chapter 22 First transformation class

Sasuke woke up from a dream with a cold sweat slicking his skin.

He awoke in a familiar room, inside system space, Because he did not want to live with three people in the same room, it decided to live inside a system space.

He prepared to take a bath in a luxurious washroom and asked, "System, where will this water go?"

He asked this question with a specific purpose: he is establishing the system space as his residence and is worried about all the dirty water.

[ All the waste water will be destroyed.]

Where do you get this much water?.

[ It is created just like your skills and items, and the cost is so low that I can fill the entire galaxy with water in a second without any problem.]

''Can I use this water to get some allies?"

[ Yes, you can. Once you go back, i suggest you go to sand village in exchange for water, Just make sure the water is not too much to avoid them thinking it's easy for you to bring out this much water.

Given this will help many females, you'll receive millions of system points. ]

After realizing his next steps upon returning, I became curious about summoning from the Ninja world . Is there a possibility of summoning a peoples from the Ninja realm?

[You can have someone female related to you from any world.]

Is there anyone I can call now?

[Orochimaru, Sakura, and Kiran ]

Why is there an Orochimaru name?

[His current body is female so I have included him on a list.]

I am not interested in him

 [ As far as I know, you are not interested in anyone ]

"I guess", After leaving the bathtub, he prepared for his day by changing his clothes and arriving in his room.

Observing the blonde boy who was still asleep, Sasuke picked up the class schedule to plan his day.

After examining the schedule, he realized there were few classes everyday, thinking that at least he will have more time for creating fusions of magic and ninja techniques.

After breakfast, Sasuke rushed to the Transfiguration classroom.

Upon entering the classroom, Sasuke noticed he was the only student present. Recognizing the tabby cat on the podium as Professor McGonagall, he chose a seat and settled in.

Hermione was the second person to enter the room. Upon seeing Sasuke, who had arrived earlier, she joined him on the same bench. Opening her book, Hermione recommended that they review it together before the professor's arrival.

Watching Hermione, who had quietly started to read, he found himself speechless. He wondered if her deep engrossment in her studies meant she was ignoring him. He had entirely forgotten that just a few days before, he had been seeking ways to quiet her and keep her from disturbing him.

Students entered one by one, found their seats, and began to wait for the professor to arrive. After what seemed like an eternity, the classroom door swung open once more, and Ron Weasley, followed by Harry Potter, rushed in from outside.

"Great, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet."

The next moment, the cat on the podium suddenly jumped forward and then turned into a professor.

Professor McGonagall looked at the two men and said, "Maybe I need to turn you into clocks so you won't be late."

"We're lost!"

Ron Weasley quibbled.

"So maybe I'm going to turn you into a map?"

Professor McGonagall's words made Ron Weasley shut up immediately.

Sending both of them to their seats, the professor began to explain the basics of transformation. As the lecture continued, she waved her hand, and a match appeared on everyone's desk the next moment.

"Today's transfiguration lesson is to turn this match into a needle."

Professor McGonagall began to explain transfiguration.

For Sasuke, who had already mastered the transformation technique, the fundamentals of magic and ninjutsu remained the same.

At least for transformation, he was more interested in the quality than the mere execution.

With just a click of the wand in his hand, the match turned into a needle. Closing his eyes and trying to feel the difference, he couldn't tell if it was real or fake.

Can he use this transformation to transform sticks into swords as the thought pops up inside Sasuke's mind?

Professor McGonagall walked up to Sasuke and looked at the needle. 

"Outstanding," Professor McGonagall declared, awarding five points to Sasuke Uchiha.


As the transfiguration class was over, Hermione Granger looked unhappy because her needle was not good enough.

Despite this, they proceeded to the next class together, continuing their journey through the school.