Ch 51 - End Of First Year

Albion was standing outside the city with Sylvia. It was the end of the first year and Albion only had a couple of days before the start of the second year. But in those few days, he was going to see his parents.

Albion: So are you going to break one of those stones?

Sylvia: Stones? Oh, the Waypoint Stones! No, you live on the edge of the kingdom. There's no teleportation hub to use it to. Plus they're really expensive and even if I wanted to make my own, I prefer a different method of travel where I won't throw up. However, this will also double down as another lesson for you.

Albion: What is that?

Albion looked at Sylvia with a puzzled face. Sylvia smiled widely as she looked at him.

Sylvia: How to fly!

A magic circle appeared and disappeared below Sylvia's feet as she hugged Albion. Again grabbing his behind. A pointed barrier surrounded them as they quickly exploded upwards as Albion hugged Sylvia tight in fright. Completely shocked from flying so high in the air in an instant. She smiled at his surprise as they flew away. Sylvia gently hugged Albion while flying. Breaking multiple sound barriers as they flew into the distance.

Scene change

After arriving home. The trip took a day. Sylvia and Albion camped together in the woods. Sylvia hugged Albion in their sleep due to the cold air of the forest. They both arrived at Albion's home as the sun was rising.

*Knock Knock Knock*

The door opened as Albion and Sylvia were standing in front of Albion's home. Souvee looked at Albion as she gave him a big hug. Lifting him off the floor.


Albion didn't really have a choice. Souvee carried him in her tight hug to the living room.

Albion: {Being dragged away feels like a pattern now.}

Albion looked back at Sylvia who was giggling looking at Albion. 


Alekia and Eve were already in the living room. Sitting down on what seemed to be a new couch eating breakfast which was buttered bread and this world's version of ham, though it wasn't sliced but shredded. But Albion looked at the couch. His home had changed. He knew it was new because this was the first thing with cushions in their home.

Alekia: We heard. You announced it to everyone in the village.

Eve looked at Sylvia as she waved with a small smile. Souvee placed Albion down on a chair at the table as Sylvia and Eve sat on both sides of him. Alekia moved from the couch to the table. Eve already began clinging onto him as Albion hugged and kissed her.

Albion: I missed you.

Eve: I missed you too.

Eve gently rested her head on Albion as Albion looked at his father.

Alekia: But why are you back? You don't have long till the second year starts, do you?

Albion: I just wanted to come back and say hi. I wanted to see you all in person instead of through a glass ball.

Albion and Eve made eye contact as she grinned. Albion knew exactly what was on her mind.

Sylvia: He also wanted to introduce me!

Sylvia said excitedly and with a smile. Finally getting to meet Albion's parents.

Albion: Yes. This is Sylvia. Head of magic studies at Aragon Boarding School, my master and also… my second girlfriend.

There was a silence in the room as Albion's parents looked at Albion in shock. Eve gave a little smile and giggled. Both Albion's parents looked at Eve as it confused them even more.

Alekia: I assume… when Souvee told me someone came round to speak to Eve… it was about this.

Alekia looked at Eve and expected an answer.

Eve: Yep. And I'm all fine with it kikiki. Actually, I encourage it. It is normal for someone to have more than one partner. In both goblin and human culture. We've set rules and as long as she sticks to those in completely fine kikiki. Though I'll limit him to only 5 more if more come around. {I don't want too much of his love to be taken away from me. But Albion wouldn't do that anyway.}

Alekia and Souvee: {7 GIRLFRIENDS?!}

Sylvia looked at the parents in shock and decided to introduce herself.

Sylvia: So let me introduce myself. I'm Sylvia. Pure elf. 8th circle Mage. Blind. A bit over 500 years old. And someone who really loves your son.

Albion: {What's an 8th circle?}

Alekia: Wait… did you say over 500 years old.

Sylvia: 532 if we're being exact.


Souvee looked at Abion and he didn't seem surprised by this number. Which surprised her even more.

Alekia: *Ahem* You… you realise there's a significant age gap between you two.

Albion & Sylvia: We realise.

Souvee: Like… 523 years.

Sylvia: Wait… that… {That would make him… 9… HE'S JUST 1 YEAR OVER THE LEGAL LIMIT! HIM! ALBION! There's no way… LOOK AT HIM! THAT IS NOT A 9-YEAR-OLD! HE DOESN'T ACT LIKE IT EITHER!… Ahh, what's the difference? I thought he was 16. The age gap would have still been massive anyway.} I realise that. {Now at least.}

Souvee: You're also old enough to be our parents.

Sylvia: How old are you guys?

Souvee: A little over a hundred.

Sylvia: Woah. That's nice. Finding love so early in life.

Souvee: I… I guess it was. He's one of the best things that's happened to me.

Alekia looked at Souvee and gently touched her touched. Holding her hand underneath the table as this family was the best thing that had happened to him.

Sylvia: Then… please let Albion be one of the best things that happened to me.

Both Alekia and Souvee looked at each other and back at Albion. Then towards Eve who was just happy clinging onto Albion. Albion clinging onto her as well. They then looked at Sylvia.

Alekia: Fine. Albion. 

Albion looked at his father.

Alekia: You have my permission to date anyone you want. As long as it's legal I think you can make your own decisions. Just… be aware of your situation.

Souvee: I agree with your father. You'll live a lot longer than many species. Be careful not to hurt yourself by falling in love with someone that you won't be able to see after 100 years. Sylvia… if you wanted our permission you have it.

Sylvia clung onto Albion as she smiled.

Souvee: {I… I don't think our sons going to be able to survive when it comes to the bed. Especially not if there is more.}

Alekia: {YOU GO MY BOY! I was never the one with the ladies before your mother… BUT YOU GO! Wait… I'm going to have so many grandchildren! Awwww! More baby Albions. I wonder if they'll grow up just as fast.}

Alekia seemed a lot less worried and more happy than Souvee but Souvee also seemed happy in her own way.

Eve: Albion, Sylvia. Please come with me… we have a lot to discuss kikiki.

Eve hopped off the chair as they all suspiciously left the table and the room. Entering Albions room. Sylvia put a thick opaque barrier around the room. Pushing Albion on the bed as Eve jumped on him. Sylvia getting on the bed also on top of him.

Albion: Erm. Guys?

Eve: You have a lot of catching up to do with me.

Sylvia: And an opportunity to make out as violently as we're about to, only gets more violent when there are 3 of us.

Albion: {I… I'm going to die here aren't I.}

Albion saw his life flashing before his eyes as Sylvia already had better lungs than him. Topped with Eve, he definitely wouldn't be able to breathe.

Sylvia: Oh! Eve, I know some spells that could make this a lot more fun!


Sylvia: Oh my god I have so much that could make this more fun. So so many spells.

Eve looked at Sylvia as she began to rub up and down on Albion. Both looked like they were in heat. Desperate for what they were about to do to Albion.

Eve: I think I already love you kikiki!

They both had a seductive, sly but at the same time terrifying smile. Fear caused Albion to get slightly hard as Eve and Sylvia licked their lips.

Albion: {I'm dead.}