Ch 18 - A Son and Father Outing

After receiving permission to go out to the forest with his father, both Albion and Alekia went out the next day. Into the dense forest that was behind their home and village. The forest was different from how Albion would have pictured one in his last life. The trees were taller than the ones he saw in the images. They created shadows only allowing some light to illuminate the forest floor. The grass was longer here than on the hill or in the village. Random shrubbery around, rustling in the gentle wind that weaves in and out of the trees. In between the trees, there were some open areas where the sun shone brightly, giving rise to some flowers.

Alekia: So as you said, in this forest there shouldn't be any high-ranking monsters this close to the village. And if there are D-rank monsters I'll let you try and fight one by yourself but if there and multiple you run and if you're struggling too much I'll help. Besides that, I'll let you keep all the money we get. But to reduce the tax I'll sell it to the adventurers guild since my license is still in date. Understand.

Albion: Sir yes sir!

Albion giggled giving a small salute with his empty hand. His right hand holding his sword.

Alekia: Ok. Now Shhhhhh. We don't want to alert monsters of our position unless you want to get swarmed.

Alekia whispered. Both Albion and Alekia quietened as they slowly crept through the forest. Albion was much more on edge than his father. Both of his hands on his sword as he held it close, ready for any surprise attack that may have come. Slowly making their way through the forest, they often stopped. His father observed the floor and looked around. After constant searching, they slowly found a small group of Grey Dire Wolves.

Alekia cast a barrier around them.

Alekia: So what do you know about Grey Dire Wolves?

Albion: An E-rank monster by itself. In a group, they can reach up to a D rank. Their claws and teeth are razor-sharp. They usually hunt in packs and bring their food back to the main group. They have a keen sense of smell 5 times that of a regular dog and much better hearing. Which is why I'm confused. Why cast a barrier when they already noticed us?

Albion looked at his father.

Alekia: They already noticed us?

Suddenly the barrier was attacked by multiple wolves as they clawed and bit at the barrier.

Alekia: Oh.

Alekia looked at Albion as he looked disappointed.

Alekia: It's been a while since I did this. Even longer since I did this without others with experienced backgrounds.

Albion: That kinda hurt. Especially since I can definitely take on all 3 of these.

Albion said confidently.

Alekia: You're confident. Ok then. I'll drop the barrier and fly up. They'll start attacking you. Are you sure you can handle it?

Albion: Definitely. {I mean, a blue slimes F rank. How strong could these actually be?}

Albion smiled.

Alekia: Ok. 3…

Albion got into stance and looked at the wolves. All trying desperately to claw down the barrier.

Alekia: 2… 1… GO!

Alekia dropped the barrier as his appearance changed to one with longer ears and wings. His shirt ripping and flying high. The wolves immediately directed their attention to Albion as they pounced on him.

Albion gripped his sword harder as it shone brightly. Blinding everyone. He ducked under a wolf and backed away from the group of wolves. Giving himself space.

Albion: {Being surrounded is the worst case. I need to make sure they don't get behind me.}

The wolves ran at Albion. Their mouths open, drooling. Desperate to take a bite out of living food. Albion stepped forward as the wolves jumped at him. Albion stepping into one pierced it straight through its open mouth. The thin sharp blade went straight through as the wolf's own momentum severed its spinal cord. The tip of the sword coming out of its thick furry hide. But Albion's sword was stuck inside of the wolf, as the other wolves scratched at Albion with a deep gash as he tried to withdraw his sword.

The claw marks sustained weren't too bad even if they were deep. But they ripped apart his flesh as he gritted his teeth in pain. Albion had two magic circles cast on his body as his wounds were purified and healed. Only small scars formed on his body. Albion looked back at the wolves as they jumped at him again. Without preparation for an attack, as he had just withdrew his sword from the dead wolf, he slashed at one of the charging wolves. The wolf catching the sword in its mouth and pushing him down. The other one went around and went back to attack. Albion grabbed his dagger from behind his back and stabbed the wolf holding his sword. The dagger pierced the wolf in the throat. Blood flooded over him as he closed his eyes not to get any of the blood in them.

Quickly he rolled as he avoided the bite from the wolf. The wolf gnawing at the ground. Albion was without his sword and only with his dagger. Holding it in a forwards facing grip. Wiping his bloody face with his sleeve. Clearing his sight.

Albion: Come on.

The wolf ran at Albion as he slashed at the wolf. Chipping at its teeth. But the wolf clawed at Albion's arm that held the dagger. The dagger was thrown from his hand into the dirt.

Albion was face to face with the wolf alone. Albion looked at its lean build and sharp teeth. One tooth chipped. Its deep growl was directed at Albion as its fur reverberated.

Albion took a look at his dagger as the wolf charged. He dived for the dagger as the wolf jumped on him. Albion twisted and held the wolf by its neck. No weapon in his hands.


Albion held the wolf away with one hand as the wolf tried to push further and closer to Albion. Trying to eat at his flesh. Albion's hand moved around the forest floor in search of his dagger. Then he found it. It's cold steel on his hands. He was grabbing the blade but couldn't reach its handle. But that had to be good enough. Albion grabbed the dagger next to him as he repeatedly stabbed the wolf in the gut. His hand was cut open as the wolf bled all over him. He continued to stab the wolf. Until the wolf's weight fell onto his body. Only then did he know it was dead. He took a big breath as he rolled it off. Standing up as he purified and cleaned his dagger and clothes. Purified and healed his wound. A large scar across his hand and fingers. Albion walked over to pick up his sword and Purify and Clean it.

His father landed right next to him. His wings and appearance changed back to normal. Pulling a shirt out of a bag he was holding so that his wings didn't rip apart. Albion couldn't care about the fact his dad was carrying around a bag with many spare shirts. All he could do was glare at his father.

Alekia: Great job!


Alekia: You weren't struggling enough though.


Albion looked so confused. He was most definitely struggling with them. He nearly got eaten alive at multiple points.

Alekia: A lot more wounded. At least 5 more wounds and I would have helped. That's what Mrs Winchester did for me on my first adventure.

Albion looked at Alekia with shock. Unable to believe such a nice old lady would do something like that. But if he thought about it he didn't know what she would have been like when she was younger. He knew she had a son and 3 grandchildren. Her husband went to the Holy City before her according to his father. He knew she was a paladin and an amazing one given how fast she moved at such an old age. But he didn't know what she was like in her past. His mother and his father only spoke of their own lives when they were younger. Albion looked a bit disappointed that he didn't get to know her better. He felt bad being so close to her but not knowing. It was a feeling he couldn't seem to get rid of. As if he didn't get to know people well enough.

Alekia: I have a few pointers on what you need to improve on but as I said. Good job!

Alekia smiled as he put his hand out. Two magic circles appeared as Alekia just wanted to make sure all of Albion's wounds had healed and were cleaned properly.