Ch 35 - First Day (5)

As Sylvia ran down the alley in her much smaller, younger-looking form. Albion was pulled by a blue hand made of mana. Sylvia pulled him into a small shop down in the alley. All kinds of sexual items were displayed in the store. But for some reason more books than sex toys.

Albion: Is this where I'll find what I want?

Albion looked around. The wares of the shop neatly presented. Books in piles or shelved and sex toys displayed like prized possessions. The shop while full was very well presented.

Sylvia: I'm the one helping you. This is my store.

Albion: This is your store?

Sylvia: Yes. I am very underpaid as a teacher.

Sylvia said hanging her head down. She sounded very sad when she said this. Albion looked at her a bit worried as he floated in the blue mana hand.

Albion: {Ow. Sounds like a sensitive subject.} But are you sure you want to help me? You seemed like you were doing something else and this doesn't seem like a normal master and disciple relationship.

Sylvia: Well that's long gone now. And yes. I want to help you. Besides all I was doing was looking for a mate. Looking for a suitable boyfriend. I haven't had one for 300 years.

Albion: What happened to your last one?

Sylvia looked at Albion as he was held in the air. It looked like he genuinely wanted to know what happened and wasn't just asking for the sake of it.

Sylvia: Since our master-disciple relationship is… now complicated. Can we be friends who are also like master and disciple?

Albion: Sure! You would be my first friend though.

Sylvia: Cool! {Damn it! Why couldn't I be his mate?! Lucky goblin. Very very lucky.} So can we speak casually and about private stuff?

Albion: I've already told you about mine so I see no reason why not to.

Sylvia smiled brightly.

Sylvia: Ok so… 300ish years ago. I had a boyfriend. And when I was pegging his brains out in this form his mother walked in. The mother was a massive well known bitch and since she's the daughter of the current queen of the elves she convinced her that my "perverse" tendencies were bordering on the demonic. And instead of being a good boyfriend and supporting me. He backed her up. And so I was banned from the elf kingdom. She wanted to kill me but they couldn't kill someone of my status as an Arch Mage. I probably won't be allowed back into the elf kingdom until that bitch of an Elavore kicks the bucket. Never being allowed back home. Not that I want to anymore.

Albion just stared at Sylvia. Surprised by everything she just said.

Albion: Woah. First of all, it is a massive coincidence that she has the same name as me. Secondly, what's pegging?

Sylvia: Fucking a man with a strap-on dildo. Also, I thought your name was Albion.

Albion: That sounds kinda cool. Also, that is my name. Albion Elavore.

Albion was suddenly pulled a lot closer to Sylvia as she floated slightly. Looking Albion in his eyes.

Sylvia: You're an Elavore? Related to the royals?

Albion: I don't know if my mum is a royal but I could explain it to you. You see my dad didn't have a last name since his mum wasn't given one as her father, a dragon, lost his last name since he procreated with another species. My great-grandmother is a spirit which doesn't have a last names. My father's father was disowned for also cross-breeding. So we took my mother's last name as she was banned in a kinda similar situation to you. {But now that I think about it… didn't Mum say her mother was important? Could they be the same person?}

Sylvia looked at Albion as she processed all that information. Looking in shock as she looked at Albion.

Sylvia: No goddess damn way! YOU'RE AND ELAVORE!

Albion: You'd have to ask my mother.

Sylvia: Wait you like pegging?

Albion: I previously had a boyfriend/girlfriend. I believe the term he used was a trap. We didn't do anything like that because we wanted to more slowly. But he OD'ed. {And he was a prostitute. *Sigh* though I kinda miss him. He was technically my only friend. If you don't count all the other prostitutes I spoke to at random.}

Sylvia shook her head collecting her thoughts. But then she looked at Albion and held his cheeks with both of her small hands. Taking a deep breath.

Sylvia: You have to be my mate! {I don't care how young he is! HE'S PERFECT! I'M SURE THAT BITCH ELAVORE WILL HATE IT BUT I'LL MAKE SURE TO LOVE HIM WELL!}

Albion looked Sylvia in her crystal white eyes as she shouted this. Her face was flustered red.

Albion: {Is this what Eve meant? What do I do in this situation? Wouldn't it be normal to just say no? But Sylvia is really pretty. But then I would have two girlfriends. But with what Eve said…} I know in places it's normal to have concubines and multiple wives. But you'd have to ask my girlfriend.

Sylvia: And if she says yes? {Please be with me, please. I'll love you so well! I've been so long without someone to love! PLEASE!}

Sylvia looked at Albion with great expectation. The first time someone came along that ticked off every single one of her boxes. She didn't want to miss out on such a person.

Albion: I see no reason why not. You seem like a great person. {She was also really really pretty. And if Eve wants to be in a larger relationship I'm not against it. But…} Aww damn. I would be at zero friends again. {And it's not like the nobles want to be friends with me.}

Sylvia smiled as she looked at Albion.

Sylvia: If you like debauchery like me. I'll make it worth your while. {YES!!! I'll make sure to love every single bit of you! GOBIN GIRL! I'M COMING TO ASK FOR YOUR PERMISSION!}

Albion: As I said. You have to ask my girlfriend. For the time being, we're friends with no benefits!

Albion smiled. Happy he finally had a friend. His second friend in the combination of his two lives.

Sylvia: OH! That reminds me. Now let me teach you some things.

Sylvia landed on the floor as she went to a pile of books.

Sylvia: First take this book.

Sylvia took a book and threw it in the air. The book floating next to Albion.

Sylvia: And this and this. Definitely this! Hmmmm. Yeah, and this would be useful for a goblin.

Sylvia kept moving around bookcases throwing books in the air. There were 10 in total floating next to Albion.

Sylvia: So what do you know? Do you know the contraception spell? Love crests, magic tattoos, what do you know?

Albion: Not a lot. Actually… nothing at all.

Sylvia: Woah! You're going to be tired for your first lesson then. Let's start with different contraception spells, then move on to contacts and binds related to sex. Then if we have time I'll teach you different lust crests. I will give you lessons like this every… week. In between my regular teachings.

Albion: Ermm. Can you please let me down then?

Sylvia: Nope.

Sylvia smiled deviously and giggled.

Time skip

As expected. Albion was tired. Exhausted. Asleep during a mathematics lesson in which he made A class.

???: Why is bumpkin so tired?

???: People are saying they saw him wandering into the red light district.

???: A first year doing such a thing?! So he's a pervert! Ewww! Commoners are disgusting!

???: I can't believe the school thinks he's as smart as us!

???: I also heard he was with one of those daughter prostitute girls from a spy I had on him. I knew one commoner in a year of elites was suspicious.

???: He must be a spy for a criminal organisation!

Suddenly the teacher heard their whispers as he smacked his stick against the desk.

???: Everyone please be quiet during my lecture! Now as I was saying for the log of…

Albion was fast asleep. Blissfully unaware that everyone hated him. His year was full of nobles not only of his own kingdom but kids from noble families from other kingdoms. All suspicious of him and coming up with their own stories and gossip.