Ch 21 - Breaking A Rule (3)

Albion slowly regained consciousness as he tried to open his eyes. But he couldn't. His eyelids remained tightly shut. Heavy of his eyes. He could only see darkness. While familiar everything felt unfamiliar at the same time.

Albion: {Am I dead?!} Mhhh! {I… I can't move my mouth! But I can still breathe from my nose?}

Albion tried to move his body but he couldn't. He was completely still on a hard surface beneath him. The most he could do was move around his middle finger on his left hand. Even then that was difficult for him.

???: Wait… are… are you awake?

Albion heard a beautiful voice say. It was soft and gentle. But there was a hint of worry. Her speech was slow, paced and controlled.


Albion was so happy he didn't die. His parents would have been devastated if he had died. All because he didn't listen to them. He didn't want to leave this life so early. This was his dream life. The best one out of his two.

Lily: You should be thanking this really beautiful woman. She's the most beautiful and unique person I've seen of her kind.

Albion was surprised. Lily wasn't the type of person to just throw out compliments like that. Not to anyone but him. And if she did compliment someone it was a fact not an opinion.

Albion: {Lily! Where am I?!}

Lily: You're in a cave. Pretty far away from your village. This woman's home to be exact. She's been nursing you back to health for three days. And might I say she has tried her very best to help you. You choose a very nice, kind and unique person to form a crush on.

Lily gave a slight giggle. Teasing Albion. A small red blush forming on his face.

Albion: {I… I… I didn't form a crush!}

Lily had fun teasing him. But she couldn't tell him how worried she was for him during those three days. But after watching, she knew he was in good hands.

Albion then felt his head lifted from a hard surface and placed onto something warm and soft. A sweet smell penetrated his nose. Similar to that of an all-natural soap. Flowers?

???: C… Can you move?

Albion tried again but all he could do was move his middle finger on his left hand. It was as if his body was stuck in place. He was unable to control any other part of his body. All feeling heavy.

???: I… I'm really… sorry. I… I tried to help. But… the paralytic poison made its… way to your brain. You're going to be… like this for a few… months.

If Albion could move whatsoever he would be having a very big reaction right now. But with his body still and unable to move his mouth, which he still very much trying to move. He couldn't react at all. Only in his head was there any major reaction.


Everything was still besides Albion's finger. Which moved around erratically to try and show how he was feeling.

???: I… I know it's scary. But… it's going to be ok. I'll…. I'll take care of you. For… as long as it takes.

Albion tried to calm down noticing his panicking wasn't helping him. He was having trouble breathing. So he took deep breaths in and out of his nose. As the woman gently stroked his hair. Albion noticed he no longer had his hair tied back and it was all let down. Her stroking of his hair through her hands brought some peace to Albion.

Albion: {I'm stuck like this for months. I'm… I'm so screwed when I get back home.}

While Albion did do well. Defeating 12 goblins in one big group. 2 being goblin variants. Albion was regretting his decision. Being stuck like this and thinking of the punishment he might receive. He was even more scared as his parents had never punished him before. He had never given them a reason to.

Lily: Yes. You are most likely screwed.

Albion: {I should have listened to you.}

Lily: Probably.

Lily gave a small giggle. Looking at the woman stoke Albion's hair. She couldn't help but see them as a cute unique couple already. She knew Albion's thoughts on how he found the woman beautiful at first sight. In complete awe before he passed out.

Albion: {Will you tell me what my surroundings look like?}

Lily: What are the magic words?

Albion: {*Sigh* Please Mommy.}

Lily gave a small giggle.

Lily: Well done. Well as I said the woman's unique. Everything in this cave seems to be handmade. The table, the wooden bowls and cutlery, the bed. She does have one book though. She seems to be an alchemist as well as a healer. Also, you're currently on a small self-woven fabric sheet she used to pull you back. She has also brought all the goblin corpses and items back needed for the adventurers guild. Their whole bodies and weapons are in another section of the cave.

Albion: {Woah. Do you know how she's been taking care of me? If she's a healer has she used Purify yet?}

Lily: Yes. She has. But the paralytic poison spread so much, that your lungs stopped working for a couple of minutes. You pretty much died.

Albion: {WHAT?! How am I still alive?! Does she have some sort of resurrection magic?}

Lily: No she helped you manually breathe until you started breathing on your own.

Albion: {Manually breathe? How does that work?}

Lily: She put her lips to yours and breathed out, then she gently pressed on your chest slowly and after a second took another breath and repeated. It was stunning how much she wanted to save you. It was quite heartfelt to watch.

Albion heart began to beat faster and faster after hearing that.

Albion: {S… she… she kissed me. A… and literally took my breath away. And gave it back.}

Lily: HAHAHAHAHA I GUESS SHE DID! What was it on your world I saw… AH YES! I can take your breath away but I'm smart enough to bring it back! HAHAHAHA! That was perfect for this circumstance.

Albion: {Please don't laugh! Can… can you just lift me back home?}

Lily: Nope.

Albion: {Thank… Wait why?!}

Lily: Well this woman is trying so hard I'll just let her finish healing you. Also, I can't. Besides I'm sure you both will make a great match with how unique you two are.

Albion: Hmhhw {LILY THIS ISN'T FUNNY!}

Albion tried to shout out but it didn't work. Instead of shouting in his mind.

Lily: Bye sweetie.

Albion: {LILY!… MOMMY?!… Damn it. If I don't die. My parents are going to kill me.}

There was a brief silence before the woman broke it.

???: I… I just came up… with an idea. A way to… communicate. The finger you can move. Tap once for No… and twice for Yes. Is that ok? No… wait. Can… you hear me?

Albion tapped twice. As the woman gave a gentle smile. Happy she was able to communicate with the person who saved her.

Albion: {Yes I can hear you.}

???: Are… you an adventurer?

Albion tapped once.

Albion: {Nope. I want to be but I can't with my age. Even though in this kingdom, technically, I'm of age. But that only lets me drink low alcohol content products, spend larger sums of money and other things.}

???: Is anyone going to be coming and looking for you?

Albion tapped twice.

Albion: {My mother's probably going to rip apart the forest. And if she thinks I wandered too far and past the elven border… she'll probably destroy that kingdom.}

Albion saw his mother's status. He didn't know how powerful she was but she was definitely strong.

???: Ok… are you comfortable?

Albion was lying on a thin piece of fabric on a rock floor. He tapped once. The only thing that was soft was this new warm pillow he had.

???: Sorry. I'll… I'll help.

Albion's head was suddenly placed on a hard board again.

Albion: {Wait… was that her lap? Oh my god, that was soft! Not just in feeling but the touch of her skin!… I SHOULDN'T EVEN THINK THAT!}

Albion was then slowly dragged as he felt his back move along a wooden board. But then he felt he was dragged onto something soft. He was in a bed. His bed at home was softer but for everything here being made by the woman, this was pretty amazing.

Albion: {Did she place me in her bed?}

???: Is that… better?

Albion tapped twice.

???: Ok. Are you… thirsty?

Albion tapped twice and then his stomach rumbled. He heard a small and cute giggle as he blushed.

???: I haven't… prepared food yet. But I have… water. But… I'm sorry… how I have to do… this.

Albion was confused.

Albion: {Do this? What is she going to…}

Albion's thoughts suddenly stopped as soft lips pressed against his. They were so soft as a tongue invaded his mouth. Water in his mouth being forced to swallow. But yet she lingered there for a bit. As if she was enjoying it before she pulled back.

???: I-I'm sorry! You… you don't swallow normally… yet. I-I have to help… you.

Albion's heart was racing faster but his thoughts were silent. Something just happened to him and he felt something. The sensation he felt was unique. Only one thought came to mind.

Albion: {Oh… I'm in love… oh.}