Ch 112 - Shard (1)

It was the last day before Albion, Eve and Opal would go on the expedition to Shard. On the last day, they would sleep on a comfortable bed. All sleeping together before their long, but hopefully fun expedition. Opal decided to stay as a cat while they slept, in between both Eve and Albion's warm bodies. She wanted to make the night they would have together even more special. So she didn't want to sleep in her Beast Kin form yet. She preferred sleeping in her cat form and Albion accepted that without issue. He found her soft in her cat form and all Opal could feel was how nice it was that Albion was accepting the love he had. Opal cuddling into him more.

Albion had a love for multiple women. The fact they wanted this or were fine with it was relieving. There was a comfort in it. Holding both Opal and Eve in his arms as he slept. So in accepting Opal. A third lover. He felt something slowly get better. As if he could accept the feelings he felt for others more.