Chapter 149 Careful Tania

Taiyi was extremely excited to see Tania. She held her hand and guided her inside the palace. "I saw you translating the arcana. Do you really know ancient languages?" she asked as they walked over the beach, their boots crunching the sand.

"Yes," she replied in a low voice, still absorbing her surroundings. Tania noticed that Taiyi was not wearing any footwear and she walked on the sand very comfortably. "I can read up to seven ancient languages."

Taiya's eyebrows hit her hairline. "That is remarkable!" she said. "And which one do you like the best?"

"Isgash," Tania chuckled. "It is the easiest."

Taiyi laughed at Tania's innocence and downright honesty. Had it been someone else, they would have boasted about the toughest language they knew.