Chapter 53 Christmas and gift

The crisp December air swirled with snowflakes, clinging stubbornly to the eaves of the secluded cottage. Inside, a crackling fire danced on the hearth, casting playful shadows on the rough-hewn stone walls. A small Christmas tree, adorned with a curious mix of traditional baubles and shimmering magical trinkets, stood sentinel in the corner. The aroma of roasting goose and simmering stew filled the air, a warm counterpoint to the biting chill outside.

Kin, bustled around the cottage with eagerness and curiosity. This Christmas celebration was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. She helped Gemma arrange the table, her initial awkwardness slowly melting away as she began to grasp the essence of the holiday. 

As they settled around the makeshift feast, Sasuke raised a glass of mulled wine, the rich red liquid swirling mesmerizingly in the firelight. 

Gemma, the most oldest one, clinked her glass against with everyone.

Kin, still unfamiliar simply grinned and took a tentative sip of her own wine with magical glitter.

 For a fleeting moment, 

All the awkwardness that had simmered between them seemed to dissipate.

Later, as the fire crackled and sparks danced upward, Gemma, ever the opportunist, broached the subject of gifts. "Sasuke," she began, her voice dripping with playful sweetness, "is there anything you need for Christmas?"

Sasuke leaned closer, his voice a low murmur that only reached Gemma's ears. A flicker of amusement played on his lips as he whispered his wish.

Gemma's eyes sparkled with delight. "Deal!" she exclaimed, bumping her fist against his playfully. "But you better come up with a more impressive present for me than that."

knowing he still have a special gift package from system, a small smile

across Sasuke's face.

As the night wore on, the three of them settled by the fire, enveloped in a warm silence. For a moment, they were simply three people enjoying a unique Christmas Eve.

Sasuke is sitting on the corner and asking, System: what is Gemma gift pack'.

[ Portion to stop her from aging ring to improve her magic casting ability without the wond ]

'So this type of gift pack going for every girlfriend I have'.

[ It's depends on what they are; if kin heartedly becomes your girlfriend, she will get a knife or a sword, along with the portion which can help stop aging ]

At night, Sasuke decided to send some chocolates to Hermione, Since she couldn't take a gun to her house, even kin received a box of sweets, For Gemma, he decided to keep the aging portion till she reached 20 and just give her the ring.

Next morning,, waking up in Gemma arm, looking her for a short time, he left the room for the exercise.

Everyone a morning everyone started morning they are gifts, especially Gemma Farley, was casting various spells using her without the wond, as she displayed non-lethal spells without any problem.

In Granger house, Hermione Granger happily woke up in her bedroom, a little excited. She ran around the Christmas tree and looked for her presents, her eyes turning into mosquitoes**,** after opening Sasuke's 20 gift boxes, each containing chocolates and more chocolate. Even her mom, watching from the side, started to laugh, and questioned, "What did you give Sasuke as a Christmas present?"

Puffing her cheeks, she replied, "A Young Witch or Wizard's Guide to Safe and Happy Spellcasting (Ministry Edition)."

"Well, that doesn't sound good,"

Both of them decided to keep the one box and give away all the other boxes to others, people in the school or their neighbors.

After giving away some boxes, Hermione entered her room and started sending a letter to Sasuke criticizing him, asking if he wanted to have tooth decay as a result, She soon got a reply which contained the recipe for a potion that can stop tooth decay.