Ch 45 - Learning Of A New Technique

*Knock Knock*

The knocking on Albion's dorm room was heavy. Something loud. Albion sighed as he got up from his chair. That wasn't any normal knocking so it was most likely a noble that wanted to complain again. Albion left the work that was on his desk and walked to his door.

However, as she opened it, he was unexpectedly greeted by a large blue hand made of mana. One that lifted him off the floor and into the air. Teleporting away before he could even utter a single word. His door naturally closed and his light turned off with no motion sensed.

Scene Change

In the concrete basement of Sylvia's home, Albion appeared as he was held up in the air by the blue mana hand. Dropped down as he landed on his feet. Looking around as he saw Sylvia, looking over at her.

Albion: That's one way to say I'm back.

Sylvia looked panicked. Moving to Albion closer quickly.

Sylvia: You didn't forget the technique you made right?!

Albion: It's only been a week? {Also I can't forget.}

Sylvia could have been there and back in a day, however she wanted to take time off teaching and get away. Exploring nearby villages and towns. Reminiscing of her travels through the kingdom hundreds of years ago. But she quickly came back realising that she forgot to memorise the technique Albion made. Hoping he wouldn't forget it.

Sylvia: Please quickly use it! I really want to study it!

Albion looked at Sylvia as he smiled slightly. Missing her the week she was gone. Happy that she was back and interested in what he had made.

Albion: Ok ok ok.

Albion held out his hand as he made the magic sphere and activated it. A cage of lightning surrounded them as Sylvia looked around. Pulling a pencil and paper out of a small Spacial rift in the air. Quickly drawing the magic sphere and all the runes inside. Drawing a perfect copy of the magic he created. It was honestly more amazing that she managed to perfectly draw a three-dimensional object perfectly replicating the runes inside. Drawing a magic circle is much harder than making it with magic. The one Albion made even harder to draw as it was three-dimensional.

Sylvia: You can turn it off now.

With a gentle twist of Albion's wrist, it all disappeared. Albion looked at Sylvia looking and the paper. Sylvia standing back up.

Sylvia: So. It is Electro Cage. But it has 3 times the amount of runes needed than the regular spell.

Albion: So the regular Electo Cage needed all the runes?

Sylvia: Yes. You just need to arrange them in the correct order. However, you don't need to do that for all combination magic. Sometimes you may only need to remove and add a segment of the magic circle. The sub-spell in Lightning Bolt is a spell called wind current. It depends on compatibility and a variety of factors on what you need to do. Why what were you doing?

Albion: Ripping the spell to pieces and putting the pieces together.

Sylvia looked at Albion as she gave a slight giggle. Albion gave a slight blush.

Sylvia: No. All you need to do is have a base which is the Barrier spell. Then expand that base while implementing the runes for Static Shock. When you overlap the two spells it doesn't work because the structure of Static Shock interferes with the structure of Barrier. The two don't go hand in hand even if you make either one a sub spell. But your technique is… weird.

Albion: Unique. {It is a unique grade technique.}

Sylvia: Your technique can use the whole spell of each, even with contradicting structures. It seems to use will to pick the runes necessary runes to achieve the desired effect.

Sylvia stretched her arm out and a magic sphere came out. The same Electro Cage appeared.

Sylvia: It consumes a lot more magic. But because there are more magic circles the spell effect is much stronger. Mana flow however is much stronger.

Suddenly some runes disappeared from the sphere and the Electro Cage disappeared.

Sylvia: A minimum of 6 spells are needed. Hmmmm. I wonder if there's a maximum.

Suddenly more runes entered. Some different from Barrier and Static Shock. Albion knew the spell. When it activated a burst of flames and lightning surrounded them. Albion could only stare at Sylvia as she smiled. Completely in her element.

Sylvia: It makes combining spells much easier. In fact… it becomes effortless.

The spell was deactivated and reactivated but the spell was different. A large ball of flames and electric sparks surrounded by a barrier formed. Sylvia fired it out as it hit the wall and exploded with a massive powerful force. A shockwave boomed in the basement as sparks and flames exploded outward. But the wall was completely fine.

Sylvia: And one sphere with 3 different spells can form a multitude of different combinations. Even with 2 spells, you are able to create a varying amount. Overall it's an amazing technique but only useful for high-level mages that want to make complex combinations too advanced for the normal combination methods. It also requires a high mana capacity and clear thought for use. Besides that, it's actually relatively easy to use besides the mana consumption and picturing the spell's intricate connection. It's revolutionary. Albion, you really created something amazing!

Sylvia turned around to look at Albion but when he saw him all she could do was stare. He was completely stunned. She had just perfectly used something he had created a week ago. Understanding every single part of it in less than 10 minutes.

Albion: That… that was amazing. {That was a lot more than amazing.}

Sylvia blushed as Albion was being completely sincere about how amazed he was.

Sylvia: It… it wasn't anything like that. You're the one that made it.

Albion: Are you kidding? That was completely amazing! You were completely in your element. All I did was think of a circle as a sphere. You're the one who completely understood it. {That… That was so much more than amazing.}

Sylvia looked at Albion. Walking up to Albion as they looked at each other. Sylvia created the Electro Cage as they stared into each other's eyes.

Sylvia: You know I got an answer I'm happy with from your girlfriend. {Although delivered in the most terrifying manner.}

Albion: You did? {I wonder if she was serious about what she said.}

Sylvia: As long as I don't take your firsts you're fair game. In other words… Albion. Right now, I can make out with you.

Albion looked at Sylvia's crystal-white eyes. Their breaths were getting heavier. Their heart rates faster. Sparks literally and metaphorically flying around them.

Sylvia: Albion. Do you love me?

Albion: I… I can't say that yet. I do really like you though.

Sylvia placed her arms around Albion's back as she gently held his behind. Her lips were close to his ear and he could feel her breath. And hear her whisper.

Sylvia: Well I want you to love me. So I'm going to take advantage of your body. Stimulate you in ways that will make you love me. I may not be your first girlfriend but as long as I'm second I'm happy. Just… to have… you.

Sylvia gave a small squeeze to Albions behind as he perked up in shock. She gave a sly laugh as they both disappeared from the basement.

Scene change

Albion and Sylvia appeared in the air as Albion fell back onto the bed. Sylvia on top of him. Albion looked at her. She was beautiful. And she wanted him.

Sylvia: I've had a bit of a dry spell and I'm not going to use mana sense. So if I accidentally go overboard just voice it ok. I can hold my breath for a while so I don't want to accidentally kill the first person I really really love.

Albion gulped as Sylvia placed a hand gently on Albion's face. Albion only heard a few words from what she said. And all of them spelt his demise.

Albion: {She's… She's going to kill me?!}