Ch 71 - A New Pet

Albion had taken Opal to the city market that was hundreds of times busier than the markets at his home villag. So many more stalls and street vendors. Actual buildings of shops. The shopping only made all the more easier since Opal could talk. So Albion let Opal choose the collar she would want to wear. Exploring many of the market before Opal found something she really liked. Something she considered perfect. Albion buying it door her and heading back home. Adoring his pet every step of the way.

[Familiar Collar (Unique)

1. When placed on a monster or magical being with its consent the entity becomes permanently tied to the owner.

2. The collar changes with the entities size.

3. The collar increases the entities MP by 20%.

4. If willed to, both the entity and owner can know the location of each other.

5. The familiar gains the skill Dragons Fear (B) - The familiar can exclude a dragon like aura.]