Upon command, the lance erupted with an intense energy, forming a pulsating beam of searing brilliance. This ethereal beam extended far into the heavens, powerful enough to pierce through celestial bodies and rend the fabric of space itself. 

The beam was almost as powerful as the Apostle's Swords of Justice or even more.

My right hand took on the form of a conjured shield, adorned with intricate markings depicting a majestic and fierce wolf. The shield resonated with an ancient power, seemingly channeling the strength and loyalty of a thousand warrior wolves. 

Its surface seemed to ripple with a mystical energy that could repel any assault from the most formidable of adversaries. The shield was also as powerful as the Apostle's Shields of Justice or even more.


"Wow, this magic is almost like the Shield and Sword conjured by the Apostles", Chash said to us.

"What Tesseracts did you waste to enhance your magic?" Ratatouille asked me.

Rinna walked toward me and touched my forehead. She scanned the realm of my Valhalla space to check before she informed us.

"Three Tesseracts are missing from your Valhalla crux, The Tesseract of Rising Tides, The Tesseract of Desert and the Tesseract of the Seas", Rinna told me.

"Damn, that enhancement took away almost all my Tesseracts", I said to her.

"You couldn't activate these Tesseracts, they are a waste inside the Valhalla space", Rinna replied to me.

"What are the three Tesseracts?" Meera asked me.

"The Tesseract of the Seas, I obtained in my previous life from a turtle god. The Tesseract of Rising Tides was once a powerful Trident that I found in the seas of the Aqour realm and the Tesseract of the Desert, I believe, once belonged to the Demon Queen who summoned pillars of shields in the desert of Arrakis before I killed her", I informed them.

"The Trident of Rising Tides have formed the basis of enhancing your new projectile skill, while the other two Tesseracts augmented your shield skill, the Shields of Quiescent", Spellmaster told me.

The Tesseracts in my Valhalla Crux augmented both my skills, a lance projection and a powerful shield.

"Where did you learn to manipulate magic like these?" I asked Spellmaster.

I wondered where Spellmaster learned to combine my templar magic and his strange tattoo magic, but his method was way more advanced than those on this continent.

"From a different world where magic reigns Supreme", he replied to me.

"How did you end up on Ouamua, a world with so little magic?" Rinna asked him.

I first met Spellmaster in my previous life where he was already a powerful Spellmaster who could craft tattoos that cast magic spells, but his magic was far inferior to the templars in this world.

"That is a long story which I would not want to bore you", he said to us.

Obviously, Spellmaster was entitled to some secrets, and we didn't want to pry further.

"Well, I should go and try the skill out a bit", I told them.

"What will you call your shield and lance?" Spellmaster asked me.

I thought about the matter for a while, and I would like to thank Spellmaster who made the magic for me and another friend that we've lost.

"The Shield of Vukodlak and the Lance of Drakul", I told him as tears started to flow from his eyes when he heard about it.

The names of my magical shield and lance would commemorate the Bestest Best Friends Forever, Drakul and Vukodlak a.k.a Spellmaster.

In my previous life, Drakul and Spellmaster were inseparable friends. Drakul died at the hands of the Apostle and the best way to honor the friendship between the two, was to name my new templar skills after them.


"Husband, you are back and as usual I am the last person you visit", Queen Mistral said to me and complained.

"There is a reason. I need to see Spellmaster first", I replied to my queen.

When I came to this kingdom, it was enslaved by a race of aliens that we called Orcs. Mistral was a young girl at that time, one of the pretty archers in the human resistance against the orcs.

I treated Mistral like a sister to me, but she became obsessed with me after she was brain-washed by my enemy, Maluva, an Incarnate of Aluva, the Black Bishop of the Church of Nerakah.

I became the Incarnate of the Dark Angel also because of her because she put the Dark Angel curse on me which she planned to turn me into a monster, the Vortex Beast. Instead, I inherited the soul of the Dark Angel instead.

Mistral was the true heir of the Nyx kingdom, we later discovered but she was killed by me accidentally. Later, I created a magic doll that hosted her soul, reviving her as an Immortal Queen but her body was made from wood and magical ingredients.

"What is the matter, Minister Vukodlak?" Queen Mistral asked Spellmaster.

"Your majesty, the king has found a way to revive your body with the Immortal Essence of the Anti-Saints", Spellmaster told the Queen whose eyes lit up in joy.

"Do you mean I can become human again?" Mistral asked him.

"Not as a human although you will have the body of a human", he replied to her.

"You mean I can be revived as a Golem like Orion's other women?" Mistral asked him.

Both Cassandra and Meera were killed but eventually, I revived them with the Immortal Essence of the Anti-Saints, turning them into Immortal Golem which were in effect, indistinguishable from most people, while also granting them the powers of the Anti-Saints.

"Unfortunately, I can no longer cast the Rainbow Enigma flame that can create a Golem", I said to Mistral.

I learned the ability to create a Golem in the city of Umana, but I could do so because my magic was kooky. At that time, my templar magic was influenced by chaos causing all my magic to be chaotic and my casting go wrong most of the time. 

However, the chaos in my magic also enabled me to cast a forging flame that was impossible to achieve by others, after several failed tries, the Rainbow Enigma. 

With this flame, I could craft a Golem body.

"Then I can't have a living body again?" Mistral asked disappointedly.

"Your situation is not like the Golems, rather it is similar to the Chief Scientist's situation", Spellmaster told us.

"Like Sara's situation?" I asked him.

"Sara has an understanding of magic that is advanced and incomprehensible to me, she created her own resurrection with the Immortal Essence of the Anti-Saint. Your majesty requires external help to achieve that", Spellmaster told Mistral.

"What do I need?" Mistral asked him.

"The King obtained the treasures of the Church of All-seeing in Starri city. After checking the treasures, I found something that may help your majesty's conditions, the Chalice of Perpetuity", Spellmaster told us.

"What is the Chalice of Perpetuity?" Queen Mistral asked us.

"The Chalice of Perpetuity belongs to the apostles. When they use it during battle, even if they are killed and their body destroyed completely, their bodies would be reborn with the magic of the Chalice", I told her.

"But my body is long gone. This is only a puppet made from wood", she told us about her body.

"It is possible to rebuild your body if we have just a tiny drop of your blood", Spellmaster told her.

"But blood no longer flows in my body?", Mistral asked us.

"Actually, there is some blood of yours flowing in me", I told Mistral to her surprise.

"How can that be?" she asked me.

"Remember when Maluva manipulated your mind and made you pretend to be Eirot on our wedding night, some of your bloods were transfused into me, which gave me the Royal Nyx magic", I told her.

"I am sorry, I still regret doing that", she said to me.

Mistral and I had a complicated history.

During my wedding to my first wife, Eirot, she was taken by the Apostles without my knowing. 

Mistral was under the influence and curse of Maluva at that time and she turned into Eirot's appearance to sleep with me, consuming our marriage. It was at that time, a part of Mistral's blood was transfused into me.

"So, my body can be rebuilt again, from that blood that I gave to you?" Mistral asked me.

"That is possible, with the Chalice of Perpetuity and the Immortal Essence of the Anti-Saint", Spellmaster told the Queen.

I obtained seven Immortal Essences from the Seven Deadly Sins in their temple during a previous adventure. All the essences were already taken by someone, but I reserved one last essence for Mistral. 

However, at that time, I lost the ability to craft golem, so I couldn't help Mistral then. But I do now, after I obtained the treasures of the Church.


In the grand halls of the palace, skilled shamans meticulously crafted an intricate pattern, embellishing it with the brilliance of magic crystals, stones, and pearls. This elaborate design constituted a mystical array intended to breathe life back into the Immortal Queen.

Queen Mistral strode confidently into the heart of this enchanting array, cradling an orb in her left hand, which held the essence of an immortal, and in her right hand, the Chalice of Perpetuity. 

I, too, entered the sacred circle alongside Mistral, a participant in the profound ritual of magic.

Suddenly, the ornate drawings on the palace floor burst into radiant illumination, as the ink lifted into the air, swirling around us.