Ch 173 - A Surprise

Albion had been flying back with Eve and Opal in his arms, and Tura had been following Albion with Freya in hers. They had traveled a long distance fast and the sun started to set on the day just as they were about to arrive back home. Albion landed on the long grass, placing down Eve as Opal laid on her shoulder happy Eve her best friend was no longer in her heat period much to Albion's dismay. Tura landed hard on the ground as it cracked beneath her feet, but Freya gracefully stepped down. 

But they weren't just standing in front of their home normally. Normal people wouldn't normally stare at their house looking in awe at it. Both in awe and amazed. Surprised and shocked at the same time. All besides Tura who looked at the house confused, expecting something much different.

Eve: Are you sure we're at the right place kikiki?