Ch 151 - War On The Inside (3)

The 12 vampires were all powerful in their own right. Stronger than any B-rank adventurer Albion had met. Their speed, their strength, their mana and skill were all top class in their rank. Albion before his magic tattoos may have struggled before. He may have needed to use Body Mana or even an elemental version of it. However, with who Albion was now, they were not Albion's opponents. Seamlessly dodging their claws without the use of Body Mana. He effortlessly weaved and avoided all of their strikes. With his magic tattoos, he was much faster and Albion was much lighter on his feet as he sharply dodged their attacks. Minimal movement was required as he tracked their claws and movements with his one good eye. Not letting them take advantage of his blind spot and using mana sense just in case.