Chapter 96 Sasuke's Return

Sasuke stood in the central chamber, surrounded by various artifacts and enchanted items he had collected over the years. He looked at his most prized possessions: the Philosopher's Stone and the Resurrection Stone, rewards for helping Dumbledore. The notion of doing free work never sat well with him.

His mind raced with plans and calculations for the next steps. The task ahead was monumental: to build a magical castle that could serve as both a fortress and a war machine, ensuring a comfortable life. Relentlessly, he produced a great deal of shadow clones and employed a great deal of wizards to help with the building.

Days turned into weeks as the work progressed. The castle was equipped with floating cannons, hidden traps, and a vast array of magical defenses. Its walls were reinforced with rare materials that made them nearly indestructible. Inside, the castle had numerous corridors and rooms, each designed with specific purposes in mind.

One evening, as the sun set over the French seas, Sasuke finally completed his second castle. Its majestic towers stood tall against the sky, and its walls shimmered with the magical barriers that protected it. Sasuke stood at the highest tower, looking out over the vast French seas.

He called a final meeting with everyone in the grand hall. "My work here is done. The castle is ready. Now, it's time to return to my world." Knowing time in this world would be stopped until he connected both worlds, he wasn't worried about anything.

As he prepared to cross over, Sasuke made one last check of the system space. He looked at the assembled team: Kin and Vinda Rosier. There was also a crazy woman and a snake, but he planned to put them in the system as they were not suitable to take out.

After his final goodbyes, he put the entire new castle inside the system space, then entered it himself.

After spending 120,000 system points, he finally departed, Just like he came into this world, he also vanished from the island in the French Seas, leaving behind the another enchanted castle.

Sasuke Uchiha stepped into a familiar room. He was back in his world; at the exact moment he had left the Chunin Exams.

Within seconds, he called out Kin and Vinda, checking his clothes, which were different since he had already discarded his old ones in the Harry Potter world. He chose clothes more suitable for his current environment: a black and red kimono-style outfit, more tight-fitting and adorned with enchanted straps on his wrists that could also store some weapons.

Kin's costume was similar to the attire worn before the formation of the Ninja villages. The only difference was the color of her armor, now grey, covering only her chest and back. She also wore a grey armband, and her inner costume was completely black. She carried three knives and a small enchanted bag that could hold all her supplies.

In contrast, Vinda Rosier looked similar to her appearance in the Harry Potter world. The only difference was the material of her clothes. Turning her directly into a ninja would have been problematic as she wouldn't be able to adapt. Therefore, over the last few months, Sasuke had only taught her the basics of chakra control, three basic techniques, and introduced her to various ninja tactics and how to identify and fight back.

As he opened his eyes, he could feel the chakra side more energetic, while the loss of body strength was annoying because of reversing his age. However, it was nothing compared to his improved strength over the last seven years in the Harry Potter world.

There were only two types of forces that could face him now. The first was the combined strength of all the strong people, which he planned to ensure never happened.

Speaking of chakra, he remembered his situation. "System, how much chakra do I have compared to the Nine-Tails and others?" he asked inside his mind.

[Your chakra is around two tails.]

"Isn't this too low? If I remember correctly, you said my chakra would be around nine tails once I get the complete bloodline."

[It's true, but you need to remember your current body wouldn't be able to handle that much chakra. Plus, you also have magic. All energy combined, it should be half of the Nine-Tails.]

At this time, both Vinda Rosier and Kin Tsuchi opened their eyes. "Is this your basement?" Vinda spoke.

"No, it's just an empty room in the Chunin Exams," replied Sasuke.

Kin, who was looking around, heard Chunin Exams and said, "I wonder what type of face Orochimaru will have when he finds out someone stopped the entire time of this world." she was no longer afraid of Orochimaru. Like everyone else, she believed nobody could defeat someone who had the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Probably curious and greedy to research such a power like bring lots of stuff with me to make some exchange"Sasuke said while thinking what could he exchange.

"why don't you just forcefully take what you need?"kin ask while being curious since she knew how hard it was to exchange with Orochimaru.

"Because i need him for now"

In the room after testing few more things like how are the magical items are reacting after confirming everything was fine he started to think about his next step.

As he was ready he receive system notification, ignoring that he decided to first first address the snake in the room.