chapter 4

In the Forest of Death, where shadows clung to the trees, Sasuke Uchiha regained consciousness. As he attempted to open his eyelids, memories flooded back to him; He tried to sit up, only to remember his current situation. He had come back in time just after Orochimaru's attack—the cursed seal on Sasuke's neck throbbed, reminding him of his current situation. It was dark and tempting, with the curse mark threatening to consume him.

Yet Sasuke was no longer the same person. He could feel his Sharingan blazing with renewed intensity, certain he could activate a full-sized Susanoo without a hitch. He wondered if his eyes would endure the battle, or if he would lose them forever. He had sacrificed everything for his revenge, and now he had a chance to change his fate. But why? And how?

His thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Sakura, caught by Kin of the Sound Ninja team. Relief washed over Sakura as she saw Sasuke awaken, and the Sound Ninja team froze under his intimidating presence.

Dashing towards them with lightning speed, faster than anyone could dodge, Sasuke reached for his kunai. With swift, precise movements, he drove the sharp blade into the necks of both Dosu and Zaku, snuffing out their lives in an instant as their bodies collapsed lifelessly. His attention then shifted to Sakura, moving closer with his gaze fixed on Kin's hand. He reached out, his fingers wrapping around her wrist, and with a quick jerk, he freed Sakura's hair from Kin's grasp. With one last look at her, he flung Kin into the system space, exploiting her potential usefulness.

Sakura had been watching the entire scene unfold, her heart pounding as she witnessed Sasuke effortlessly defeat the Sound Ninja team and rescue her. A whirlwind of emotions swept over her, admiration for Sasuke's strength being the most prominent. She looked at him, her green eyes wide with surprise, and whispered, "Are you okay, Sasuke?" Her voice was laced with concern.

Sasuke thought to himself, "Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" As he looked at Sakura, he remembered that this was Sakura's shining moment. Even if it was a small change, it was a change nonetheless. This was the moment that would begin Sakura's transformation. Now it's gone, Sasuke thought, amusement flickering in his eyes.

A "ding" notification echoed in Sasuke's mind, a sound familiar to any novel reader. He glanced at the mission; it was to assist Sakura. Why should he help his future enemy? After accessing the system, he saw the complete details—it was to help her reach the final stage of the Chūnin Exam task, but the reward was a forging skill. It was a typical gamer-style skill. The complete details were hidden since he hadn't acquired the skill yet, but if he had to traverse different worlds, he would definitely need this skill. After some thought, he decided to accept the mission.

Observing Sakura, who had her arms wrapped around him in a hug, Sasuke gently disentangled himself.