side chapter

In the dim light of the moon, Naruto clutched the forbidden book tightly, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and triumph. He had done it; he had stolen the book that Iruka had told him would prove his worth. But as he turned to leave, a chilling voice stopped him in his tracks.

"You've done well, Naruto," said Iruka. His hand was gently rubbing Naruto's head, his expression warm and brotherly.

Naruto's relief was short-lived. In a swift motion, Iruka snatched the book before Naruto could react. The transformation jutsu began to wear off, revealing not Iruka, but Mizuki. "But I'll be taking that now," he declared, his sinister laughter echoing as he sprinted away.

Naruto, whose mind had short-circuited for a few moments, finally snapped back to his senses and started to give chase.

As Mizuki darted through the trees, a figure stepped out from the shadows, eyes glowing red with the Sharingan. It was Sasuke, his body covered in a cloak, wearing a mask, as if expecting Mizuki's arrival.

"Going somewhere?" Sasuke asked coolly.

Mizuki skidded to a halt, his face filled with excitement. "S-Sasuke! —"

"Silence," Sasuke's tone grew colder. "Do you think your blundering will ruin my plan to frame Iruka and Naruto?"

Mizuki's face stiffened as he recalled his harrowing experiences with Sasuke over the past half-year. Worrying for his life, he started to apologize, but Sasuke, ignoring his pleas, swiftly performed a genjutsu, putting Mizuki into a deep sleep.

Sasuke picked up the forbidden book, placed numerous explosive tags around Mizuki's unconscious body, and vanished into the night. Moments later, a deafening explosion shook the forest. Konoha ANBU arrived quickly but were left puzzled by the scene, tired of trying to piece together what had transpired.

Sasuke arrived at his old home, the grand Uchiha compound. The vast, empty mansion, that once stood mighty

now stood in eerie silence. He entered the main building, memories of his family flashing briefly in his mind.

In his room, Sasuke opened the forbidden book and meticulously made a copy. Once done, he burned the original book to ensure no evidence remained. After hiding his notes in a secret compartment beneath the floorboards, he began planning his next steps, his mind racing with future strategies.

Meanwhile, at the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat with a deep frown, listening to the reports. Naruto had been arrested, and the forbidden book was lost. Understanding the implications, Hiruzen knew they needed someone to take the blame. But with Mizuki dead and the details murky, the situation was complex. He sighed, rubbing his temples, pondering the next course of action to protect the village and uncover the true mastermind behind the chaos.

In a darkened cell, Naruto sat, his mind a whirl of confusion and anger. How had everything gone so wrong? Thinking about the future.

The forest was eerily silent now, the aftermath, the hidden leaf village continued its restless vigilant, unaware of Sasuke's plans were only beginning, and the ramifications of this night would be felt for years to come.

[ My mind is still little confused so I am releasing this chapter currently, I am trying to understand how to progress the story from the last chapter. There are still some ideas, for example, after leaving Hogwarts, go to France So if anyone have ideas, you can put before I messed up the story ]