Figuring things out

Camila put down the cup of tea that she had in her hand, "That's the first thing you ask after being unconscious for half an hour?", I look out the window and the sun is starting to set, "I really hope I don't black out every time I have to go through Leo's memories", I thought to myself.

I look down at the tea set to see there's another cup beside hers, and I see something else, "The monocle" I reached my hand trying to grab the it, "That's the thing that brought me here", Camila swatted my hand away, I looked at Camila ready to throw the second tea cup at her after she backed off and got out of her seat with the monocle in her hand.

"Are you scared I'm going to try to go back home if I get the monocle", I asked, "Well are you?" she retorted while she started circling around the room. 



I threw the cup aiming for her head, she dodged, "She's quick", I noted "Or is this body slower than my own?", I looked at what was now my arms, and I wanted to cry, I looked like a starved child model, there was a clear lack of power in this body, "How is this the body of an heir to a clan, or is this normal in this world?", Camila stopped and noticed that I wanted to break down and cry for having such a weak body, "Leo wasn't allowed to train physically, due to a deal made with a rivalling clan, before you do anything else just listen to me then ask me any questions you have understood?". 

I reluctantly sat down, Camila then walked back to her seat across from mine and continued drinking her tea, "Now let's start with why you've been taken out of your life and-" before Camila finished her sentence I asked, "I got the general gist of things that's not what I'm interested in right now, what are these connection things, is it magic?", Camila cringed for a moment, "The word magic isn't familiar in our vocabulary, but Leo researched your world before bringing you here and told me that the answer to that question if asked would be no, it's more akin to a genetic thing us humans have in this world", she paused noticing that I was quiet and genuinely interested in what she was saying, she continued after sipping her tea.

"Connections are of three types, the body, mind, and soul, you 'connect' to a Hereditas artifact that is infused with the previous owners inherit connection, for example, if you had a body type of connection you can either inherit or pass on physical techniques or physical strength to some extent, the same with information or memories if you had the mind connection" she paused thinking on how to word her next words, "What about the soul connection?" I asked.

"We aren't sure of it's full extent, up till now what we know is that it can look into the previous owners emotions during a memory, the difference between that and the memories the mind connectors inherit is that the mind connection get memories clearly and immediately, the memories gotten through the soul connection are more like a vision, somewhat blurry and sometimes not clear if not enough emotion or 'soul' was present during the moment

"but they can also look at a person's soul and see how much someone has mastered their connection and can look at any Hereditas artifact and understand it's value and worth, which is why the clan that manages the Greyhart Kingdoms finances is the Lucretius clan, a clan mainly operated by soul connectors", as she finished her sentence she took another sip finishing her tea.

"Do clans only consist of members of the same connection?" I asked, she poured tea from the pot realizing this will be a longer conversation than she thought, "Generally no, but if a clan is mainly a body connection clan like ours, high ranking members would only consist of people who can connect to the body, and that goes for the other clans", she thought for a moment "the only exception would be people who have two different connections which is rare, and even rarer are people who are born with three connections".

"How rare is it?" I asked because I remembered Leo had three connections and it was how he was able to connect to my body, "Only three people in all of known history, the first being Magnus Greyhart, the founder of the Greyhart kingdom, the second being his grandson who died at the age of 16 due to internal conflicts, and now Leo, or more precisely, you".

She stopped talking and let all of the information sink in, "Master Leo also mentioned something, almost a reason why the 15 years stay will be worth it in the end for you", I looked at her, "And what's that?", she pulled out a folded sheet of paper and slid it to me, "I was ordered not to look at it, he wanted the information to be yours only", I grabbed the piece of paper and unfolded it then I began to read it.

Dear Jay Lee, 

From what I understand you are looking for the person who set your father up in that bout he was in, and like I, your mother has left you, if you last the 15 years I will give you the person who ruined your life, but I know that you wouldn't be the type of person to take my word for it.

So I offer you something else, the body to guarantee you a UFC belt, or even the power and information to take over the position as head of the Russian mafia that you work for, anything you want, that's what this body will do, with all the power that I have it'll be in a coma but conscious enough were it gains information and grows stronger, any wish that you had you will gain.

All I ask is to carry my clan to where I couldn't I am too inexperienced, I know this is odd considering you and I are 17 and our experiences should be similar, but I just can't handle it I.....

"Blah blah blah, I couldn't do it blah blah, I wish if I was as good as you blah blah, ok message gotten now where do I start?", after I looked up from the paper I could see Camila ready to kill me, "He spent months writing that and you just....", I started getting up from my seat, "Hey I didn't mean it like that but come on half the sheet is just him calling himself a failure 'I dishonored my clan, what will I ever do with my immense power that can transfer me dimensions but I don't have the balls to tell some grown ups that I can't do my job?'", Camila finished drinking her tea, then she stood up and I noticed her arms began to bulge.

"I suppose starting our first lesson is never to early" she took slow steps inching slowly towards me as she clenched her fist, "What do you mean?", I asked while stepping back, I was used to fighting but this world is different I don't know how people act or how strong they are so I instinctively took a south paw stance, she quickly stepped in and threw an uppercut in blinding speed. 

I reacted by putting my left hand blocking my body while my right hand guarded my chin from under, and all of a sudden what feels like a boulder meets the side of my head, "She faked it that quickly?", I realized in the last moments of my consciousness that she faked the uppercut and threw an overhand in a quick motion, almost like she was at a pro boxer level, I suddenly hear a thud, realizing it was my body meeting the floor my eyes went dim and I was knocked out.

Camila watched over the victim she just created, "Interesting, he reacted", she said out loud. She then picked up the body of what was once her master, the person she was tasked with guarding and who she grew up with her whole life, and now was tasked with guarding a complete stranger, at first she didn't see why Leo applied his risky theory that he invented, even now she's unsure. But just from the quick interaction she has, she feels that there might be a chance that Leo was right.