chapter 108 waking up Kaguya

Just a few days before the Chūnin Exams, Sasuke sent newly improved Portkeys to the Sand Village and Polyjuice Potion to Orochimaru. Both items were specially modified for non-wizards.

Taking out his sword, Sasuke prepared himself for the final preparations. The blade had a small space designed to store many things, and currently, it was holding only one person.

After using many healing potions, like Elixir to restore vitality, and infusing natural energy to rejuvenate Kaguya, she was out of immediate danger. However, she still needed a large amount of chakra. To acquire it, Sasuke first took out two ANBU members. First, taking out his wand and a mask, Sasuke cast the Imperius Curse on one ANBU ninja. Then he let him wear the mask and control him to cast a bowl-shaped seal, then open his stomach to release the Fourth Generation.

Next, he took out a vial filled with Fourth Generation genetic material. It was a macabre ingredient but essential for the next step. With a swift motion, he injected the material into the second ANBU to use Impure World Reincarnation, reviving the Fourth Generation.

After this, the next point was to extract Nine-Tails chakra without its personality and put it inside Kaguya using some special seals. The room was filled with the residual energy of the ordeal.

After taking a few more blood samples, he prepared a few more restraining devices in the room as he started to wake Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing pale, almost ethereal irises as she tried to stand up. Kaguya's silken white hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall.

With her delicate face, she looked around while taking a deep breath, her chest rising and falling gently beneath her high-collared hime-kimono. The garment, intricately embroidered with patterns of tomoe and celestial symbols, clung to her slender frame.

As she stood, the delicate red markings on her forehead and face added an exotic allure as she looked around. She felt someone with chakra that was familiar and also unfamiliar.

Kaguya's pale, ethereal irises scanned the room, taking in her surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. The residual energy from the ordeal hung heavy in the air, but it was the presence she felt that drew her attention.

Sasuke watched her intently, his Sharingan eyes taking in every detail. He could see the recognition and confusion in her eyes.

"Welcome back, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki," Sasuke said, his voice calm but firm. He took a step forward, his sword still in hand, the blade gleaming in the dim light.

Kaguya's gaze locked onto him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice soft but carrying undeniable authority.

"I am Sasuke Uchiha," he replied, meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve. "I've brought you back so you could join me."

"Why should I join you?" she asked, her tone challenging.

"Because I've restored your vitality and infused you with the chakra you need to survive," Sasuke said. "And i can reverse all that has been done anytime I want."

Kaguya's eyes flashed with irritation. "You are overstepping your boundaries. I am not one to be controlled or manipulated."

"You have been sealed for a thousand years," Sasuke retorted. "If this isn't control, then what is? Joining me is your best chance to recover. And if we ever face Ōtsutsuki clan members that we can't defeat, I can take you and leave this world behind."

Kaguya's expression grew tense at the mention of the Ōtsutsuki clan. "There is no place we can run. They will come for us, no matter what world we hide in."

"I'm not talking about this planet or any dimension related to it," Sasuke said. "I'm talking about a completely different world, where there are countless opportunities to strengthen ourselves. Even the Ōtsutsuki god wouldn't be able to follow us there."

Kaguya hesitated for a moment, then asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Help me stop Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki," Sasuke ask for help.

Kaguya looked down at her hands, feeling the remnants of her weakened state. "I don't think I can fight him in my current condition."

"He is just half-dead," Sasuke said, moving closer and gently placing his hand on her face. "Once you are mine, I won't hold back in restoring your strength."

Not getting any response, Sasuke closed the distance between them. "You should know more than anyone the value of strength." Putting his hand on her body, he continued, "And it's not just about strength; our relationship would be most interesting." Sasuke felt excitement as he was about to complete his first goal.

Giving him a silent nod, she relaxed her body.

Sasuke took the first step and locked her lips. Her eyes widened as she thought it was too fast.

As he separated, the system notified him of receiving a special package for Kaguya and 1 million system points for getting Kaguya.

Recalling the system name, which was Goddess Collector, and that it gave more system points for women who had the potential to become goddesses, he opened the special package and checked it.

The first item was a potion that could recover someone's strength and life by 50%.

The second potion was to improve the life level. He didn't understand why the system didn't give this time the usual life potion which stopped changing.

[Host, what she needs is to improve her life level and also to recover some strength]

Taking out the first potion, he gave it to her while he was glad he didn't just put the Nine-Tails inside her since it could restore 50% strength, it would be a loss if she had directly recovered some of her strength.

Taking the potion, she asked,"What is this?"

"A potion made for you to restore half of your strength," Sasuke said. "You should drink it now, and it's not like I'm going to poison you after spending that much effort."