chapter 6

Sasuke had waited for Kabuto Yakushi the entire night, but Kabuto never showed up. Not that Sasuke really needed Kabuto's help to collect the scroll; he was hoping to contact Orochimaru and strike a deal with him. In his previous life, he had wanted to exchange some information with the snake-like man but was too weak and ended up following the original plot. Now, with his current strength, he could negotiate with Orochimaru without any problem.

The second day of the Chūnin Exams had passed, and the sky was beginning to lighten. Sasuke decided it was time to wake up Sakura and Naruto and head straight to the tower. They could take the scrolls from other teams trying to pass the exam.

Sasuke shook Sakura gently, and Naruto, who was already half-awake, stirred.

"Good morning, Sasuke-kun. Did you sleep well?" Sakura yawned.

"I didn't sleep. I was keeping watch," Sasuke replied.

"You should have woken me up. I could have taken a shift," Sakura said, concern evident in her voice.

"It's fine," Sasuke responded curtly.

Naruto rubbed his eyes. "Are we leaving already?"

"Yes, we don't have much time left. We need to get to the tower as soon as possible," Sasuke stated.

"Right, right. Let's go," Naruto said, getting up.

"Sasuke-kun, do you have a plan? How are we going to get the other scroll?" Sakura asked.

"We don't need a plan. We just need to find any team and take their scroll," Sasuke replied confidently.

"But how do we know which team has the scroll we need? We have the heaven scroll, right? What if we run into a team that has the same scroll?" Sakura questioned.

"Then we'll find another team. It's not that hard," Sasuke answered, dismissing her concerns.

The three of them left their hiding spot and headed towards the tower, hoping to find the other scroll along the way. After half an hour, they found their first target. Sasuke quickly cast a genjutsu on the three genin and took their earth scroll. He smirked as he examined the scroll, feeling its rough texture. It was a refreshing change from his previous life, where he had to struggle for everything. Ever since he got the system, everything had become easier for him.

"Hey, both of you, stay here for a while. I need to go do something," Sasuke said, turning to Naruto and Sakura.

"Why so sneaky? We can always go with you," Naruto suggested.

"No need. And remember, I have both scrolls. If anyone follows me, I won't hesitate to make sure you fail this exam," Sasuke warned.

"Hey, hey, don't be so arrogant, Sasuke. We are a team, remember?" Naruto retorted.

Ignoring him, Sasuke walked away. If it wasn't for the mission the system gave him, he would have gone on a killing spree. He didn't have time to waste with Naruto and Sakura's nonsense. He had a lot on his mind.