Ch 43 - Two Bunnies One Carrot

Sylvia had left Aragon Boarding School and had flown a long way to get to Albions village. Flying over forests and rivers, other cities and towns. Passing a couple of monsters in the vast plains she flew over. Taking the whole day and night to arrive where it turned back to day. Arriving at Albions village as she landed at its entrance. Walking across the stone road and realised a familiar feeling.

Sylvia: So this is the village that Albion lives in. I'm pretty sure I walked through this area while leaving the elf kingdom 300 years ago. Though nothing was here at that time. Ahh humans develop so fast.

Sylvia walked through the village walking into the adventurers guild. Walking to the front desk. The adventurers guild just as busy as when Albion had left. People were already drinking even though it was morning. I mean… it's happy hour somewhere in the world.

Jolene: Hi newcomer. What brings you out here? {She must be pretty rich considering she's wearing great quality equipment.}

Jolene gave a smile as she looked at Sylvia. Sylvia was wearing a white cloak with magic crests woven on the insides. With the hood down. A small short white one-piece dress that was woven from strong monster fur. The dress not even reaching her knees. Wearing black shoes made from a special black wolf leather and white silk gloves made from the silk of a giant spider. A white crystal jewel necklace with complex magic etched on the inside.

Sylvia: Oh I was just on the way to visit some people and I passed a few giant insects on the way. Do you happen to have somewhere where I could take them out?

Jolene: Yes please come this way. {She took multiple giant insects out on her own? She has to be at least a high B rank.}

Jolene directed Sylvia outside at the back of the guild.

Jolene: Please let it out here.

Sylvia pointed the palm of her hand forward, up to the sky as a large rift opened in the air and 4 giant bug corpses dropped. One giant ant, 2 pray manti and one cockroach.

Jolene looked in shock as she examined the corpses. Besides a few charred areas near their head, their corpses were completely intact.

Jolene: That will be 20 silver each so 80 silver. Do you have an adventures card?

Sylvia shook her head. She was a lot of things but an adventure wasn't one. After participating in the demon war she didn't really want to go back to hunting monsters. She had seen too many people die and after fighting some high-ranking monsters she knew she wasn't going to be the one to defeat the demon king. She wasn't strong enough. Maybe not in terms of power, but in will.

Jolene: Then that will be 40 silver coins. Just give me a second to get your money.

Jolene walked back inside and after a minute came out with a small full pouch.

Jolene: Thank you for doing business with our guild. I hope you have a great day.

Sylvia: Oh yeah. Do you know an Albion?

Jolene looked surprised at Sylvia.

Jolene: Are you talking about Alekias' kid? Blond hair with red tips, elf-like ears that are slightly shorter?

Sylvia: That's the one! I wanted to know where his parents live. He said his girlfriend lives with them. I also wanted to know what they're like.

Jolene: Oh Eve! Yeah. They're on the hill near the edge of the forest. Also, they're great! Alekia is the village healer/doctor and owns the clinic in which Eve helps. And his mother's a big softy for her kid and Eve when she doesn't go into a rage or get angry.

Sylvia looked a bit concerned at the last thing Jolene said.

Sylvia: {Rage? Gets angry?} Thanks!

Sylvia walked through the village looking around as she saw the clinic, she then walked up to the hill and to a small house. Knocking on the wooden door. When it opened a very large woman opened it. Souvee looking down at Sylvia.

Souvee: Yes? {It's an elf? Wait… DID THEY COME FOR MY BABY BOY!}

Sylvia: {She's massive! But this must be the part orc Albion is. She's about as tall as the average female orc.} Erm would you be Albion's mother?

Souvee: Yes. Do you know Albion? {I KNEW IT!}

Souvee looked at Sylvia with glared eyes. Sylvia was a bit intimidated by the size of Souvee and the power she seemed to emanate.

Sylvia: Yes. I actually came to speak to Eve about a matter relating to him.

Souvee: Oh? {Oh! Did Albion make a friend? My baby boys doing well!} You're lucky. If it was any other day she would be at the clinic. But today she wanted to study a bit. I'll go get her now.

Souvee closed the door as Sylvia waited.

Sylvia: {What do I say? Hi, please let me date your boyfriend. That sounded horrible!}

The door opened as Sylvia looked down at Eve who opened it.

Sylvia: Holy shit she's beautiful!

Sylvia then covered her mouth as she accidentally said what she thought.

Eve: Thanks? Who are you kikiki? {Huh. I guess she's the first. I don't know why I was expecting a female dwarf though.}

Eve looked up at Sylvia as Sylvia looked down at Eve. Even Sylvia found it hard not to stare at Eve's sunset eyes or her amazing figure. Wearing one of Albion's normal tops that looked baggy on her. Hanging off her larger chest.

Sylvia: I know Albion. I'm a friend of his. Could we talk in private?

Eve: I see no reason why not.

Eve walked out and closed the door as a barrier formed around them.

Sylvia: {She knows magic too! No wonder Albion loves her. She seems amazing!} Erm. So I'm Albion's friend as well as master and teacher.

Eve: Master?

Sylvia: He's my disciple. Kinda. And I know you know that Albions an amazing person. Handsome, smart, and kind, has an amazing dedication to grow and talent with it. Will live my lifespan…

Eve: What is this about kikiki? {Wow she really is nervous. Is it because this isn't a normal conversation? Normal males just take concubines or second mates. The female doesn't usually ask for permission. Though Albion would never even think of another woman if I didn't plant that seed in his mind. He had already begun dedicating himself to me. But someone as great as him deserves more. A large lineage and family. I needed to at least do that much. Besides more people, more adorable baby Albions to take care of!}

Eve smiled which to Sylvia looked like a devilish grin. Sylvia gripped her hands nervously.


Sylvia said with her head down. Eve looked at her.

Eve: Yeah. I guess Albion told you to ask me because he at least feels something for you kikiki. And it's normal for goblin males to have children with multiple women and human nobles to have concubines. I gave Albion permission to think of other women. So I permit you kikiki.

Sylvia: Then…

A fireball shot past Sylvia's head as it hit the barrier. Sylvia's eyes widened. She had sensed the spell coming but didn't think she would actually activate the spell.

Eve: But I'm first. I will always be his first.

Eve glared at Sylvia. Eyes that turned from sunsets to flames of fury.

Eve: I'm the one he loves the most. I'm the one to take his first kiss. His first date. The first time he has sex. The first kids he has. If you take any of his firsts from me… I will skin you alive and give your living screaming body to the goblins. I will watch as they impregnate you and you have to give birth to savages. I will watch those savages then repeat what their fathers did to you in an endless cycle until you die. Your corpse becoming nothing but nutrients to feed your children. Are you clear?!

Sylvia looked down at Eve completely frightened. The gruesome things Eve just described were worse than any torture she had seen done to monsters in the demon war.

Sylvia: I… I understand.

Sylvia gulped. Eve glared at her but then that glare turned to a nice smile.

Eve: Then let's be the best of friends! And maybe… just maybe. If I get to like you too we can be more.

Sylvia looked surprised by the sudden switch in attitude. It scared her more than the fireball nearly burning off her hair.

Eve: So I've already kissed and made out with Albion. You can show him your naked body and let him touch it all over. But not the private area yet! You can care for him and sleep in the same bed. Masturbate in front of him. Tease him. Go on a date but no more than spending time together at home! No coffee dates or visiting romantic places! ALSO NEVER MAKE HIM CUM! I GET TO DO THAT FIRST! You know what I'll do to you if you take his firsts. And I will know. Besides that, you can also become his slave if you so desire.

Sylvia only then just noticed the collar and the magic crest hidden on the back of it.

Sylvia: He brought you?

Eve: No. I saved his life when he saved mine. But he was injured and poisoned. So I cared for him for a month and when we got back Jolene told us that others may try and hurt me if they didn't know I was an owned monster. That's why he claimed me. {He loves me so much. I'm his first. You're his second. You won't forget that!}

Sylvia: Oh. Well, thank you again. {That was so much more terrifying and easier than I ever thought! I was ready to beg on my knees!}

Eve: I'll make sure to tell Albion the rules. Because I know he will love me more and he won't take advantage of the distance that separates us.

Sylvia gave a slight bow. If this was a hierarchy Eve would be the main wife while Sylvia was the first concubine.


Sylvia smiled widely as Eve saw this smile. Smiling a bit too.

Eve: {She must be a good person if Albion likes her. She seems happy and probably really likes him if she came all the way here to ask for permission. Though… she's nothing like I would have pictured. That's good though. Albion doesn't have a type. He just loves me. Awww I miss you Albion. Though I may have given you permission, if more than 5 more people come to this door I'm going to start killing them.}

Eve smiled happily as she looked at Sylvia.