They've returned

"Thank you for your grace, your lordship" The feminine voice was heard before the voices were gone.

However, following her words, a shiver went through the spines of many within the planet. They knew what was to come, and it was usually worse than any ordinary parademon attack.

"They dare interfere with Lord Darkseid, I shall show them no mercy!!" Goodness shouted in anger as she stormed through the castle grounds.


"Water, check, trees, check, planetary resource replenshment, on its way... I think i am done here then" Maxwell thought as he looked down at the planet again.

It had returned to the beautiful planet he had seen before the parademons destroyed it. It wasn't fully restored yet but the bulk of the work was done

"Now for planetary defence." He thought as he looked at the many asteroids that were left over after his creation and rebuilding.

With a single thought, many of them were reduced to nothing but black sand as usual, which he immediately directed toward the planet.

Everywhere the sand gathered and passed, a new machine or device could be seen in its location. Some of them were large enough to match skyscrapers in height alone, while the others were small enough to fit within a small house.

Beside each of these machines were two platforms, each one depending on the machine it was beside. It could either be as big as a house or just small enough that it looked like a really big travelling bag.

The many satellites he had initially designed were immediately turned to dust and remade for the purpose of defence.

He didn't need some miracle to be told that Apokalip's army would soon descend on him. It was common sense that the planet's resources may be insignificant compared to what it consumed after each war.

However, that little could spell the difference between the monstrous planet maintaining its heat or entering a state of eternal cold.

He had destroyed their machine that supplied them with energy so of course, they would return and weirdly though, he wanted them to do so.

Darkseid wouldn't be with them in this combat but he knew that the Furies, Kalibak, Dasaad, Granny Goodness and the likes will surely rear up their heads within it.

If Zax's people gave him a fighting chance, then he wanted to be a beacon to all that they could survive an Apokalips attack and even win.

He had set his mind to it, he had no use going to Earth. He will make his home here and from his home, he will destroy the other party be he a god or not.

Hours went by as he calculated the best angles for defence within the planet, at the same time, his mind invented new forms of defences as he went on.

Before he knew, Maxwell was floating before a massive 'iron fortress'. The planet looked the same, but there were no more blind spots within its defences.

With a smile on his face, Maxwell descended into the planet's atmosphere. The air he met was even fresher than when the parademon had killed himself.

There may be no birds and the likes which made the planet eerie to stay within but with time, more creatures will come along.

"Activate!" Maxwell shouted as a soft hum was heard all around the planet.

Looking at its source, which was the many tiny metal balls that had formed a blanket all over the planet. Looking at it now, Maxwell could see some form of energy field that appeared above each and every single one of them.

This formed a massive blue-ish blanket all over the planet that soon turned transparent. Looking at it, Maxwell's smile got wider as he knew that his defences were now mostly complete.

However, looking even higher above, beyond the replacement moon, he had created. He finally saw it. The Boomtube.

They were back, but the smile on his face refused to go away, instead, it grew even larger.