chapter 72 The Final Confrontation part 3

Voldemort shouted, "How dare you try to stop me!" Watching a strange girl easily deflect his Death Curse, he was completely furious.

"It's not like I wanted to be here," she replied, turning to Gemma. "You shouldn't have drunk that potion. Now look at you, paralyzed because of your stupid mistake." Looking at Kin, who had suddenly grown up—from previously appearing as an 11-year-old to looking around 15—Gemma asked, "Did you drink an aging potion?"

"Na, I was never 11 years old," Kin responded. "Oh, and is Sasuke as old as you?" Gemma asked, her eyes starting to shine. "Well, he should be around 12," Kin replied hesitantly, unsure of Sasuke's exact age.

Hermione Granger, who was also paralyzed like Gemma, interjected from the side, "Did Sasuke come back too?"

"No, he should be going to Azkaban right now," Kin replied.

As Hermione prepared to ask another question, Voldemort, unable to tolerate their casual conversation, sent another Death Curse. Kin, watching this, casually created a shadow clone in front of her to block the spell. The shadow clone dissipated upon impact, but the feedback left Kin's face pale. Realizing it wasn't a good idea, she quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Voldemort. She cast a binding spell and then stabbed him with a short sword. As Voldemort struggled to free himself, Kin chanted a spell.

Harry Potter, who had been out of the picture and still paralyzed from the potion, was suddenly levitated by Kin's magic. She threw him onto Voldemort, and as their bodies made contact, both began to scream.

After a few seconds of sizzling, Voldemort's body completely disintegrated, leaving behind a black smoke that screamed and fled the scene.

Kin, still a bit pale but determined, looked at Harry and remembered Sasuke's advice: if you can't handle Voldemort, just throw Harry Potter at him. "You should be more careful next time. If that had been poison instead of a paralyzing potion," Kin continued, "I wouldn't have been able to help you. I'd probably have to prepare shrouds to wrap your bodies." If Sasuke were here, he would think her bad habit of taunting was coming back.

Hermione, mustering her courage, asked, "Do you think Voldemort will come back?"

After drinking a small amount of healing potion, Gemma replied, "It doesn't matter. When he finally comes back, I'll probably be stronger than him." Gemma sounded confident, despite just having fought him. If not for getting paralyzed, she believed she wouldn't have lost.

As they began to recover, Dumbledore arrived, assessing the scene with a mix of relief and concern. He quickly restored order and ensured everyone was safe. Turning to Kin, he said, "Thank you for your help, but I think it's time all parties gather and have a peaceful solution."

Kin nodded, "It depends on what he wants." With that, she disappeared.

Dumbledore then turned to the paralyzed Hermione and Gemma. With a flick of his wand, he removed the paralysis from Hermione's body. "Voldemort's defeat here is only temporary. He will return, and we must be prepared."

Hermione looked determined. "What should we do now?"

Dumbledore sighed. "First, you need to have a little check-up at the school hospital, then go to your bed and have a rest."

Turning to Gemma, he added, "I believe even strong people need to have a rest."

Dumbledore paused and picked up Harry Potter and started to make their way back,With a final glance at the aftermath of the battle, they all knew that this was just the beginning.

Dumbledore sat in his office, the flickering light from the many candles casting long shadows on the walls. He rested his elbows on his cluttered desk, fingers steepled as he stared into the space before him, deep in thought. The events of the past few hours replayed in his mind, each moment weighing heavily on his conscience.

He had always known that Voldemort's return would bring unimaginable challenges, but the involvement of new and powerful players like Sasuke and Kin added an unpredictable element to the already volatile situation. Sasuke's strength and ruthless actions were a concern, but they also troubled the people around him.

Dumbledore sighed, recalling how close they had come to disaster. He couldn't help but wonder, The door to his office creaked open, and Professor McGonagall entered, her usual stern expression softened by worry. "Albus," she said, "didn't you go to the ministry."

Dumbledore glanced up, offering her a small, weary smile. "Minerva, I came back after failing to solve their problem."