chapter 13

As the sun descended, elongated shadows cloaked the house. Sasuke lay on a bed, a subtle frown creasing his forehead. Time slipped by, and his dark eyes flickered open, squinting in bewilderment as he surveyed his surroundings. Extra memories flooded his mind. After a moment, he realized he had finally arrived in a new world.

Surveying his surroundings, Sasuke approached Kin, who lay unconscious on the other side of the bed. As he tried to wake her up, Kin also stirred, looking around with suspicion.

''So are we really in a different world?'' she asked. It wasn't her fault. In the ninja world, there is no concept of alternate dimensions; Kin is only familiar with a special place where you can forge contracts with powerful summoning beasts.

''It would be best if you organized your new memories'' he replies.

Both Sasuke and Kin have received a basic memory of this world. To prevent them from being overwhelmed by artificial memories, they don't have too many extra memories. Their most recent recollection is of arriving at their new home.

Leaving the bed, he arrived at the bedroom and looked outside. On his left was the house of Ms. Hermione.

He doesn't know if it was intentional after all, as the goddess's system of arranging his house around a girl seems reasonable. But even if he were to approach her, he believes she wouldn't assist him due to her principled nature.

Luckily, at least he has the opportunity to acquire some magic. The only problem is that he has to accumulate lots of points if he wants to go back. He just hoped his face still had enough charm to fascinate some girls, thinking about his future dark life where he had to care about women instead of ninjutsu. He let out a big sigh.

After venting frustrations about the future, he proceeds to inspect his new house. After checking The House, he had lots of MMP in mind because there were just some documents related to their identity, a complete set of furniture, and some cash, but there was no food or clothing. He felt disheartened, as he wished to avoid spending time on a shopping spree.

He could buy from System Mall, which offers a wide variety of food and clothing, The only problem was that his system points had been depleted, preventing him from purchasing any items.

Examining each item individually, he clicks on "Status," revealing a new window with additional details.


Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Age: 11 to 14

level: 4 to 12

System Points: 5 

Abilities: Lightning Release, Fire Release, and Mangekyou Sharingan

Bloodline: The Uchiha clan's bloodline

Sasuke asked, "Can't you show me the exact age and level?" and inquired about his current level and age.

[That's hard to do since your age and level are not fixed.]

'' What about my level? Why is it so low?''

[ It's because I calculated based on most of the anime world; it's not accurate, but it will work for you ]

Looking at his system point, he asked'' how many ways I could get the system points''.

There are five ways you can get system points.

 1: Special Achievement

2: helping any female

3: Strengthen your harem member's 

4: For each member in your harem, you gain 10,000 points annually.

5:You can receive points for intimate actions with girls.

Is there still any function left of which I am not aware?

[I can forcefully give you missions if you continue to fail certain requirements ]

''What are those requirements?''

[Failed to get five girls in five years after entering a new world.]

"Gurgle, gurgle"

A sudden pang in his stomach halted Sasuke's conversation with the system. Recalling that he hadn't eaten for the past two days, he picked up some money and called Kin, who was also inspecting the house.

"Let's go outside; we need to purchase supplies and find food. Kin nodded in agreement, aware that she would need clothing if she resided there. As Sasuke walked through the streets, he recognized the familiar surroundings but felt disappointed that it was still the year 1991. It was completely different from the world he was in; at least the current is comparable to the Naruto world.

In their quest for clothing stores, they flagged down a taxi. Sasuke inquired, "Could you take us to a nearby marketplace?" The driver glanced at the two children and asked, "Where are your parents?" Kin, feeling irritated by the question, retorted, "Why does that matter?.

Just as the taxi driver grew suspicious, Sasuke swiftly cast an illusion to allay his concerns. Turning to Kin, he explained that it's only natural for questions to arise when a child is seen alone on the street. Kin, with a smile playing on her lips, inquired, "Then why the need for an illusion?"

"If he becomes overly suspicious, he may contact the police, which could not only be a waste of time''

Seated in the taxi, with Sasuke directing the driver, they requested a leisurely tour around the quaint shops.

Following their clothing purchases, their next mission was to get some food. as they discovered a restaurant where they both enjoyed a satisfying lunch.

After finishing lunch, both of them arrived at the last stop. As they continued to shop, they had too many groceries to carry, so he asked the store manager to send them to their house after paying some extra for home delivery. Both of them returned home at night.

Sasuke also called Kin so he could accumulate system points with some activities. As the night passed, both of them fell asleep from exhaustion.