chapter 105 On the moon

On the moon, Sasuke was trying to ignore the angry expressions of the Ōtsutsuki clan members while working on the possibility of releasing Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. On the side, Black Zetsu was waiting for good news.

After a few hours of examining the special seal, Sasuke was disappointed. Watching Sasuke's expression, Black Zetsu taunted, "I told you, kid, you cannot break her seal." Earlier, he had already informed him it was impossible to break the seal, but Sasuke had insisted he could do it. Of course, the most disappointed person was Black Zetsu, as he really hoped Sasuke could break this seal, but he didn't want to show any emotions or attachment to avoid revealing his goal.

"There is no problem in breaking the stupid seal," Sasuke said with his usual expression. "The problem is she has been sealed for thousands of years. Her tailed beasts have been stripped away, which is similar to a jinchuuriki whose tailed beast has been removed. If not for this seal, she wouldn't have survived for this long."

"Do you have any suggestions?" asked Black Zetsu.

Putting his hand on his chin, Sasuke started thinking and, in a few seconds, came up with a solution. Making eye contact with Zetsu, he said, "I could transfer her seal, then feed her lots of natural chakra. After I am able to take out the half of the Nine-Tails from the Fourth Hokage, I can transform that Nine-Tails into pure energy and then transfer it to her, which should help her recover."

"She is not a tailed beast whose seal can be transferred," Black Zetsu replied.

"I have my own method. I only need you to connect her chakra with my chakra. I will do the rest," Sasuke insisted.

Hearing this, Black Zetsu fell into deep thought,Since his plan was almost about to succeed. he didn't want to try any other method,But remembering the Sage of Six Paths might be alive, there was no way the Sage let him release Kaguya. Raising his head, he looked at Sasuke's confident face. "You said you want her help to fight the Sage of Six Paths, but you don't seem anxious to release her."

"You are right," said Sasuke. "You can think like that. If I can release her, I will be able to take revenge this month. If I can't, I will just stop time and train a little more until I reach the level of the Sage of Six Paths. For me, it's only about time, which I have complete control over."

Half of what Sasuke said was bragging, but it was also true. He could just leave the world while stopping time and come back after training more.

Gritting his teeth, Black Zetsu asked, "Can't you transfer the seal somewhere else instead of putting it on yourself?"

Listening to Black Zetsu, Sasuke smiled and opened his mouth. "My body is 28% closer to an Ōtsutsuki. I only need a little push to improve the situation. By getting a little of Kaguya's blood or chakra, I will be able to use that opportunity to transform my own body and try to recover as soon as possible. Then the moment the seal is transferred, the Sage of Six Paths would notice."

Taking out a white breaker, he stabbed it into the ground of the moon. "Now help me contact her chakra."

"I don't think this is a good idea," Black Zetsu said, hesitating.

"Do it before I do it myself, but I won't be able to ensure she would come out in one piece," Sasuke said with a cold voice.

Resigning to his fate, Black Zetsu contacted Kaguya's chakra and made a connection. As soon as the connection was made, Sasuke activated his Mangekyō Sharingan and his ability to control the reality of anything he touched. While ensuring she was still asleep, he transferred her seal inside his sword.

Taking the sword from the ground, he absorbed Kaguya, who was still sleeping like a beauty in slumber.

"Congratulations," Sasuke said while looking at Black Zetsu. "I should be able to fix her in one week. While she won't be strong, she will be alive and out of this seal in the next few days."

Hearing this, Black Zetsu's face showed a surprised expression. "So you already knew about my connection to Kaguya?"

"Of course. I didn't point it out earlier because I knew the moment I talked about her, you would run away," said Sasuke.

"I can still run away," Black Zetsu replied.

"But it doesn't make any sense since she is going to come out in a few days. I wanted to continue your little game for now," Sasuke explained.

"Why?" asked Black Zetsu.

"So when the time comes, I could sacrifice the Ten-Tails." Saying this, Sasuke shifted his eyes back to the Ōtsutsuki clan, whose expressions had changed from anger to fear. "Now listen, you're just going to live here. I won't bother you, and I hope you will also not bother me."

After this, he took some information about their ninjutsu and puppet techniques, then left with Black Zetsu.

After going back, both of them separated. Sasuke arrived at his castle using Apparition. After dipping the sword into healing potions and some life elixirs, he prepared for strengthening all the girls.

The first was Sakura, who is looking around the room she thought does Sasuke wants to dissect me?, before she could continue thinking in strange directions she had a voice which was like a devil for her currently.

"Take of your clothes"

Hearing this she had a red face "Sasuke can't we do somewhere else like the bedroom"

Ignoring her stupidity he started to at himself with little bit of transformation magic all her clothes leave her body by their self, "Aaaaah" before she could scream little louder Sasuke close her mouth with the kiss there was only two method with you how to shut someone's mouth when is this second is silent spell of course the first method is the most rewarding due to getting system points for kissing.

Since he doesn't want to currently start some love making scene he decided to point her to the huge tanks and explain "I got few things from Orochimaru, I have already prepared everything to give you a perfect curse seal which would improve your strength"

After pinching her a little he send her into special tank field with the magical liquid to adjust her body.