Ch 119 - Shard (8)

The Arachnid Queen was terrified as Albion's manic laughter and mana shook the whole mountain completely unlike hers. He wasn't showing off the amount of mana he had. That his Mana Lines would recover his mana a lot faster than any living creature. The more mana he used the more he recovered. With his Dragon Heart, that made a perfect synergy. But even with his rapidly reviving mana, he was exhausted. Too exhausted to even be angry at the Arachnid Queen. Yet Albion was genuinely finding this whole situation hilarious. Enough energy left to laugh and find all of it hilarious.

Albion: I can't believe all my efforts were in vain. This entire fight. My last-minute growth. Exhausting my entire body and breaking it. All for nothing. I didn't just think I was just saving Opal, Eve and Freya. But anyone else who was on the expedition quest. Anyone that entered Shard before us. But to think they were all already dead. I… I'm completely exhausted and I've achieved nothing.