Ch 147 - An Understanding

After the execution, the was naturally a time of mourning. The execution was announced to set an example. That those that betrayed the hard-working people, wouldn't be accepted. Despite how coldly Soka performed her duties as the queen, she naturally had time for mourning. But that didn't last long. She knew she couldn't be seen as weak while her people were in such dire times. Despite the monsters being kept outside the wall, just the attacks had been affecting Tera. Trade routes to Primal had been shut off and trade that needed to operate had to take route through Aragon. Prices increased for jewels but also materials related to blacksmithing. Making the war effort much harder without a secure supply of resources.

However, despite the problems, there had been nothing but peace a few days after the execution. There were no more attacks from monsters. No more assassinations. Not even small attacks of weak monsters. Completely peaceful.