chapter 26 meeting Daphne for first time

7 in the morning.

Sasuke woke up as usual and donned his uniform. He strolled through the common room amidst the morning chatter, making his way to the branch's auditorium, a practiced routine settling in. Taking his seat, he began to munch on the breakfast that appeared before him.

A sly voice broke the silence. "Well, well, well," Daphne Greengrass drawled, sliding into the seat opposite him. Her perfectly coiffed blonde hair bounced as she picked up a toast and a carton of milk. "You haven't been kicked out of school yet? For breaking late-night curfew, you know. There have been rumors you're not sleeping in your rooms."

A barely perceptible scoff escaped Sasuke's lips. "Sharing a room with someone?" he muttered, skepticism lacing his voice. "Why bother when I have an entire room to myself?"

Daphne tilted her head, taking a sip of her milk and looking at him. "Oh, I don't recall Hogwarts having separate rooms for first years," she commented with a hint of amusement.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "It's not Hogwarts," he replied.

"Do you have an extension charm in your luggage?" Daphne pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"It's similar, but more convenient," Sasuke answered vaguely. He paused, "But I don't think you're here to know where I sleep every night, are you?"

Daphne was unfazed by Sasuke's coolness. "In the Slytherin common room, many people are curious about you, Sasuke. Especially if you're pureblood."

Sasuke set down his fork with a slight clatter, finally giving her his full attention. "The blood you're referring to is a different concept altogether. For me, a bloodline that cannot increase your strength or bring you any benefit is no different from the commoners in my eyes."

"Could you give a straight answer then?" she pressed, a touch of defiance creeping into her tone.

Sasuke met her gaze. "We've been throwing fireballs for the past thousand years," he stated. "Is that answer enough for you?"

Annoyed by Sasuke's reply, Daphne asked, "Is there anything special about your bloodline?"

"I have the best talent and some special skills, so, don't want to be compared to those whose blood holds no potency," Sasuke replied.

Finishing his lunch, he stood up. "Are you going to the library?" Daphne inquired.

"Is there anywhere else you could gain some knowledge?" Sasuke replied dryly before leaving.

"Probably the professor's office," Daphne said in a joking tone as she started to follow Sasuke.

In the library, Sasuke picked up books one by one and began reading. Daphne also picked up a book and sat beside him.