Ch 163 - Forgiveness

The family had been walking for a couple of days. Alexia was surprisingly prepared for camping outside and it showed just how well-versed he was at being an adventurer. Tura may have been too big for tents, but Albion found a way. Creating a large hut of roots and using his Mana Lines to manipulate Nature, creating a small bed she could lie on. Prepared he also gave her a blanket and pillow. But after walking so long, they finally made it to the edge of the Elven Kingdom Tera. 

But when they made it to the edge, Albion, Eve, Opal and Freya were met with a very familiar face. Looking at the guard who looked up shocked at Tura, but somehow more shocked by Albion. Looking at him as if he saw a unicorn. 

A very real, but incredibly rare species of magical creature.

???: Wait. Your…

Albion: Are you going to need my Adventurers license again?