My Boss Smells Like Piss

You ever get beaten up?

No I mean really beaten up, by a boxer, a Russian specifically?

Well I have, and now all I can smell is iron, god does it suck. But I love it.

This ring is the only place where I can control things, everything else kind of just.... happens, blends in. But this, oho this doesn't.

I look across the ring, Viktor doesn't look too good either I may have started it by getting a little competitive forgetting this was supposed to be a casual spar, "We said easy on head, I have match in week" Viktor said in a heavy Russian accent after spitting outside of the ring.

The fighters around me speak in English whenever talking to me, I'm still learning the language but according to my coach he said maybe I should give up since it's so bad, and Russian's wonder why more people don't try to learn their language.

"It's not that bad you hit me harder before, Sdelat' iz mukhi slona(To make an elephant out of a fly i.e make a big deal of nothing), right isn't that what you people say?".

Viktor cringed when I tried using the idiom, "Russian is not for you my friend", "Oh shut it", I snapped back and threw a jab at his head, "NOT THE HEAD СУКА(bitch)".

After I finished the spar, I took off my gloves, wraps, and shin pads then put them in my duffel-bag washed up and switched to my work attire, a 2 piece suit all black with a white shirt coupled with a black tie, then headed to my job as a chauffeur for my employer one of the captains for the bratva group ZEK, also known as one of the most influential crime organizations in Russia.

When I arrived at the site I switched from my car to the boss's car, it was a Roll's Royce black-badge ghost and it was in an all black color-way. The car was comfortable, but every time I sit in this car I remember what they had to do to get a car like this.

The location was in front of a private club, a popular one where celebrities or big business men stopped by, all forms of "entertainment" was provided as long as you had the money to pay for it, the boss was just collecting the monthly pay out from the business and making sure everything was going least that's supposed to be it.

I looked at my phone and saw that 4 hours have gone by and the boss hasn't walked out, I was going to go and check up on him until he walked out right at that moment, he was stumbling out clearly not in his right mind with a big goofy smile on his face, the only reason he was able to walk was because he was leaning on his assigned body-guard, Trey.

The car door to the back seat was open and the boss was seated down by his guard, the boss mumbled something and then just stared up at the ceiling of the car with no thought behind those eyes, Trey walked around to my window after closing the door to the backseat, then explained to me the situation.

"Sorry Jay I tried not to let the boss do anything stupid again I know how the Pakhan gets every time you bring him back like this I-"

"Don't worry about it why did he do it this time? To 'sample the product' ?"

He closed his eyes then nodded, He ran his hands through his dreads, he was originally from America but his father had connections with the Russian mafia and was operating a branch in America, his father wanted him to gain experience in Russia for a few years then come back so that he could run the branch in America while having personal connections to the main branch.

It's one of the main reasons we got along, because we both could speak English so it wasn't hard talking to him, plus the only reason the both of us are here is because of our fathers so there was that.

"It's fine I'll deal with it, I just wish if he could've made a better excuse, did he at least collect the money this time?"

Trey shook his head. I clenched my jaw to the point all I could hear was my teeth grinding on top of one another, I looked in the back seat and Nicholas was giggling and I think I smelled a whiff of piss every time he moved left to right in that seat, and every time he did I imagined how long it would take to clean the smell and the stain out.

I sighed and said , "Last time wasn't enough for that owner to know what would happen if he doesn't pay up?", "He hired new guards, y'know as well as I do he don't want to deal with Nicholas anymore and wants to be in talks with the Pakhan directly, and he knows that the Pakhan only cares about the money so he can just pay a late fee to get on his good side, us though....", Trey didn't have to finish his sentence.

I knew Nicholas wouldn't get punished since he was the Pakhan's kid, and like Trey said the club owner knew how to play the game to squeeze out of trouble, us though.... well let's just say I enjoy having all 10 fingers and I think Trey can agree with me.

"Alright watch over him I don't need more than one problem for now," I got out of the car and was about to walk towards the club until Trey grabbed my shoulder, "Ay at least lemme follow you, those new guards are some serious sh*t they aren't messing around this time" I pushed his hand away, "I'll call out if anything goes wrong, otherwise call up a cleaner, how many guards was it?", "3 by his office, 6 on the outside 2 to the back and 4 at the front, the ones at his office are the ones you gotta watch out for".

"Guess there's no point entering the front door this time around" I thought, I'm strong but that doesn't mean I can take on 9 people all at once, what am I a manhwa character?

I walked toward the premise and looked for a backdoor, usually there wasn't just one entrance for a nightclub, especially one for celebrities who might need a clean and covered exit and don't want to ruin their image with a photo on the news the next day with them drugged out of their mind.

I found the backdoor and it was guarded by two people, they were both tall and heavy enough to be rugby players, I took a deep breath and walked up to them, they both were focused on what sounded like a football match until they noticed me.

"Sir here restricted access, entrance go front", the guard on the right immediately answered in English with a heavy accent, I know it's because I don't look Russian but come on, not even a hello to test things out?

"Oh is that so? Well it's like what you guys say 'pervy blin komom'(The first pancake is always lumpy i.e the first attempt at something might not turn out perfectly)" I said proudly.

They both cringed, "Is Russian class expensive?" asked the one on the left, "Maybe he is new here, how long have you been living here mister?", I should be beating them up but why do I feel like I'm the one being humiliated, "Three years" I said.

They both looked like they've just lost all hope, the one on the right approached me and put his hand on my shoulder, "My friend, Russian is good language, it is difficult yes but that doesn't mean it is ok to be terrible at it, every word you spoke made me feel, ah... how do you say it Dimitri?".

"Like I got f*cked sideways?", answered the one on the left, "Ah yes that's the one, perhaps Russian is not for you my friend".

I snapped his arm inward within a second, and then head butted his nose. He stepped back, the other guard was shocked then snapped out of it and charged at me, I then threw a kick to his liver with everything I have, as the dude weighs twice what I do.

I feel it connect and his eyes roll back as he drops and grunts, he's on the floor holding his side, and the other one I head butted is still groaning, I drop beside them and say "Znayte svoyi mesta, yesli khotite ostat'sya tselymi.(Know your places if you want to stay whole.)", and I walk past them, and all I hear behind me is louder groans then I hear Dimitri say "I can't believe we let someone with a shitty accent beat us up like that", I wanted to turn around and beat them up more but I had a long list to get through so I cant waste too much time here.

I walked in from the back trying to walk in and fit in, I was basically around the back walls, the set up area, I look to my right and see a flight of stairs. I remember his office being on the second floor away from the music of the club I didn't realize how close it was to the back though.

I see a person sitting on the bottom of the stairs playing a game on his phone, he had a smaller build compared to the two guards that were outside but he looked like he worked out, I decided that if I rushed in it would announce my arrival to everyone, I had to think of a better way.

Before I could think of something he spots me immediately, I reflexively tense up, "Are you agent for guest?" the guard asks, I looked at him and replied immediately "More like assistant but yes", the guard looks at me nods his head "He is in third room to the left, you might want to wait for moment, he is ummm quite busy with someone", I decided not to ask any questions about this guest and started walking up the stairs.

"Wait I will guide you to room", he started walking up beside me.

"Oh no please you seem busy besides you said third room to the left, I think I can handle it" I really don't need this guy to follow me right now.

"No no I insist, I was doing nothing anyways, besides I always want to meet this person"

"Oh he doesn't like to talk to fans, especially when he's.... partaking in certain activities."

"Oh please I can wait I just want you to tell him I am waiting and want his signature, I am truly a big fan, I started listening to him 5 years ago, and because of him I found motivation, security, and a new reason to hope and believe in peo--" before he could finish his sentence I punched him in the jaw with all of my strength.

He fell off the stairs, hit his head on the side railing and slammed his head onto the cement floor. I winced realizing that I've probably given brain damage to someone who probably didn't have much going on up there in the first place, but come on seriously? A monologue on how you're a fan of someone?

I turned around and started going up the stairs I realized now that with the less guards there are more chances of getting discovered so I had to hurry things up.

I ran up to the office, since I've been here before I remember where it was and two guards stood outside, I didn't stop running towards them.

One of them looked right at me and ran towards me, the other one stood back defensively, the one charging at me was the biggest guard out of all the ones I've met but he was clearly an inexperienced fighter, the other one though clearly seemed to know what he was doing he had a similar build to me.

Before the person rushing at me could reach me I jumped, and delivered a flying knee to his head, a perfect set-up, and a perfect response to the situation if I do say so myself.

After I kneed him he slumped to the floor, almost as if his body became lifeless, the person standing behind him wasted no time and rushed at me with a knife, I realized my mistake not bringing my gun with me, it would've made all of this easier.

I stepped back avoiding a swing from his knife, every time he either, stabbed, slashed, or tried to cut me using his knife I dodged and evaded trying to find an opening, and I started thinking how did no one else come out for back up by now?

Then all I hear from below is noise and ruckus, then I see someone walk in from the front side of the club all bloodied up, Trey walked in with his shirt mangled up, he looked up and saw me "Ay you ain't beat the sh*t out of him yet?" I used the distraction to disarm and take the knife from the person in front of me, charged at him and cut slash his arm and press the knife to his stomach after sticking him to the wall.

I back off and leave him space, signaling him to run, he looks at me relieved and runs off, I look back at Trey " I thought I told you to stay with Nicholas", "He barfed in the car, I am not sticking around that smell", I squeezed the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes.

"Let's just get this over with", I kicked the metal door open in front of me by the time Trey gets up the stairs and follows me in from behind, I walk in the room and feel something wrong in the air, then I hear a breath let out from behind the door, and immediately slam myself into it squeezing the person behind it.

The person behind the door let out a yell, and I look towards the center of the room and I see the club owner squirming behind his desk, "TREY GET IN HERE, AND F*CK THIS DUDE UP UNTIL HE GIVES US TRIPLE THE MONEY HE OWES".

Trey immediately, runs in and pulls out his hand held pistol and pointed right at the club owner who had the same idea and pointed his gun at Trey, Trey just laughed, "I've been shooting guns since I was twelve, you ain't hitting me before I hit you, and I can tell you ain't fired a gun before, at least not at a person".

The club owners hands were shaking if you looked closely, I immediately open the door to catch the person behind it off guard then press the knife in my hand to his throat noticing he had a gun in his hand.

"Since when did you have enough money to be buying guns for random guards?"

The club owner put the gun down, "I work with celebrities more and more now, I have to be able to provide all their needs, entertainment, recreation,.... security", he looked at the both of us hatefully when he said that "and those aren't supposed to be random guards they are meant to be the top of the line, seems like they were a waste..."

I remove my knife from the throat of the guard I was pressing and signaled for him to leave, "Close the door behind you", I then turned around to face the club owner and took a seat that was placed to the side and placed it in front of his desk, Trey did the same thing and put his chair to the right of mine.

"So you usually pay around 50 million roubles no?", I ask him, he nods.

I play with the knife in my hand while poking my thumb with it, "This time you pay 150 million, any problem with that?", he almost says something until Trey points the gun at his head, I let it sink in for a moment, I put my hand on Trey's gun and push it down, "Trey there's no need to do all that he was probably just telling us how he can't get it all at once right now, isn't that right", he nodded his head frantically.

I look back at him "We will give you 3 hours, as we are already running late, call whoever you need to get that money to us now in cash, for every hour you are late I will cut a finger off, and I truly do hope that this is the last time we have to do this, for the sake of both of us", he clearly was annoyed with all this but couldn't say anything "Who are you", he hissed.

"Oh me I'm just a driver, speaking of can you get someone to clean the Rolls Royce outside, and the young master, after all it is your fault he's in that state in the first place right?"

--5 hours later

After I got Nicholas back home and spoke to the Pakhan, he asked why I was late and I dropped off all of the money that was collected, "There was a hiccup along the way", the Pakhan let me off the hook this time, even though his son still wasn't completely in his right mind when I dropped him off, what bullsh*t that kid can't even collect money right and I get sh*t for it.

I head back home in my personal car, the Lexus LS, it was given to me as a prize for winning 20 fights in a row in the fight ring owned by the ZEK, when I made it home and got in my bed, I was too tired to even get out of my clothes then I just slept.

"Leo wakeup, it's time", "Who the f*ck is Leo?", I woke up and looked around, this wasn't my room, I looked across the room and saw a black haired kid with dark eyes looking right back, I went to touch my face and the kid in the mirror touched his face, I pinched myself on my cheek the kid did the same.

"Oh god no", "It seems Leo actually did it", I looked to my right and see a girl with black hair, similar age as the kid around 17, "What's going on?".