chapter 79 Playboy forging a Voidbreaker

Arthur Weasley stepped in front of Sasuke, blocking his path to Ginny. "Boy, stay away from my daughter," he growled, his face contorted with irritation at the sight of Sasuke.

"Yes, stay away from our sister," George and Fred echoed in unison. They stood shoulder to shoulder, arms crossed, their identical glares fixed on Sasuke, fully aware of his notorious reputation as a womanizer.

Sasuke halted, observing the Weasleys one by one popping up to stop him as if he were some kind of criminal. To be fair, he only wanted to take that Voldemort notebook and see the legendary beauty that was Ginny Weasley—at least, according to the rumors at Hogwarts.

As he looked at their determined faces, he couldn't help but reflect on his reputation. He imagined a future where everyone hid their daughters and wives at the mere sight of him. If he continued to follow the system's advice, he thought ruefully, instead of being known as a devil or a mass murderer, he would be branded a playboy or a womanizer across the entire multiverse.

"If I can't get close to girls, how am I going to complete my task?" he wondered. "Not everyone is like Bellatrix, where nobody cares even if you do something with her." Stopping himself from continuing the useless thoughts,Sasuke stepped back. "Well, Mr. Weasley, since you don't want me near your daughter, I hope you're able to help her."

"I don't think I need an outsider to help my daughter," Arthur replied.

"Fair enough," Sasuke said, making his way out of the bookstore to wait for Hermione to finish her talk with Harry and Ron.

Hermione, standing with Harry, Ron, and the Weasley family, had seen everything. Feeling the awkward atmosphere, she said, "I think I need to go back."

"Dear, where are your parents?" Molly Weasley asked.

A little embarrassed, Hermione replied, "They didn't come. I came with the help of Sasuke."

Hearing this, Molly raised an eyebrow. "Dear, you shouldn't go around with Sasuke," she said, stopping short as she struggled to explain why it was bad.

Arthur, sensing his wife's hesitation, added, "Little girl, don't you read the newspapers?"

Finally remembering the rumors and the events of the previous day, Hermione said, "Well, I did read the newspaper, but Sasuke is my friend, and at least the newspaper is not completely correct." With that, she also left.

As Sasuke and Hermione met outside, he took her hand, and with a pop, they both disappeared.

Appearing in front of the Granger house, Hermione took her school supplies from Sasuke and entered her home. Standing outside, shrugging off the weird feeling, Sasuke also entered his house.

Going to his basement, which was created with the help of an expansion charm, Sasuke opened the package he had purchased from Knockturn Alley. Inside were rare materials and dangerous herbs, which he had bought to forge a new weapon. With some chakra metal from the system mall, he started the forging process with the help of magic and machinery.

He continued, only stopping to eat dinner with Kin and letting her handle all the housework. He worked through the entire night, and by the next morning, he had only processed 20% of the materials and hadn't even started the actual forging.

For the next few days, he continued forging. Hermione Granger, Gemma, and Pansy also came to visit during this time.

As the day of Hogwarts' departure approached, Sasuke paused his work to at least say goodbye to people like Hermione, Pansy, Gemma, and Daphne.

One month later, Sasuke finally completed the forging, but it was only the basic structure of the katana. There was still much work left. As he raised the katana, he began to think about how his work would compare to other legendary swords. The katana was made from magical metals and forging magic from the Harry Potter world, Machinart techniques from the Machine-Doll universe, and chakra metal from the Ninja world. Though the amount of chakra metal was small compared to the other materials, its presence proved its usefulness for a ninja.

To create this weapon, Sasuke had to purchase advanced forging techniques from the system mall. If this sword couldn't become legendary, it would at least be an epic-level item if this was a game item.

The katana had a unique and striking appearance. The cutting edge of the blade was a shining silver, reflecting light and giving it a mysterious glow. In contrast, the spine of the blade was a sleek black, absorbing light with an almost ominous presence.

Sasuke started by creating a formation. He combined both magic and machinery,As if this were not enough, he even started to use his Kaleidoscope ability, which was related to manipulating reality.

The process was arduous, but Sasuke was determined. He channeled his magic and chakra into the blade, intertwining the essences of the different worlds. As the enchantments took hold, the silver cutting edge of the blade began to glow with a radiant purple light, indicating the infusion of powerful magic. Sparks flew as the katana absorbed the combined powers. The air around him shimmered as reality itself seemed to bend in response to the forging process.

Finally, after days of intense focus and effort, the katana was ready for its final enchantments. Sasuke poured his energy into the blade,He could feel the Katana ability to cut through reality and space. its structure more durable than any weapon he had used.

As he held the completed katana in his hands, Sasuke marveled at its strength. The blade was sleek and sharp, with an ethereal glow that hinted at its extraordinary capabilities.

The contrast between the black spine and the purple-tinged silver edge when imbued with magic or chakra gave it a mystic appearance, signifying its potent magical properties.

This was a masterpiece, forged from the combined techniques and materials of three different worlds. He felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing he had created a weapon of such power himself.

Sasuke decided to name the sword "Voidbreaker" for its ability to cut through space, and its special ability would be called "Void Arsenal."

In the future,he planned to imbue it with the capability to store and control large numbers of giant armor and things like floating cannons, much like the ship girls in anime.

Sasuke wasn't a girl, but he did like the idea of floating cannons. However, making them was going to take a lot of time, so he decided to hire some magicians to at least handle some basic work, while he would do the final work without revealing any of his techniques.