Ch 49 - Dungeon Training (3)

Albion appeared in a large forest again. Similar to the last but somewhere completely different. Albion next to a crystal clear flowing river, glimmering in the sunlight. The blue sky open as the river was free from the cover of the forest trees. He heard birds chirping and saw butterflies around. But as he looked to his left saw something very different. Many Grey Dire Wolves all drinking from the river. But they all slowly stopped drinking as they looked at Albion. Locking eyes with him.

Albion: Damn.

Albion ran away as many grey wolves chased after him. There were about 20. A whole pack chasing him.

[To advance to the next floor kill 10 wolves.]


Albion kept running as he had a magic sphere appear, the magic sphere staying still and leaving as he kept on running.

Barrier + Water Ball + Fireball

A circular barrier formed as Albion formed a barrier around himself. The sphere cracked with the wolves running close and past it. The barrier exploded into super-heated steam as the wolves howled and rolled around in pain. The steam explosion was so hot the water in their eyes cooked. Their skin under their fur was scalded. They all rolled around along the floor in pain. Howling as they suffered. Multiple magic circles of fireballs appeared as they all fired at the wolves. Killing all 20 of them.

Albion looked around as glowing blue lines formed around his body. Looking at the lines that formed around him like veins. Glowing a bright blue that it showed through his clothes.

Albion: {So these are the Mana Lines. Sylvia did say my new technique consumed more mana. And I've only been using it to its bare minimum of six circles. So that's 6, 12, 18 add the 20 Fireballs. 38 spells in less than 10 minutes. Oh no 40 with the heal and purify. And then I was using the new Weapon Mana and also Body Mana... Wow. I think that's the most mana I've ever used. More than when I purified most of the village when I was younger. No wonder the mana lines are appearing. I was using a lot of mana quickly.}


[Do you want to move up to the next floor?]

Albion: {It said wolves. So maybe there's a White Dire Wolves here. I would like to fight that before going up to the next floor. But there's also that bonus task when I killed 50 goblins. I wonder what would summon if I killed that many. No… I should understand the mistake I've currently made before moving to the other floors. I nearly died on the first floor.} I forfeit my current position.

Albion immediately disappeared and reappeared outside the white tower. Around the tower, it was still busy as people kept on entering it. Albion sheaving his sword as he thought about what he should do next.

Albion: If I remember correctly C class is about enhancing their technique and mana control. If I move up it would be beneficial for both my swordsmanship and magic. I should probably move up class before the second year starts too.

Albion spoke to himself as he walked off to the training area. Ready to try and move up to his next swordsmanship class.

Scene change

Albion was currently standing in front of the hay dummy. He didn't need to go through all of them, however, he wanted to see if they were all easier to do than the last time he did this. Albion did a drawing slice as he easily cut the hay dummy in two. The hay from the fallen half quickly moved and reattached itself to the main body of the dummy. The complex magic circle to fix the dummies after they broke.

Moving onto the wooden dummy he activated his Weapon Mana. Slicing through that with ease. It felt even easier than when he did it with Body Mana. The cut was cleaner. The wood on the inside smooth. Similar to when you sand down a surface. Easy like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Albion: Now for the make or break. Literally.

Albion smiled as he walked up to the stone dummy. The one he previously failed on in a spectacular manner. Holding his sword with both hands. He didn't just feel comfortable with this training sword. It felt no different from his actual arm. When the Weapon Mana coursed through the sword it felt like an extension of his actual arm. Just like mana felt when he used Mana Lines to control Mana in his elemental affinities. Albion turned on his Body Mana as he looked intensely at the dummy.

Albion took a deep breath. Clearing his mind. Everything was quiet. Albion could hear everything. The wind, his heartbeat, his tightening grip on the sword, others practising on the grounds. He acknowledged his entire surroundings. One with his sword in one clean movement, he sliced diagonally down. His sword didn't break. The dummy, the top piece of it slid off as it was cleanly cut in two. Albion looked as he smiled widely.


Lily: Well done sweetie! Try the next one!

Albion smiled as Lily appeared to cheer him on. Waking over to the next dummy. It was solid metal. The dummy you had to cut to move onto class B. Albion didn't know what metal it was but if there were people in class A and B it had to be achievable. Albion did the same thing. Taking a deep breath, using his Weapon Mana he cut diagonal down. But on contact with the dummy the metal sword even with his mana covering the blade. It broke. One-half of the sword fell on the floor. And the dent that formed on the dummy fixing itself.

Albion: *Sigh* Well at least I moved up by one. I wonder how I'll know where to go and what time the lessons are. Ahh, I'll probably get a new timetable. Wait… do I have to pay for the sword? This wasn't a test but me doing it by myself… Ermmmm.

Albion placed the sword next to the dummy. Looking at the two broken pieces. Looking around… and walking away.

Lily: You did well sweetie.

Lily said walking next to Albion.

Albion: Thanks, mum.

Lily: Not Mommy?

Albion: Do… Do I have to?

Lily: In age, you're still not old enough not to.

Albion: *Sigh*

Albion had a big smile as he faced Lily walking next to him.

Albion: Thanks, mommy.

Lily had a massive smile on her face. Holding Albion's hand. Though he tried to grow up… it was very hard to stop calling her mommy. It was forced when he didn't. Lily was his mommy after all. She looked after him, breastfed him when he was younger, changed him, cleaned him, taught him, and loved him. As much as he didn't want to. He secretly liked calling Lily mommy.

Lily: That's my boy!

Albion and Lily walked home together. Again holding hands as they did. A familiar feeling in Albion's heart as he walked with her. He liked walking with her, back to a place he could call home.