Ch 40 - Physical Training

Albion: {I've confirmed it. Everyone in my year hates me. Even the class I was just teaching hates me. And I thought I was doing well enough for them to like me but it looked like they hated me more.}

Every student was leaving the lecture room as Albion tried to wave bye but they just glared at him while leaving. It was obvious they didn't like him. Whether that was because he was a commoner or because someone younger than them was teaching them, Albion had yet to figure it out.

Sylvia: What's wrong with them?

Sylvia got up from the chair she sat on. Walking over to Albion. Since Albion had a perfect memory and with his Accelerated Learning Sylvia taught him the course material for this year letting him teach one of her classes. And Albion wasn't a bad teacher by any means. Even when students tried to make him look stupid by asking him questions that they knew even class-A students wouldn't know Albion answered it perfectly. Sylvia was just there to monitor and be present for what were supposed to be her lessons. Of course, Albion only taught one out of the many lessons she had to teach today.

Albion: I don't know. Everyone in my year seems to hate me. I don't even know why. Pretty sure it's just because I don't have a noble status.

Sylvia: That's too bad. But you did well teaching them about basic circle theory. Really shows you did your homework well.

Albion rubbed the back of his head with a small smile.

Albion: Thanks. Though I wanted to ask. I know magic circles are circles because they help with the flow of mana, and while changing the base shape won't change the fundamentals of the spell because it's the runes inside the circle that help create the magic, the circle being a component that helps the magic flow. But what happens if you include multiple circles inside of each other? Similar to how there are the lines connecting and separating sets of runes into their fundamental components. Like the Lightning Bolt spell. There was another smaller magic circle within it.

Sylvia stared into Albion's eyes. Albion stared into her crystal eyes. They both had a habit of staring off into space, talking or thinking to themselves. Albion developed a small blush while shaking his head as he diverted his eyes somewhere else. Anywhere else.

Sylvia: {Ahhhhh! I love you so much!} Hmmmm. When a magic circle has multiple circles in, its helps the flow of either multiple affinities being combined or different spells. When you see it in Lightning Bolt that's because directing negatively charged air is significantly harder to do with mana control than it is to create a sub-spell to guide the negatively charged energy even in windy environments. If I was to use the spells... Static Shock and Barrier but not combine the two spells into one circle and just cast them with the attempt to combine them with just mana control, they will come out as two separate spells regardless. By combining them into one circle you can combine the spell, you can even add spells inside another circle to act as sub-spells for complex spells. However, it's not always certain something comes from it if you just smash the two spells together. Look.

Sylvia held out her hand as Albion saw the magic circle of both the spell Static Shock and Barrier. The two spells visibly merged as they perfectly combined into one. But when the spell was activated a miss-shaped field of electricity dispersed and dissipated.

Sylvia: However… there is always a way to combine two spells. Even if they're from completely different elements. But I'll give you something easier than trying to combine two random spells. I want you as homework to combine the two spells Barrier and Static Shock to make a combination spell that doesn't fail and dissipate like the one I just showed you. This spell is called Electro Cage. Nowwww if I remember correctly you have a mixed lesson to go to.

Albion could only stare at Sylvia. He had a weird feeling whenever she did something like this. Become so engrossed in magic whenever she spoke. Getting lost in her eyes as she seemed so passionate about it.


Albion realised he had spaced out looking at her. Blushing heavily

Albion: I do! See ya Sylvia!

Albion quickly ran off with a blush on his face. Running through the door.

Sylvia: Bye Albion~.

Albion left to go to his 3rd favourite lesson. 1st Magic, 2nd Swordsmanship even though it was extremely boring and 3rd. Physical Training class. It was quite literally going to the gym. Training your body.

Scene change

When Albion got to class he changed into baggy clothes and immediately started training with the rest of his class. The facilities were massive. The facilities were even more advanced than the gyms in his previous world. Running machines were micro-imaginary worlds where actual terrains formed. Weights getting so heavy magic had to be added to the floor to prevent breaking when being dropped and carried. Weights so heavy they were made with special crystal materials or had magic circles on to increase the resistance.

The class was given a workout split and taught what to do. What amount of reps would be the best, how many sets per exercise and how many sets per muscle group.

In fact, it had only been a couple of months since Albion came to the school but Albion had already put on a bit more muscle while becoming toner. It was very different from doing as many pushups, squats, sit-ups, pull-ups, sword strikes and running as far as possible. That being his only method of working out back at home.

Albion was currently in what he still liked to call a gym. Though they didn't call it that in this world. Pressing the barbell in a flat position. Two 20 plates on each side.









Albion was struggling with the last rep. Pushing as hard as possible but after getting it a bit of the way up from his chest he started struggling to even move. Then suddenly it got lighter as Albion looked up. A very tall woman standing above him. Albion pushed it up.

???: Come on! 5 more!

Albion didn't argue. The help was much welcomed as he went for five more reps. His chest was burning as his muscles screamed pushing the barbell with the woman's help. But his chest was giving up.


His chest was dying as he pushed against a slowly descending barbell. The woman helping him to lift it up. After 3 of these, they racked it back up as Albion was panting. That was the hardest he had ever pushed in the months he had been going to the gym. It was certainly more difficult with someone helping him. And he kinda liked that.

Albion sat up as he turned around looking at the very tall woman. She stood at 7"5. Had darker skin and black fur rabbit ears. Her hair was short, black and spiky. Wearing red sportswear and leggings. She had a lot of muscle as she had a very built physique.

Albion: Thank you. {Can this be my second friend?!} Ermmmm. *Gulp* Do… do you want to be my friend? {I haven't seen her in my year. Please say rumours haven't spread that far.}

???: Sure! Commoners like us have to stick together! Though let me ask. Are the rumours about you and the red light district true?

Albion: {SHES A COMMONER TOO! NICE! *Sigh* But the whole school knows.} I only went to learn Nymphomancy for my girlfriend. I denied every attempt to seduce me. {I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW PEOPLE FOUND OUT!}

The tall woman smiled.

???: Oh. You want to pleasure your girlfriend. I can respect that. So what is she? Beast kin like me. Maybe an orc or part orc? If you're using Nymphomancy she must be one hell of a girl.

The woman teased as she leaned on the barbell.

Albion: A goblin variant. And no she is not one of the bad or feral ones. She speaks fluently and is very smart.

The woman looked down at him as she smiled and then burst out in laughter.

???: Goddess you really do need the Nymphomancy! Hahahaha! I can't believe you found the holy grail of debauchery! Hahahahaha! A FEMALE GOBLIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AWW YOUR SCREWD KID!

Albion: {Wait… this place has the holy grail?!}

Suddenly a hand was thrown out in front of Albion.

???: Nice to meet you! I'm Pixie and I'm glad to start being friends with you! So how did you get in? Slipped through the cracks of the entrance test? Rich family?

Albion shook Pixie's hand as her grip nearly broke his hand.

Albion: {Her name is Pixie… with that size and strength?!} Well I got a recommendation from Heart, a swordsmanship teacher.

Pixie: Oh the swordsmanship teachers. Nice. I got a recommendation as well. He was supposed to be the teacher for this physical class if he wasn't so hands-off. That's mostly how any commoner gets into this school, through recommendations. By the way, you're a half elf, right?

Albion: A quarter actually. Also part orc, dragon, human and spirit. Though can't say I'm beast kin specifically part of the rabbit tribe like you.

Pixie: Hahahaha! What gave it away?!

Both Pixie and Albion laughed hard as they both received glares from everyone else in the physical training centre.

Pixie: You know what. Do you want to start working out with each other? You may be a bit smaller than me but you're pretty strong for your size.

It was an understatement that Albion was a bit smaller than her. Only standing at 5"10 so far to her 7"5 height.

Albion: Are you sure? I mean you seem really strong. I don't think I could be of much help to you.

Pixie: Yeah! You may be first year but having a gym partner for the first time is great! I'm sure we'll help each other a lot so don't worry about it.

Albion: Wait what year are you in?

Pixie: 5th. 21 years old. How old are you? 15, 16.

Albion: 8.

Pixie: 18? Aren't you a bit too old for first year? The age limit should be 16.

Albion: I said 8.

Pixie: 8?

Albion: 8.

There was a small silence.


Albion: Yep!

Albion smiled as Pixie looked at him amazed. He looked nothing like an 8-year-old. He looked like a grown-up teenager.

Pixie: Awww I have to show you to the rest of my friends! Come with me, little man!

Albion got picked up with ease by Pixie as she held him in her arms. Quickly dashing off at a fast speed. Using Body Mana that surrounded her legs.

Albion: {Why do people have a tendency to just pick me up with no effort? I'm not small. I'm already of the male average height for my past world.}

Albion was small compared to Pixie. As Pixie jumped from roof to roof outside of school grounds she landed and slid across the floor in front of a door. A small house was in front of them. Knocking on it.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

You could hear the footsteps coming to the door as someone opened it as Pixie presented Albion.


Albion gave a small wave as Pixie held him up from under his arms. Presenting him to the man who opened the door.

???: Please tell me you didn't abduct someone again.



Pixie: Nope! Quick guess his age!

Pixie had a really big smile as Albion looked back at Pixie and back at the man.

???: Pixie did you just abduct someone on purpose?!

Pixie: Ray please guess!

Ray: I don't know! 17 maybe 18. Why does that ma…

Pixie: He 8.

There was a long silence as Albion just hung there from Pixie's hands stretching out. Feeling like a child again which he still very much was. Though technically he was already of age by this world's standards. But that felt so wrong.

Pixie: Aren't you surpri…


Albion: {These guys seem fun.}

Albion smiled as he looked at the beyond-shocked man in front of him. Pixie had yet to notice what she had done… was very illegal.