Ch 68 - Tournament (3)

After a win in his second round. An easy win Albion might add. He was now sat with on of the most important people in Aragon and potentially the world. A small scrawny boy that looked like a kid compared to Albion. And also seemed extremely intimidated. The 3rd Prince of Aragon sat right next to Albion. Albion noticed all the stares from many others sitting next to him. All when Arthur came and sat next to him.

Albion: I understand you want to be friends. By nearly getting yourself killed you barely managed to express that. But why does the 3rd prince want to be friends with me? And what do you mean other nobles don't hate me?

Albion looked around, specifically at everyone around him, those who were glaring at him. But when he looked at them they turned away. Almost not wanting to get caught glaring in his direction.

Albion: They all seem to hate me. Most would probably jump at the opportunity to hurt me because they can't seem to get a rise out of me verbally.