chapter 51 completing curse seal

Listening to Sasuke, Clarissa Greengrass took out her wand, which started to glow red. She asked, "Why don't you repeat what you just said?" Her voice was devoid of emotion.

Sasuke stepped closer. In a blink, he was gone from their sight. A startled gasp escaped Clarissa's lips as she whirled around. Sasuke materialized behind her, the cold steel of his sword pressed against her neck.

"I don't think I have to repeat myself. When you ask for something, you have to give something in return."

As tense silence descended upon the room, the hall doors swung open, revealing Hermione Granger, looking flustered and slightly out of breath.

After looking around, she paused for a few seconds, trying to understand what she was seeing. As the tension diffused, Sasuke put away his sword.

Daphne, pale and wide-eyed, seemed on the verge of tears. Clarissa, her wand held limply at her side, radiated a cold fury that sent shivers down her spine. Only Sasuke seemed composed, his expression unreadable.

"What's going on here?" Hermione finally managed to blurt out.

"Nothing special. They wanted to use the name of the Ministry of Magic to make me give them my formula," Sasuke replied.

Believing Sasuke, Hermione nodded in understanding and asked, "What type of formula?"

"A healing potion."

"Can't you take it from the potions book or ask the Potions professor?"

"Well, you're right, Hermione. They should ask the professor. Do you think Miss who's name i don't even know ' you can find a healing potion formula in the Hogwarts library?"

Gritting her teeth, Clarissa spoke up. "Do you think I haven't tried those potions? Even Snape told me if I want to cure my daughter, I need the recipe for your healing potion."

"That's really sad. You have more chance of getting the Philosopher's Stone than getting my formula."

Not wanting to argue anymore, Clarissa and Daphne prepared to leave.

Watching them leave, Hermione approached Sasuke and asked in a low voice, "Why don't you help them?"

"I don't have a formula," Sasuke replied. Sasuke's reply was a little confusing to Hermione.

Seeing her confusion, Sasuke continued, "I gave two bottles of healing potion to Daphne. If she and her sister use them when they're about to die, they can live to around 60 or 70, which is good for normal people."

As he led her to his library, he continued to explain, "Let's say if every bottle is like saving girls, I have to save at least five girls. Now, how many girls do I have to save to get its formula?"

"But if you don't have a formula, just tell her."

"Her goal is not to get the formula from me but to find the person who makes these potions."

Arriving at the experiment room, Sasuke put on white gloves and a mask, handing another set to Hermione.

He took Kin from the tank and placed her on an operation table, her skin completely turning fragile and pale white from all the potions in the tank.

Realizing what was happening, Hermione snapped out of her confusion. "What are you doing? Are you going to perform some dangerous experiment on Kin?"

"Relax," Sasuke said. Taking out a magic brush, he started to paint markings on Kin's entire body.

Watching Sasuke put strange symbols on Kin, Hermione relaxed a little and continued to observe.

In order to reduce the danger, Sasuke was using magic rituals. As he prepared for the final step, he took out an injection, constructed to look for a place to apply the curse mark.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to place it on her hand, so he could cut it off if there were any problems.

As the curse seal was applied with the injection, all the symbols started to glow for a few seconds and then merged with the hand, creating a new curse seal shaped like a windmill.

As everything was over, Hermione finally remembered the reason she was looking for Sasuke.

Crossing her hands in front of Sasuke, her face turning red, she still took the courage to ask, "What did you do when we were previously in this room to me? Why couldn't I move or stop you?"

"I didn't do anything. If I am guessing right, you were probably at that time thinking about the curse seal and how it works."

Hearing this, she started to leave the room in embarrassment again, but this time Sasuke picked her up like a giant doll and took her to the sofa and sat down with her.

This time, making sure she didn't have a way to escape. Of course, he was also not going to do something shameful.