chapter 28 Dark Arts and new mission

Sasuke and Daphne stepped into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, immediately noticing the pungent scent of garlic in the air. Nevertheless, they proceeded to find their seats. Professor Quirrell was at the front, his gaze flickering anxiously from behind his purple turban. He greeted the class with a tremulous "G-good morning," his voice a faint murmur. "Today," he continued hesitantly, "we shall delve into the study of defensive spells."

Quirrell started to explain magic that held little value in actual defense.

"Let us begin with the Wand-Lighting Charm," Quirrell announced. As he continued, a student raised his hand and interjected, "Sir, we have already learned this in Charms class."

Quirrell cleared his throat, "Then we can learn the Bubble-Head Charm. Useful if you find yourself underwater... or in a room full of dust."

He waved his wand erratically, causing a bubble to form around his head that distorted his voice. Quirrell's face turned red beneath his turban, yet he continued undeterred. After removing the bubble-head charm, he announced, "Now, the tickling charm! R-rictusempra!" A weak stream of silver light shot from his wand, reaching the spider on the wall, which scurried away unbothered.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, the students filed out, still chuckling. Quirrell, his face hidden by his turban, sighed in relief after the lesson ended. Another lesson survived.

As everyone left, Sasuke was still sitting on his chair, staring at Quirrell.

Looking at Sasuke, who was still staring at him, Quirrell asked, "Is there anything?"

"Yes, I want to know if there is a way to curse a country."

"T-t-that's very hard, Mr. Sasuke Uchiha."

"So you mean there are magic spells that I can use to curse a country?"

"Yes, but all the knowledge related to it has been banned." After saying this, Quirrell quietly gathered his things and swiftly exited the classroom.

Looking at Sasuke, Daphne asked, "Which unlucky country are you planning to curse?"

"It's not a country, but a village. A very disgusting one."

Closing his book, both of them left the classroom.

In the afternoon, he found Hermione in an empty classroom. Her face was washed, but she didn't appear to have been crying.

"Looking closely, it seems like you didn't cry. I was preparing to buy some lollipops to give you."

"I'm not a child," Hermione retorted, looking behind Sasuke. "Where is Daphne?"

"Are you looking for Daphne for a cat fight, so you could prove you're a better girlfriend than her?"

"W-what nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to be your girlfriend."

''that's sad I guess I won't able to see two girls trying stripped each other in a fight'' Sasuke paused, expecting some punches or kicks, but there was nothing.

Hermione was just looking at him like a fool.

"I'm relieved to see you not behaving like a violent chimpanzee."

Glaring at Sasuke, she declared, "don't compare me with chimpanzee," and then she exited the room.

Sasuke started to look at his new mission.

[System mission: Let 5 girls know you want them as your girlfriend. Reward: Level up magic.]

(Note: The mission will be completed as long as you pick five girls and ask them to become one of your girlfriends, regardless of whether they accept or not. It does not affect the system reward.)

Looking at the system notification, Sasuke thought, *Now that the easy part is done, the only thing left is to find three more girls and confess that I want them as my girlfriend.* Leaving the classroom, he started to think about his next target.