
With a smile on his face, Maxwell focused on the most pressing matter for now: defense. Well, to be more specific, he didn't know much about the solar system around him.

Life existed on Drusia, and from here, he could see a yellow sun and about three moons, but that was all. He knew nothing about the nearby planets.

Creating a giant drone, Maxwell sent it out of the planet to conduct a simple surveillance mission. It was the size of a pet carrier, but almost as soon as it passed the atmosphere, it divided into several smaller drones no bigger than his fist.

Soon after, they blasted off into the distance, each going their separate ways to scan the solar system he was in.

Considering the sheer amount of technology within the drones, it wasn't long before Maxwell was able to receive feedback from them.

At the moment, a floating holographic screen could be seen in front of him. It was used to showcase the map of the solar system as it was being created.

The map was updated by almost a thousand kilometers every second. With the sun at the center, Maxwell could count around twelve planets within this solar system.

He couldn't provide a comparison for the size of the sun since he didn't know the exact size of Earth's sun, but its influence was definitely larger.

About three of those planets inhabited the Goldilocks zone in a fairly stable manner. All three planets would eventually crash into each other due to their proximity, but that would take billions of years to happen.

Drusia was one of those planets; the other two were not yet explored since the drones were still busy mapping out the solar system.

This included every asteroid, black hole (if they ever found one), anomalies, etc. Knowing they would be done in at most an hour, Maxwell wasn't in a rush.

Instead, he turned to the planet. There was only one city, and he could already see where things were going. It was almost impossible to defend oneself against the forces of Darkseid.

Hence, a person or a planet that does so automatically becomes a special being or planet in the eyes of the entire universe.

He didn't need to have future sight or omniscience to tell that, given a bit more time, the refugees of the universe would begin flooding here.

He would say he wanted to be alone, but unfortunately, he wanted them to come. His new goal, or temporary goal for now, was to mess with Darkseid as much as possible.

He didn't know if his current self was enough to match Darkseid or if he was more powerful, but the end result remained the same.

Darkseid was too important to the universe, so he couldn't kill him. However, frustrating the God of Evil is a whole different situation on its own.

To do that, he needed to have people under him, and what was the best way to do that if not to accept the refugees and willing relocators?


"I think I am fit enough for such a title, aren't I?" Maxwell replied to the New Box.

Even as a hat, it still had its own will and could still communicate with him, pointing out the fact that, as more time passed, he would eventually become the leader of this planet and many more in the future.

Maxwell himself wasn't shying away from such a title. Who didn't want to bear such a title in their lifetime? It may have been impossible back on Earth, but here, he would gladly take up such responsibility.


"Oh, shut it, your standards are just too high," Maxwell replied before focusing on the important things before him.