary, he intensified the encoding of information into the melody even further.

The more time passed, the more blood ran down Asterion's nose, soaking his shirt completely. His brain hurt so much that his face twisted grotesquely with the infernal pain he felt in his head.

Asterion did not know how much time had passed, but it felt like an eternity. Every second seemed like a second in hell. His body began to fail; he could feel he had lost so much blood that his vision started to darken.

However, even with his body on the verge of collapse, Asterion's mind remained extremely clear and focused.

The sphere of darkness gradually transformed into an egg, covered with scarlet or dark lines, which were constantly expanding and contracting over time, resembling the most primitive and wild fetal movement in the multiverse.

It seemed as if something was being generated inside the egg.

When the egg appeared, Asterion's bloodless face showed relief; his eyes, nose, and ears were bleeding, but a smile appeared on his lips.

The first stage was complete; all that was left was the magical energy to make the egg hatch fully.

Asterion did not hesitate and used all of his cursed spirits, and no matter how weak they were, he began extracting negative energy from all of them at an extremely rapid pace.

All this energy was converted into hundreds of serpents made of pure energy, flying around him.

Asterion had nearly twenty special-grade spirits and hundreds of other cursed spirits. Such a large amount of negative magical energy made the environment extremely dark and damp, as if the entire place was engulfed in a heavy, cold rain.

This immense amount of negative magical energy was directly infused into the egg. The hundreds of serpents made of pure negative magical energy opened their mouths and sank their fangs into the egg, beginning the energy transfer.

The more energy was infused into the egg, the more the red and black lines on it contracted and pulsed, almost like a beating heart.

Asterion's eyes gleamed with excitement, gradually taking on a glint of madness and insanity. He accelerated the energy transfer even further, ignoring his body's protests as it seemed ready to collapse at any moment.


A particularly sharp sound broke the silence of the environment. A visible crack appeared on the egg's shell.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" Upon hearing the female voice beside him, Asterion coldly glanced toward the source of the voice.

Near the wall, surrounded by darkness, a pair of eyes stared silently at him.

Looking around, Asterion noticed five other figures obscured by darkness, with only their eyes visible.

He ignored the five beings and returned his gaze to the source of the female voice. His voice was so cold that it caught the attention of all the beings present in the room.

"I don't know what you are, and I don't care what you think. If you interfere, I will kill you."

He didn't know who or what they were, but Asterion didn't care; if they meddled at such a delicate moment, he wouldn't care about his own safety and would start a massacre!

The woman shrouded in shadows looked at Asterion silently, not bothering to respond; her eyes turned back to the egg.

"He's brave to speak in such a tone with his elder sister," Asterion heard one of the beings whisper, but he didn't care; his focus was entirely on the egg.

The crack had expanded by then, covering the entire egg, and a loud, powerful heartbeat could now be heard.


With a loud, clear sound, the entire shell of the egg exploded all at once!


Author's Thoughts: Writing in the middle of the night is strangely silent.

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Next Chapter Second Volume: Chapter 164 - First Phase of God's Creation Plan (4), Chapter 165 - Vellory of Arcuturus Black (1), Chapter 166 - Vellory of Arcuturus Black (2), Chapter 167 - Vellory of Arcuturus Black (3), Chapter 168 - Vellory of Arcuturus Black (4), Chapter 169 - Torture and Secrets (1), Chapter 170 - Torture and Secrets (2), Chapter 171 - Conspiracies and Secrets (1), 172 - Conspiracies and Secrets (2), 173 - Conspiracies and Secrets (3), 174 - Conspiracies and Secrets (4), 175 - Conspiracies and Secrets (5), 176 - Conspiracies and Secrets (6), 177 - Conspiracies and Secrets (7), Chapter 178 - Decision and two wives (1), Chapter 179 - Decision and two wives (2).