chapter 24 flying class

As Sasuke walked through the busy halls, he saw Kin leaning by the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room. "Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" he asked politely.

Kin smiled. "No, Potions double this week, means we have Snape all afternoon." She made a face.

Sasuke chuckled softly. "Professor Snape can be tough.

He said goodbye to Kin and continued on. He wasn't interested in watching the first-years struggle with their broomsticks, but he knew flying could be useful since ninjas can't fly.

His next stop was the library. Inside, he found Hermione Granger reading a big book about magical creatures. "Flying lesson starts soon," he said simply.

Hermione looked at the clock, surprised, and quickly packed her bag.

Seeing her eagerness, Sasuke spoke quietly. "There might be trouble between Gryffindors and Slytherins," he warned. "If things get out of hand, especially with Draco Malfoy, just stay back and watch."

Hermione paused, unsure. She respected what Sasuke said, though she was curious. Seeing his serious look, she finally nodded.

They hurried outside to the large training ground. Madam Hooch, a strict woman with sharp yellow eyes, was already there. A line of new broomsticks, shiny in the sun, waited at the front. The air was filled with nervous chatter and excited shouts. First-years, easy to spot by their confused faces, fumbled with their broomsticks, some already fallen over.

Sasuke looked around and saw Harry Potter and Malfoy.

Malfoy grabbed Neville's memory ball and teased Harry with it. He smirked as he flew around on his broomstick, showing off with risky dives and sharp turns. Below, Harry struggled with his broom, frustrated. Malfoy flew down close to Harry, just out of reach. "Maybe you should play normal games," he mocked.

Harry clenched his jaw and gripped his broom tighter. He got angry, which made it harder to focus. Then, Malfoy cleverly threw the memory ball, and Harry caught it. Professor McGonagall saw this.

Professor McGonagall, a strict woman with a commanding presence, came over. Her sharp gaze calmed everyone down. She looked at Harry Potter, who stood with his broom. "Mr. Potter," she said in a firm voice, "please come with me."

Harry nodded, and Professor McGonagall spoke to the other students about safety before leaving with Harry.

The sun set, making long shadows on the training ground. Madam Hooch dismissed the class. Sasuke and Hermione, thinking about the day, walked back to the castle together.

Hermione asked carefully, "Did you know about the trouble between Malfoy and Harry?"

"Yes," he said simply, entering Hogwarts and leaving Hermione behind, wondering what he meant.