New maid king coronation part 3

"Yang Loudan, what you are saying is pointless and irrelevant, if you want to make things worse and more chaotic in this occasion of the new mermaid king's coronation. I really won't forgive you for your actions and words." Yun Ling said, her voice stern and serious, expressing her displeasure and warning.

"Forgive me? Who are you to forgive me? Did I ask forgiveness from you?" Yang Loudan said, her voice defiant and arrogant, rejecting Yun Ling's authority and morality.

At the same moment, Shuixian Yu was taking a nap on the huge seashell, which was surrounded by the bubbles and jellyfish flying in the water. His navy blue mermaid tail was moving gently in the water, occasionally feeling the bite of small school of coloured fishes that nibbled on his scales.

"Your highness, your highness, woke up your highness," the servant of Shuixian Yu gently called out, his voice soft and respectful.