chapter 31 showing off new skill

As Sasuke reached the library doors, a tug on his sleeve snagged his attention. He glanced back to see Hermione, her arms crossed defensively, her gaze fixed on him.

His gaze full of questions was staring at her, filling the questioning gaze Hermione asks, "have you thought how Cho Chang, will find us if we leave the library?"

I was a little embarrassed, but he still said in his normal tone, you don't have to worry. I will send my clones to look for her.

Clones, what type of magic is this?

"Let's go I will show you after we find the room."

as both of them start looking at empty classrooms, As they found a quiet and empty classroom, Sasuke stepped into the center. With a rapid series of hand signs, his movements a blur, he channeled his chakra. A faint blue glow erupted from his body, tinged with wisps of swirling smoke. Hermione's breath caught in her throat as the smoke coalesced, multiplying and solidifying into two identical figures beside him.

Looking at 3 identical Sasuke Hermione's, her mouth was a little open and confused. This was more magic than magic because she hadn't seen anyone else do something similar.

Intrigued, Hermione reached out a tentative hand, as if to touch the cheek of one of them. Her fingertips brushed cool, solid flesh, just like Sasuke's. But before she could investigate further, the clone's hand shot up with surprising speed, swatting Hermione's hand away with a light slap.

Both of the clones left the classroom, leaving Hermione's in confusion.

Standing beside her, Sasuke opened his mouth. While they are clones but they possess all the emotions and memories of the real me, so their reaction was the same as if someone tried to touch my cheeks.

"Let me guess, if I ask you to teach me, you will say you can't teach me until I become your girlfriend."

" it seems you're learning quickly, Ms. Hermione."

"Is there anything you can teach me without the need to become your girlfriend?"

" If you want, I could teach you swordsmanship, throwing knives, and some physical fighting styles."

Upon hearing Sasuke's proposal, Hermione envisioned herself brandishing a sword and advancing towards a wizard. before she could even strike, she was

quickly being disarmed and rendered immobile.

Imagining this, she declined, "I don't believe that approach would be of much use to me."

As their thoughts began to wander, there was a knock on the classroom door.

Cho Chang, entering the room, was confused to see Sasuke standing beside Hermione. Glancing back at Sasuke, whom she had been following, he turned into smoke.

Before Cho Chang could make any sense, Sasuke asked, Why don't you call Penelope inside.

Looking at Penelope Clearwater, Sasuke declared, his voice ringing through the silent classroom, Penelope I hope you could be no from one of my girlfriend.

[Ding mission completed ]

[Congratulation on getting one level up for any of your magic or skill]

Penelope, gazing at Cho Chang, inquired, "Did you summon me here for this reason?"

Then she turned her head back towards Sasuke.

As she pondered her response, she looked at Sasuke's youthful face and chose her words with care. "I'm sorry, but I would prefer to have a boyfriend who is the same age as me," she said, Feeling embarrassed, she hastily exited the room.

As she left chamber, Gemma Farley. also entered the room,

"Did you also propose to her?" while closing the door Gemma asked.

''Well, she was the last one on the list for now.''

I think it's time you explain to me if there is anything special about proposing to 5 girls.

Looking at Gemma "treat as special magic for some type of ritual".

As he said this he took out his wand, he pointed to a chair as he applied the skill, turning to chair into a almost realistic snake as Sasuke got closer to the snake; he could feel the temperature of transform snake.

Cho and Hermione what's surprise change the level of transformation but Gemma didn't feel anything special,

"This might be the best transformation I have seen but I don't think justify your actions "

"Gemma you should read more books" saying this Sasuke close his eyes and try to feel the difference.

Feeling confused not just Gemma, Hermione and Cho also started to that closer to the snake started to observe.