Chapter 103 Greatly Bother Me

"She is gluttonous!" Morava spat.

Marcus growled menacingly.

"Please don't take it personally, Your Highness." Morava sucked in a sharp breath, as if very upset, and glanced at the documents on the table. "Even we didn't expect her to be so low. But, Your Highness, as a woman of royal pedigree, as a person who has been born and brought up in an environment that was full of games of thrones, I have a small piece of advice." She paused. The silence stretched for a few heavy moments. "You shouldn't have come personally to wage war for her. Coming over here for a sla—" she bit her tongue. "I mean Lara, wasn't the right strategy for a mighty king like you. You are the king of Draka and she is not even worth a grain of dirt…"