Morava lowered her hands to her lap and she shook her head as she laughed.
"In case Lara manages to free herself from the Nyxers, do you think she would not take the opportunity to carry two trunks of gold with her? And if she does so, I have another plan backed up. I will tarnish her reputation of being so greedy that she agreed to be a whore for the Nyxers."
"And how would you prove that?"
"The gold coins would bear the mark of the Hydra kingdom, wouldn't they? The moment they arrive at the market, I will trace her location and expose her. Biham will be the first one to kill her! And by that time, you will be married off to Marcus!" Sirrah said with a low snarl. "She and her mother had done enough damage to me. It needs to be stopped."
"But won't Marcus know of her absence sooner, if not later?" Morava remarked. "Also, Lara is not the greedy kind.