chapter 99 poaching Hyūga sisters

Sasuke wasn't planning to attack everyone now. His attitude shifted as he was no longer holding back. At least now, he didn't have to worry about suddenly getting killed. Of course, there was the Sage of Six Paths who could still defeat him, but Sasuke knew he could leave this world and come back whenever he wanted. That knowledge made him less concerned.

He picked up Hinata and called out, "Kin."

Kin, who had been completely invisible, emerged from her stealth. Sasuke handed Hinata to her. "Take her to my house," he instructed.

She hesitated, realizing she might not know where his house was. Sasuke created a shadow clone for her to follow.

"Neji," Sasuke said while looking at him. "Tell your uncle he has one chance. His daughter could become someone strong or just another piece of cannon fodder." His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear; he wasn't planning to hide his intentions.

Neji's eyes narrowed. "Then you should talk to him yourself. I am not your subordinate."

"Just remember," Sasuke said, his tone persuasive, "I am the only one who could remove that Caged Bird."

Neji's expression tightened. Sasuke's words were clearly tempting him.

Watching all this, the Third Hokage felt his blood pressure rising. In his mind, Sasuke was undermining the very foundation of the village. He was already considering ways to imprison Sasuke or find some method to control him.

As the silent tension surrounded the arena, Vinda Rosier entered the room, looking at everyone's tense expressions and then at Sasuke. "That's really not a good welcome."

Surprised by the unknown person's arrival, the Hokage's eyes narrowed. "How did you get here?" he demanded.

Vinda smirked. "With my feet."

Sasuke glanced at Vinda. "Well, let's not bother the old man. Let's go outside." He moved closer to her and took her hand. With that, Sasuke and Vinda vanished, using Apparition, leaving everyone surprised.

The Third Hokage's face hardened. He knew that the village would need to be prepared for whatever came next, especially with Sasuke and his mysterious allies.

Leaving the place and arriving at his old home in its original location, Sasuke noted that while the house wasn't completely broken, it definitely needed repairs. He used a simple magic to fix it up.

For the time being, he waited for Hinata's father while also taking out a book of seals he had been secretly hiding underground.

After a few hours, Hiashi finally arrived at the Uchiha clan residence. Looking at all the dilapidated houses on the way, he could feel the depression in the area. His face grew serious as he remembered that Sasuke had always been living here. Hiashi just hoped Sasuke wouldn't suddenly go mad and do something terrible to his daughter.

Arriving at the house, he knocked on the door. With just the first knock, the door opened by itself, and he heard a low voice, "Follow the light."

Watching a small ball of light trying to guide him, he followed it inside. While walking in, he noticed the house was completely different—it was as if it had suddenly become new.

Arriving at a door as it slid open, the light ball disappeared, and he saw Sasuke preparing tea while wearing a hitatare, a traditional dress similar to a yukata. For some reason, there was a mysterious air in the room.

Without any hesitation, Hiashi sat opposite him and watched Sasuke pour tea for him.

Since Sasuke knew how much people's judgment could be affected by appearance, he decided to create this atmosphere of being superior, someone who is in absolute control and has an air of mystery.

As Sasuke placed the teacup, he took out some chocolate cockroaches and jumping candies. Though he didn't like the cockroaches, he still took them out along with the jumping candies.

Watching the cockroaches crawling in the box, Hiashi was first confused, but with just a sniff, he found they were not real cockroaches. So he bravely raised his hand and picked up the candies, which were jumping in another box. Let's just say nobody likes these chocolate cockroaches.

Following him, Sasuke also picked up a jumping candy and put one in his mouth. Then, taking a sip of tea, he finally spoke, "You know, in the last few years, I've been thinking about how I should treat your clan. We do not have any grudge for now, but I know if this continues, you might stand in my way." Taking another sip and raising his face while activating his Sharingan, he continued, "As far as I know, there are five clans related to the Sage of Six Paths, and since the establishment of the villages, only one survives, which is the Hyūga, by sacrificing their own people."

Listening to all this, Hiashi Hyūga did not change his expression. Inside his mind, he was a little surprised to hear that at least five clans are related to the Sage of Six Paths.

"I hope you didn't call me here for a history lesson," Hiashi continued without mincing his words. "If I need to know history, I would just look at my clan's books. So tell me the reason you called me. You need to understand just by coming here how much trouble this is going to cause me."

"Believe me, the cost is small compared to not knowing what I plan to do." With his magnetic voice, he continued speaking, "The people in this village are soon going to receive my gift—blood, pain, and death. Anything you could think of, they will be getting in this month."

"Then I just need to stop you," Hiashi said.

"With your strength? I doubt you could, even with the entire village combined." As he said this, his Sharingan started to spin and became a completely new pattern.

"Mangekyō Sharingan," Hiashi said, dropping his teacup in shock.

"It's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan," Sasuke said with a teasing tone. Then he made an expression and continued, "And it's better than Uchiha Madara or even the founder of the Uchiha. While I am not as good as Madara in using these eyes, these eyes are the closest thing to God."